(no subject)

Jun 07, 2012 09:05

Weary day working for the Maxim people.  Most of the tour went well enough, at the end at the Empire State Building things ganged agley.  I guess it was mostly my fault, as I did’t know where the skyride is.  I’ll have to investigate that for myself sometime.  The tour guide kind of yelled at me for a bit and I left.  Technically I’m supposed to just get them to the building, not up to any part of the interior, which is a hassle as there’s stricter security than at Liberty Island and the guide kept calling as my phone was going through security or people were yelling at me.  I left without yelling back, but it wasn’t easy.  Hopefully tomorrow’s all day will go smoother.


The new Robert Downey Sherlock Holmes.  Okay.  Lane from Mad Men is Moriarity and good.  Jared Harris is okay in support.  The problem is this kind of thing is a video game and not really the kind of move that Sherlock Holmes fans want to see.

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