Extracted football helmet etc.

Jul 02, 2011 14:30

I wanted to make a clutter set of extracted Maxis crap, but my computer doesn't really handle SimPe in summers, so, unless a new ice age surprises us, that set isn't very likely to happen any time soon (since my numerous attempts to make more have all ended with my PC freezing on me). I did manage to make a football helmet about two weeks ago, so I'll just share that one pathetic item on its own, since it's pretty obvious no more will be coming:


It's slaved to the helmet display sculpture that came with FT (on the far left in the pic), so Free Time is required.

Bloom made a much fancier helmet (one sim can wear) HERE.

Also, I've seen the characters meme floating around and it got me thinking, since a lot of you play pre-mades, would you be interested in a meme about the pre-mades?
Questions like: favourite pre-made, favourite crack pairing, pre-made you hate, favourite unpopular pre-made, pre-made who's most like you, an unpopular opinion about a pre-made, most interesting household to play... I think it could be fun. So, yeah, if you're interested say so (and suggest some questions if you've got ideas!) and I can piece it up. xD

And, I've been playing Monty's and this made me laugh. Mercutio came back from an outing, and immediately started smelling "flowers" autonomously, but then someone called him so he stopped, but Patrizio came out and dived in to sniff instead, right behind Merc, and as Mercutio moved forward while talking on the phone, so did Patrizio, constantly sticking his head in Merc's crotch. :/ It was funny while it was happening ok.

have some crap, good news everyone!

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