Dec 26, 2012 09:51
I was up far too early yesterday.
I recalled walking across the Mass Ave Bridge (aka the Harvard Bridge) in a winter storm [sans ear muffs, of course) (this would have been sometime in the Seventies so I would have been in my twenties) and having ice build up in my windward ear -- not just on the shell but pretty firmly in the canal. At first, "did that contribute to my current hearing loss?"; followed by "what did I really prove, not making any effort to be comfortable?" Making the best of a situation (like not having ear muffs or scarf) is one thing: 'I am tough and therefore good breeding stock' (remember I was in my twenties) is reasonable message from a biological imperative standpoint. But 'I will do without so I can show how tough and adaptable I am' seems, in retrospect, a little stupid.