
May 17, 2009 13:47

Hmmm... It's surprising, but I actually have to say that I liked it! Maybe it's because I'm no longer invested in this show like I was... maybe it's because I'm not upset that the sex wasn't "REAL" (It's what I expected from Hart as I no longer TRUST him!)... maybe it's because I didn't even try to take it seriously? I really don't know!
Some random thoughts/ highlights:

1) I really enjoyed Cam as the hard ass cop! She fit this role so well!
2) There were SO many great one-liners! You just couldn't help but laugh through this thing!
3) Max as a mobster named Gravedigger... PURE GENIUS! I love bad Max! Especially Bad Max & Booth Man of Integrity working together!
4) I actually thought this was the closest Bren / Brennan has been to the more evolved Brennan of S2/ S3 that we've seen all season. She doesn't want people to see her as a "cold fish". She doesn't want her emotional handicaps to impede her interpersonal relationships. This was the person I thought she'd evolved to, not the person who wants Seeley's sperm and refuses to acknowledge the implications of that! 
5) I heard someone theorize that the Jared/ Brennan thing was a sign that that relationship wasn't over.... I don't know?! I would rather look at it as an apology from Hart and company that they ever even hinted at the fact that Brennan would chose "Booth Lite" over the "Actual Booth"!  
6) Finally... I totally understand why the fangirls are choosing to see this as a win! Whether this is Booth's anaesthesia induced coma or Brennan' writing, the reality is that the final words of the eppie did indeed come from Brennan, and there is simply no denying that this is a forward movement for Brennan! "When you love someone, you open yourself up to suffering.... That's the burden. Like wings, they have weight, we feel that weight on our backs. But, they are a burden that lifts us. Burdens that allow us to fly." These words came from Brennan's mind. Her heart. Hart can't just ignore them or take them back without some serious backlash, and I think even he is smart enough to know that!

Now... do I trust Hart & Co. to handle the amnesia thing well? HELL NO! And... whose idea was this hack-kneed cliche' anyway? All the people who say this made a crap Season Finale are Dead On! The final 3 minutes do not a cliff-hanger make. Especially when we all know that Booth has to get his memory back. It's an obvious contrivance to keep this couple apart.
I personally think that Hart should have ended with CitC. Then, he could have handeled the fallout from Booth's surgery in about a million better ways. Just because Brennan finally has some sort of realization about her feelings doesn't mean she needs to act on them or that this couple has to get together. The amnesia could have been introduced in the Season Premiere (without the dream sequence) and Brennan could have spent half of next season taking the journey of their partnership/ relationship together with Booth in order to help him. What better way for her to work through her own feelings than to help Booth remember his?

Who knows what will happen between now and Sept. The critics fall out on this episode may serve as a better persuader to Hart than the fans anger or criticism. I get the feeling that Hart often thinks he knows "better" than the fans. Let's see if he thinks he knows better than the critics. You have to know that the Execs at FOX have now had to stand up and notice! And, while they just renewed the show for 2 seasons, we all know that doesn't really guarentee anything! That negotiation started well before any of this fallout happened. I have a feeling they'll keep a tighter reign on this show next season!

I personally think I'll remain a casual observer. I find that I am much happier that way! :-)  

tv, booth/ brennan, bones

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