More surgeries

Jul 29, 2004 11:24

Well with my leg fixed via about 12 pins and 2 plates, that wasnt enough. I went to the dentist about 3 days ago and he said "make an appointment for removal of your wisdom teeth TODAY!" so we get an appointment for yesterday. We are told my wisdom teeth have both infiltrated the sinus cavities and are toying with the nerve in the jaw, basicly meaning this is a bitch of a surgery. Anyways the surgun was wayyy cool, looked aboyt my age, good looking guy. To my suprise when i was going under (yup, not twilight sleep, the real thing) he told me he was gay. I trust gay doctors more than straight, don't ask me why, it's wierd, anyways yeah that is over now my body is back on cocaine, i mean hydrocodon, and i am tasting blood, not a good sign, well in gone, im me or email me for a good time with me on drugs.
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