Arashi Happy 10th Year Anniversary

Sep 14, 2009 10:24

Wooohooooo!! Arashi Happy 10th Year Anniversary!  I'm not sure what time it is at Japan, but I'm pretty sure its about time for 9/15/09.  I remember watching D no Arashi where Arashi was celebrating for their 5th year anniversary and Aiba-san was crying talking about when they asked for a variety show.  Well, 5 years has past since then, now its 10 year since they debuted.  Since then, on Kokuritsu, Riida cried and thanks the fans for supporting them and asked to keep on watching them.  Along with the Jun, Sho, Aiba and Nino, they thank all the fans during their Kokuritsu concert.  Very touching moment and singing their new insert song "Attack it", as a new fan of theirs, I felt touch.  If I was at the concert, I believe the feelings of Arashi to their fans and their 70,000 fans surrouding them will resonance to others and I will feel it to and cry alongside with them.  ARASHI DAISUKI, ARASHI JU-NEN TANJOUBI OMEDETOU!!!


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