Hello world!

Feb 07, 2011 03:24

Hi, I'm Tom, the new kid. *queue a heartwarming tale of years of simming, lurking and admiring other people's sim-stories and some quirky sounding trivia here*. Great. Don't you feel like you know me already? ;)

I'll start posting a story about the members of the Capp family (+ sims who happen to be in some kind of relation to a Capp) any day now. The story takes place in Uberhood so you can expect sims from other neighborhoods to show up. The story is Maxis-match and I'll only be using pre-mades as characters. I'll pay as much attention to sims biographies, aspirations and memories as possible; however, as you all know, they're riddled with inconstincencies and outright contradictions (especially when it comes to the Capps) so I'll have to ignore or tweak some (hopefully minor) things.
For the longest time I've hated Veronaville because of all the butchered Shakespeare references, but I've learned to tune out any thoughts of Shakespeare while playing it - for the purpose of this story any similarity of Veronaville characters to Shakespeare's is purely coincidental. (A question for anyone willing to answer: Veronaville seems really under-played in the Sims community - why do you think that is and will it put you off from reading the story?)

That's it for now, I only wanted to let you people know about the story and what's it about before jumping ahead with it. Here's a teaser for the prologue (which will be up in a day or two):

the capps, good news everyone!

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