Oct 04, 2011 14:30
Not watching the news gives me a very odd perspective on the news. The more news I watch, the more things I hate. And I'm not just talking about "dislike" passing as "hate" here. I mean the number of things that I would destroy by force if I could get away with it.
Still, I eventually hear about things anyway. Hell, despite avoiding the news, I do get a newspaper (because I support the existence of newspapers). Whatever damn-fool idiocy was going to make me angry gets a chance to make me angry anyway.
Which means that I took an instant dislike to those morons protesting in New York. The second thing I heard about them was their whiny calls that nobody in the media was reporting on them. This was clearly a lie, because the first thing I had heard about them was their existence. If I knew you existed, it means the media were reporting on you. And whiny lies are not a good way to get me to like you.
Still, they've managed to present an unusual trend. A week ago, I would have happily dropped napalm on them. This week, I merely despise them.
This heartwarming turn of events brought about by everybody else's idiocies, which I can't manage to avoid, either. The media is reporting on them, primarily by repeating each other: "Oh, they don't have a message. They're disorganized. They don't have any plan."
Well, fuck that. The Tea Party didn't have a message or a plan (unless you could "OBAMA STOP BEING TEH SOCHULIST" as a plan, which I don't). The media managed to give credibility to their idiocies just by treating them seriously, and they were morons. Not a single word out of their mouths was anything other than bullshit, and they went on to win an election.
There's still plenty of left-wing idiocy up in New York. But at least these are my useful idiots, and though they disgust me, they don't disgust me nearly as much as the morons who keep checking with Fox News every morning to find out what the talking points about them are.
I've given up on reason as a way to deal with politics. I am angry, and I grow angrier over time. The US was offered the only reasonable national politician in decades, and it smeared him. Even the ones who aren't morons have fanned themselves and said, "Well, my, they may be stupid, but I've got my reasons and they aren't stupid." Yes, yes you are, and I'm tired of reasoning with you.
It's nice to have some useful morons on my side.