Feb 16, 2005 21:44
yep, feels good to be 17, actually feels exactly the same as it would if was still 16. but the main reason why it feels good is that in about 1 short year ill be movin out to college and no more having to deal with this bullshit of parents i have. although they were extremely nice to me today and made me feel like i actually have some kind of affect on their cold black hearts.
i had a lot of fun afterschool, got some alone time with nikki for about 2 hours. finally got some good ol action =D for gifts i got a pop at the bowling alley from tony, a warhead from coad, a really nice picture of nikki and myself at homecoming last year, and a fucking xbox from my dad. most people would really think much about havin an xbox but its a big deal to me cuz he hates video games and now i finally have cracked him and got him to buy me one. wow things might not be so bad. anyways....im still carless, fucking insurance agency is being dumb and wont give me some dam money to buy a new car. so i have to either bum a ride or walk, i applied for a job at joe's but i think that about 50 other people have already applied for that job also so i dont think ill get it and i will still be stuck at fareway being miserable as hell.
adios and farewell, and happy bday to me