Super Weekend

Sep 25, 2006 11:19

Well, this weekend was totally awesome. Saturday morning Rob had to go to work, so I got up early, got myself ready, and then took Matthew to work at 9:00. The best part of that was that he actually said Thank You when he got out of the car at work. This is the first time he has thanked me for taking him to work. I was so excited I called my friend in Oregon to tell her. She is also a stepmom, so she could get excited with me. I am sure some of you can get excited with me as well, as you know the background to my story. After dropping off Matthew, I went to do the Safeway shopping. Went home, picked up Thomas, went to my voice lesson at 11:00 and when we were done with that went home to have some lunch. Then we left to go pick up his friend Eli and his mom and we went to play miniature golf!! That was a lot of fun. I have not played mini golf in a long time!!! The boys seemed to really enjoy racing each other to the next hole to see who would play that hole first. Then it was to Costco to finish the shopping and then home to make dinner and hang out at home.

Sunday I went to church and cantored for the choir. After church we went to Toys R Us to pick up birthday party invitations for Thomas' birthday party next Saturday. Then home to fill those out, finish laundry, watch the 49ers get beat upon, and then Thomas and I went for a walk with my friend Rickie-Ann. We took Bear with us and ended up walking probably somewhere between 3 1/2 and 4 miles in the hour we were walking. I had one tired dog on my hands by the end!!! But he enjoyed it and it got him (and his Mama) out for some exercise on the weekend. I am really good about exercising during the week, but it is the weekends I slack on. Then we went home, picked up the invitation for Thomas' best friend from school and took it over to their house. Chatted for a little while as they had just gotten back from a weekend camping trip. Then it was home to get me ready for Girl's Night Out. There were 8 of us (I knew 3 of them) and we went to play bocce ball for a hour and a half and then went to Willow Street Pizza for dinner. We had a really good time and we definitely have to get together more often.

Now we are at Monday and I am back at work. Should be a good week. Tonight is our Schumacher Family Dinner at my brother-in-law Mark's house. I really love seeing family at times other than just holidays or special occasions. The Schumachers that are in the area get together once a month for dinner. It is a lot of fun and gives us a chance to keep in touch more often. God Bless my family!!

Have a great day everyone.
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