Recommended Comics, Part 1

Nov 25, 2006 20:01

You can blame blade for this. He asked me to give him 50 or so recommended reads in comics/graphic novels. I decided to put them on here so all my fine friends can enjoy.

Couple of things about this (never complete) list: I am going to try and organize it by writer, because that makes the most sense to me, and because that's how my shelves are arranged. Some works have multiple writers over the course of several volumes, and I will try to reflect that. When I recommend a title, I will list the specific volumes if there are any. I will also try to give some comments as to content, but not much. It's going to be a long list, and I'm sure there will be many obvious omissions, but then I'm not going to include anything I haven't read, or anything good but "non-essential," or whatever.


Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: Year One
These two are Frank in top form, and are absolutely essential unless you just refuse to read superhero stuff.
This is the only other book that's a must-read, in my opinion. Sin City is good for what it is, but not essential.

This guy's stuff is all over the psychological (and psychedelic) map, but the bulk of it is amazing. In his longer works, it's important to read all the volumes, because he's always building towards something, for better or worse.
Batman: Arkham Asylum
Early work, but strong, and amazing artwork by Dave McKean.
Animal Man v1-3
Comics get meta. You have to read all three and right in a row for maximum impact.
Doom Patrol v1-4, more forthcoming
Very Dada-esque early stuff, ridiculous and fun.
Invisibles v1-7
His psychedelic opus. Incomprehensible in parts, but never a dull moment. I recommend the "Disinformation Guide to the Invisibles" as a companion text.
The Filth
Simple idea made incredibly complex, with disturbing results.
New X-men v1-7
For me, the definitive X-men run. Helps a bit if you're already familiar with the X-men and their history, but that's true of practically all x-books.
Tiny story that breaks more ground and rocks harder than just about anything. Gorgeous Frank Quitely art.
Weird fun with Eastern gods.
Seven Soldiers of Victory v1-4
A huge storytelling experiment. Unwieldy and uneven, but worth its weight.

Transmetropolitan v1-10
His opus, thus far. Manic, hilariously offensive stuff. Hunter S. Thompson in a dystopia he never made.
Ultimate Galactus v1-3
Because Ellis writes widescreen superhero stuff so well.
Stormwatch v1-5
These lead into one of the best superhero comics ever written:
The Authority v1-4
This starts with Ellis, then continues with Mark Millar. It gets a bit choppy towards the end, for reasons you can find out about on the internet.

Jenny Sparks: Secret History of the Authority
Read this after the Authority run. It fills in some gaps.
Superman: Red Son
Supes is a communist!
Origin of a supervillan. Soon to be a (probably bad) film.
Religion with a twist.
The Ultimates v1-2 and Ultimates 2 v1, v2 forthcoming
The finest of the Ultimate line, no question.
Ultimate Fantastic Four v1-6, ongoing
The run so far has included Millar, Ellis, Mike Carey, and Brian Bendis, and it's all been good.
Civil War
Won't be in trade for a while, as there are two issues still left to come out, but one of the best "big crossover events" in a long time, maybe ever.
Wolverine: Enemy of the State v1-3
If you like Wolverine, well, read this.

Well, duh.
Swamp Thing v1-6
See Alan make diamonds from dirt. Almost literally.
From Hell
Ponderous and heavy. Worth the effort, though.
Supreme: Story of the Year and Supreme: The Return (ok, technically I haven't read this whole run, but Ted assures me it's good)
V for Vendetta
Again, duh.
Across the DC Universe: The Stories of Alan Moore
Make sure you get ahold of the newest printing, it has The Killing Joke, and what many consider to be the best Superman story ever written.
Lost Girls (3 volume set)
You won't find this one in a library, as it's literary porn, but it's worth the 45 bucks on amazon (cover price is $75).
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen v1-2, more forthcoming
Top 10 v1-2, more fothcoming

That's all I feel like writing for now. More later.

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