Feb 02, 2010 22:32
Love. I've found it. My Sign.
Genuine Love is a gift we give others. It isn't purchased by their actions or contingent upon our emotions at the moment. It may carry with it strong emotional feelings, but it is a decision we make on a daily basis that someone is special and valuable to us. In fact, Love for someone often begins to flow once we made the decision to honor the other person like God honors and adores them. You can't measure Love by the depths of your pain.
Love is the music of dedication and unaltered committment. It's not a by-product of emotion...emotion is misleading and petty. Love is more than want and need and even connection; it's an unwavering, continual expression of God's unthinkable sacrifice for all of us...and the ability to fall in Love is such an amazing gift. Love is God's sacrifice manifested in human behavior, and a chance to display this amazing sacrifice for one person for the rest of our lives.