May 14, 2010 16:46
I mean that in a good way and also in kinda a bad way XD;; Basically just finished a doctor shadowing that I wasn't even sure was gonna take place or not XD;; Was trying to contact 'em and didn't get back with me, and I already had a week set aside in Ohio for a preceptorship (aka a doctor shadowing organized by my school) which totally failed (AGAIN; this is the second time in a row that it bailed on me), and then I basically saw a dozen surgeries up close and personal this week. 8D;;
Getting up at 6:45 (EDIT: 5:45 grah obviously too tired) in the morning to get to 7:00am surgery cases, folks! Whee! Or, ugh! D8 It wore me out. I had like four hours of sleep last night, I had a hard time falling back asleep when I woke up at 4 something. And did I mention that most days of the week I came back from the hospital at like 3pm and plopped on the bed and napped for a few hours straight? >>;;; Yeah, that tired. And just...ugh. I still feel tired and like my brain isn't working straight. I hardly feel like doing anything, barely checking my e-mails and answering stuff I need to, don't feel much up to doing VAing unless the deadline is like the next day. o_o And writing? Forget it, not happening with how tired and a little grumpy/glum I am now. x_x
Well, it's over. And I know I learned a LOT; and it was amazing and whoa and I met lots of cool people and all that, but I still feel like crap because I'm exhausted. And it's becoming it seems like a constant state for me, always tired. I don't like it. I REALLY want a rest. PLEASE. Let this summer REALLY be a rest this time, I am NOT doing work or studying or anything but whatever the hell I feel like doing, even if it's just lying out in my backyard blowing bubbles or whatever. Siiiiiiiigh. -_-;;
...And I guess I can't think of anything else to say, other than...why can't I think better of myself. Why can't I ever give myself credit. WHY. Trying. trying.
Okay I'm done. *...tries to look for something brainless to do*