Exactly what it says on the tin in the title :V
- Sort of slept through the most of opening ceremony and missed out on our group photos, but I doubt anyone ever noticed. GJ, self, just as always :V /invisible
- Everyone in my class is still a total derp (except for those guys who are jerks) and hasn't matured a single bit over the summer. WELP AT LEAST IT'S FUN but seriously it doesn't even feel like summer happened at all. It's like we all were in the classroom just last week :V
- It turns out some of our teachers left and we got new ones instead. I like our new History/Socials teacher, she is clearly passionate about history and is a very nice lady in general. But yes I still am going to terribly miss our previous teacher, she was an amazing person. I loved how mature and reasonable she was, and loved even more how she was both an amazing teacher and an amazing person. She was basically my idea of an adult, though I myself will never be like her, probably :Va Seriously, I can't see myself being mature and reasonable. I think I'm one of those people who stay silly teenagers at heart forever :Vb
We also got new Russian/Literature teacher, and she seems like a good person, too. She'll probably have troubles dealing with our class but uh, who of the teachers doesn't? Except for the Chemistry lady of course, but that's because she is amazing and everyone is scared of her.
I can't help wondering who's going to be our new Compuer Science teacher. IT WOULD BE KIND OF AWESOME IF IT WAS A GUY seriously our school needs more guy teachers. I am very fine with the ladies of course, but it's just that guys obviously have different attitude and that would be interesting to see :|a
- We have a ridiculous amount of PE for some reason, what is this I don't even. I thought we were supposed to mostly have Math/Russian, since they're going to be our main exams, but it's all PE instead 8| WTF, school. And speaking of exams, we are pestered to make our choices already because it would be too late by the end of september. I still can't decide because sjhfgs either I should go Socials/History/English and probably fail getting a decent job or Math/CS/more Math and IDK move to Canada and find a job there. SHUSH IT'S MY DREAM I AM TOTALLY GOING TO DO THAT.
Sort of unrelated buuuut
HAPPY (probably early) BIRTHDAY, LIN
I'll draw you a present once I'm back from school ;o;b BUT YES YOU ARE AN AWESOME BRO AND I WANT YOU TO KNOW IT AND STAY THIS WAY FOREVER. And I'll come RP with you guys someday soon I promise ;_; oh god I want this to happen so much sob