Whenever I eat a Dum Dum that is wrapped in the "mystery flavor" wrapping it always ends up as cotton candy flavor?
Jury's still out on that one.
Also, I've always loved Matt Damon.
"It's like a really bad Disney movie. You know? The hockey mom, 'Oh I'mjust a hockey mom from Alaska,' and she's the PRESIDENT, and it's likeshe's facing down Vladamir Putin and using the folksy stuff she learnedat the hockey rink. It's absurd, it's totally absurd, and I don'tunderstand why more people aren't talking about how absurd it is. It'sa terrifying possibility. The fact that we've gotten this far and we'rethat close to this being a reality is crazy.
I need to know if she really think that dinosaurs were here 4,000years ago. I want to know that, I really do. Because she's gonna havethe nuclear codes."
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