Mar 02, 2007 23:00
Thank God this week is over. Mid-terms were this week, and they about killed me. Well one in particular. I only had tests in three of my five classes, but there were four parts total. Tuesday I was assigned the first part of my Programming test. This part was take-home, and I was looking forward to a few easy programs. Come to find out that the programs were very hard. I spent 3 hours on Tuesday night writing code to make a GPA calculator. By Tuesday night I still didn't have any working code. I was kind of aggravated.
Wednesday, I had two tests, and they went fine. One was easier than I thought it would be, and the other was harder. Overall, I think I did average on both. Now it was time to finish those pesky programs. I think it was about 7:00 p.m. when I started up again. I finally finished both programs around 5:00 a.m. Granted, there were a few distractions and Xbox breaks, but they totaled no more than an hour. That brings the grand total to somewhere over 12 hours. It was long and grueling, but it sure was rewarding.
I slept until about 8:30, then woke up and went to the easiest class ever: billiards. He talks about one subject every class for ten minutes at most. Today was a lecture about the 'rotation' game type. You have to hit the lowest numbered ball on the table, and each ball is worth the number of points on the ball (e.g. the fifteen ball is worth 15 points.)
Then I came grabbed some McDonald's for breakfast, then proceeded to sleep as long as possible. At 2:30, I woke up and played some Rainbow Six, then I needed to get Casey to the stadium so he could get his truck. I had my second midterm at 4:00, so we had to hurry. We turn on to third street, and what do we see? A long line of cars. Long story short, I was ten minutes late for the midterm. I got it finished though. That's all that matters.
Needless to say I wanted to unwind. I thought I would just watch some movies, play some 360, and that would be it. Alix, my former roommate, had something else in mind. He showed up with a six pack of Mike's. I had absolutely no objection. For anyone who doesn't know, I'm somewhat of a lightweight. I got tipsy pretty quick. Alix and Casey (my neighbor soon to be roommate) wanted to go to Alix's house to get some more alcohol. I went with them. We got back and started watching a movie. Then we played 360. Events may not be in order. Then, Casey disappeared. I wondered where he went, but was really to drunk to think very long about it.
After few minutes (or what I thought was a few minutes), someone came by the room and said there were strange noises coming from our friend Dani's room. Someone went down there, and realized someone was having sex. Someone mentioned it to Alix, and he went ballistic. He ran towards Dani's room and knocked on the door as loud as he could. My roommate Dwight and some other kid on the floor were trying to keep him off of the door. We dragged him back to my room and held him down on the floor until he calmed down. He was still livid, and decided he needed to go out for a run. Bad idea. I was drunk too, but I had to follow him. We probably ran about half a mile.
We walked back up to my floor, and put in The Simpsons, to calm us all down. To be honest, everyone's been kinda awkward since last night. We're trying to figure out what happened and why. It really wasn't the best night ever. Hopefully it will all be water under the bridge soon. I know I won't speak of it again after this post.
I just got my midterm grade back, and it was 100%. Yeah, you know the one that I spent a billion hours on. I'm very happy about it. Hopefully my other grades will be something to be happy about too. Well, it's time for me to take advantage of this cozy bed at my dad's house. I'm home for the twin's birthday party. Alright. Goodnight everyone.