dumbass people

Aug 17, 2005 16:20

i swear people can be so stupid at times.wtf! lol. my mom knows we have people over, as long as they are gone before they get home,it doesnt matter WTF? my dad gets carried away and he was fucking over reacting..i mean, of course you're going to agree with the parent if you're put in that kind of posistion.but w/e..anywho, i had the worse dream yesterday, and i want to know whatr it means, besides the obvious. ugh...hm.. right now tom and i are hanging out, he's filling out an app. my brother gave him for another job.. so he's about to leave me for weed again...W/E um yea what else i'm bored..i should shower now...other than that.....life is going well
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