Aug 27, 2007 22:52
So, I think not having internet and the ensuing feeling of lack-of-connection with the world has addled my brains a bit.
I moved out of the house with the crazy people whose habits included drinking too much, waking me up in the middle of the night, and making me feel uncomfortable. I have since moved in with a lovely gay man, the Will to my Grace, if you will, who transferred here from AU and so shares my nostaliga for the real world. Also he loves good food, good wine, and Sex and the City. The fact that he has a Costco card and a flat screen TV doesn't hurt either.
Since starting classes today, I have learned that while the academics at Simon's Rock make everywhere else look like a joke, it has in no way prepared me for the beauty pageant that is this campus. I knew when I came here that I would be entering Wonderbreadland, but I am still adjusting to the glare that bounces off all the blond around here. I'm really looking forward to rocking my classes and having the academic equivalent of a mouth orgasm, but otherwise, lets just say I'm really glad I'm living off campus.
At the moment, I am depending on my Simon's Rock friends to keep me sane by calling them between every single class.