I've ben writing more lately, even though it won't make me any money right now. My story is starting to resemble a teenage high school drama. ^^; Nate likes it though. I send it to him a paragraph at a time over the im. xD When I get the first part completed I'll post it. I posted the beginning in my other journal already, but I have more I'm working on. It would be nice to have some feedback on it, but I probably won't post it for a while. ^^; I'm writing it kind of backwards right now...
I'm also trying to add to my portfolio so I can send it out. =_= That's going slow... I have a few new places to send art to, but most of them want black an white drawings, mine are mostly color. My mom want me to apply at Target here. =_= I wish my stuff was selling better than it is. No sales on my website yet.
http://www.shellyleepate.com &
http://www.shellyleepate.com/commissions/ If you refer anyone to my site and they buy something, or request art I'll draw something for you. ^^; A pencil sketch for free... I'm sure that won't entice many people, but I thought I would try anyway. I should have some new stuff online soon, but right now it's still the same as before.
That's about all for now. Happy Sunday!!!