Tap Night

Apr 06, 2006 23:54

There's tons of noise outside, and it's been going on for the past several hours. There are people everywhere doing really stupid and/or strange stuff, like being led blindfolded through Old Campus, doing the hokey pokey, screaming on and on for no reason, and (telephone) pole dancing on Elm St. dressed only in lingerie. It's not just partying though, though I'm sure there's also some of that going on. Tonight is Tap Night. Tonight is the night when about ten percent of the junior class will be tapped to join a secret society, like Book and Snake, Scroll and Key, Berzelius, St. Anthony's Fire, Elihu, and yes, the ever infamous Skull and Bones.

Housing has been decided. We got E34, which isn't bad; it was our second pick. However, I am a bit annoyed that the other suite on this floor chose K41 instead of E24. I had asked them right after they picked why they picked that; they said it was a bit bigger, which it turns it isn't really. In fact, now they regret having picked K41 over E24. Not only is it farther away from other friends, but apparently some people they really hate live on the floor below them.
On a related note, only two weeks of class left!

Here are some pictures of various stuff, including some of the Tap Night festivities, which are still going on as I write:

Saybrook College (my college) after a blizzard a month ago.

Blindfolds, masks, hoods, and spandex.

More blindfolding, with High Street Gate in the background.

The blindfolded having been assembled on Old Campus.

What are they supposed to be? -- outside of Cross Campus.

One group of hooded people at the entrance of Sterling (the main library).

The hokey pokey.

Cross Campus Library, which is underground. Note the ugly modernist style. CCL is going to be renovated this May and will be turned into a Collegiate Gothic building.

Part of the L-Dub courtyard (dorms for Saybrook and Pierson freshmen). The door in the middle is the entrance to my entryway.

Considering how prestigious and exclusive these secret societies are supposed to be, it really reminds me of nothing more than Halloween plus juvenile fun. So next time you think of Skull and Bones, don't think of the massive tomb; just think of these pictures.
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