Celebrating the resurrection of laptop: five sims for download!

Mar 30, 2012 19:08

To celebrate the returning of my laptop I decided to upload a few sims that had to sit in the simbin through the rough times. Without further ado, I bring you Kuros, Phyllis, Minea, Mette and Mimosa! Do tell if something goes bad with the downloads... It's happened before. A huge thank you to the creators of the custom content the five are wearing. There's so much of it I wont go into detail - install with the clean installer and you'll see.

ATTENTION! There have (again) been issues with the downloads. The ones with cc included seem to come off as text files in the dropbox downloads. I upload from Linux as I'm a little paranoid about going online with Windows, and I think it might be Linux doing something to the sims2pack files as it obviously doesn't recognize them. I reuploaded them on Mediafire using Windows. If anyone reads this and knows something about this subject, do you think it'd work if I zipped the sims2packs on Windows before transferring them to Linux for upload, or should I just succumb and keep uploading from Windows? Or is that even the problem? The files are fine when I download them, even on WIndows. Gah, I'm really confused. Tell me if the downloads still won't work and I'll try to fix it.

Kuros is a ladies man, and definitely a romance sim with perhaps pleasure as his second aspiration. He might be a casanova but he really doesn't mean to hurt anyone. It just happens. Oh, and he's not the most intellectual knife in the drawer or however you're supposed to put that.

Kuros with CC
Kuros without CC

Kuros with CC on Mediafire

To put it nicely, Phyllis is a gold digger. She is a fortune sim with a secondary aspiration of pleasure. She's not into guys like Kuros - she prefers money over looks. She's a loyal friend up until the point where there's a a rich man involved.

Phyllis with CC
Phyllis without CC

Phyllis with CC on Mediafire

Minea is a knowledge sim. She also enjoys outdoors, and wishes to some day own a complete collection of bugs! She's slightly reserved and can come off a little egocentric.

Minea with CC
Minea without CC

Minea with CC on Mediafire

Mette is a goofy popularity sim with a secondary aspiration of romance. Her weak spot is men exactly like Kuros: handsome, dumb and good at heart.

Mette with CC
Mette without CC

Mette with CC on Mediafire

Mimosa is the town lunatic. She's not exactly insane as in the medical meaning of the term, but she enjoys doing odd stuff and generally just being odd. She's a pleasure sim, and she also has a shy side to her.

Mimosa with CC
Mimosa without CC

Mimosa with CC on Mediafire

Here we have some random pictures of our five in action:

sims 2, downloads

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