I've had a few sims sitting in my bin for some time now, and I figured someone might enjoy having them in their game. I've also been lurkin the pixel_trade community for a while, and feel like I should give back... I hope I'm doing this right, since this is my first time ever to share anything. Well, I put some stuff on the Exchange back in the day, but that hardly counts. If something nasty happens with the files, do tell. LATER EDIT: There have been some issues with the dropbox links returning pages of html. Googling didn't help, so if anyone has any idea what's going on, please tell. What's odd is that some links seem to be working, and some not. I uploaded the ones that caused the trouble, Rea and Beata, on Mediafire just in case.
Here they are: Chinchillia (I couldn't come up with a name and thought she looked like a chinchilla...), Rea, Eliel and Beata. Downloads (cc and no cc) under the cut.
I apologise for the horrible previews. I absolutely stink when it comes to capturing good screenshots and editing them. Anyway, here they are:
I imagine Chichillia as a quiet, nerdy type while her secret wish is to gain popularity. Also, feel free to change her name. I just couldn't come up with anything better.
Chinchillia with ccChinchillia without ccChinchillia's cc list
Rea is more of the rebellious, turbulent type. Also notice that she has the maxian elf ears. I couldn't get them off without destroying the face that I had already spent time sculpting...
Rea with ccRea without ccRea's cc list Rea with cc on mediafireRea without cc on mediafire '
Eliel is the perfect guy for you if you, for some reason or another, want to have really creepy babies. I imagine him as sort of a mad scientist kinda guy. I think he also might be a bit on the narcissistic side.
Eliel with ccEliel without ccEliel's cc list
Beata is the most cheery and outgoing of the bunch. She talks too much and makes other sims go crazy. If this was Sims 3, she'd have the really, really high pitched voice.
Beata with ccBeata without ccBeata's cc list Beata with CC on mediafireBeata without CC on mediafire Here's some more pictures of them. Again, sorry for the bad quality. If I keep doing this, I just might get better. I know I should fix the lighting and probably edit the pics a bit more, but it's soooo much work...