Oct 07, 2007 20:06
I know I don't do this often, but it seems I have nothing better to do at the given moment.
It's a 3 day weekend and I don't feel like leaving my tiny room. I went on dive #83 this morning. 1hr drive to gloucester to find out there's a 2ft visibility in the water. The guy I was diving with is a beginner too, but he stayed right next to me which made things a lot nicer. My certification is being mailed back from SSI, so I'm officially a dive master. The shop I'm working at has fully insured me too, up to $1 million in liabilities.
I like working there too, I basically run the place. I know everything going on, I was training the new girl. I can go into the shop off hours and borrow and piece of equipment, I get free air fills, reduced prices on gear. The only down side is I don't make much money. I now have credit card debit for the first time. But I can live with that for now.
Everything is on track for my trip down to FL. My friend Billy from FL bought his ticket up here for Boston and I'm excited he's coming to help. I bought Jesse her ticket from FL back to Boston. I'm planning to start my trip the day after Halloween night, Nov 1st.
I have to keep focused on myself right now and moving myself forward in life. I have trouble calling this place home. I'm not quite sure why I feel this way, but I have a bunch of ideas why I tell myself I feel this way. And so I look forward.
I'm excited to be with my close friends in FL. I'm excited to be on the water as much as possible. I'm excited to have a yard, a driveway, garage, dishwasher, washing machine, living room, big tv, cable, surround sound system.
And most importantly, my father