Dec 20, 2005 11:01
Anybody that wants to comment about me...
grow up, say it to my wonna know what i say about you behind your back? ask me bitches and i will tell you....if u wonna know that bad post a comment with your name and i will write an entry stating everything I have ever and will ever say about you...I don't give a fuck and if you think I do clearly you dont even know me at all.
I hear all you fucking losers complaining about how hard your life is and wahhhhhhh...NONE OF YOU KNOW THE FUCKING MEANING OF PROBLEMS!! So don't even try shit. It's annoying and you all sound like bitches...
As if I'm not as good as any of you fucking faggots upstairs...
yeah I'm stuck down here w/alot of scumbags...because it's the only way I can graduate on time-due to the fact that I got into some bad shit and screwed myself over the first two years of High School...but you know what-whatever-it makes me a stronger person than anyone who can "hack it upstairs" because I'm putting up with this lame shit, and doing an Adult Ed. class and you know what-I made it out of the hole I dug for myself-which is alot to say, and when I walk on that stage with all you other fucking queers I'm gonna be personally telling each and every one of the students, administration and parents FUCK YOU ALL I MADE IT.
Then I'm gonna being going To get my education in over a year to become a Medical Estetician, after that I'll be travelling the world on a cruise shit making WAY more cash than you stupid fucks that got you're nice little Buisness degree to show all you're friends...
You wonna say shit about me? I'll lay it all out for you:
* am a bitch-I have to be or else people would walk all over me.
*I am a diesel bitch...I'm thick, curvy, bootylicious whatever the fuck it is that you wonna call me-But I'm not fat or nasty...I know better than that-I look in the mirror atleast 20 times daily...I know better than anyone else...I'm actually a fairly good looking girl.
*I'm's true, but what the fuck can I say? I wouldn't be cocky if I didn't have a reason to.
*I get me a whore, slut, skank, trick...I dont care but I respect myself-girls like sex too...if a uy does it he's a pimp...if I do it I'm a slut...whatever I know MAD people that have banged shitloads more than me and regret it...I regret nothing...i had fun doing it...had more buck-wild periods...whatever...I know how to put it down and fuckers that how i do