& I shall dream on ..

Feb 06, 2006 03:52

Pserver: I've been here, no dount. Lately, I been into private servers while leading guilds trying to become the top. Easier said than done, I guess. I lead Eternal on Aiyumi-RO. I quitted, my weakness was on my lack on hiring coleaders, leading in woe, and strick rules. I know, I know. A good leader should have planned all of this from the start of making a guild, but I didn't think or listen. I just wanted us all to have fun. Hopefully, i'll do better when I find a good pserver to play & lead on once more. [edit] I'm going to move back to LF er.. Ganked. They moved to ParadiseRO because AbyssRO was too faggy. Oh well, I might crash or fuck the server up and watch Karna beg, rofl. Nexie owns the server. I win the interner. I'll bring my friends including those who hate uRO to death. Yeah, I think it'd be sorta "ironic." Oh well, I'll give it a shot.

EuRO: Out of curiosity, I decided to check out EuRO and see how my guild & friends were doing. They seemed to be doing very well. Gruppe 8 has at least two 99 trans while others are steady trying to become lv99 fast. I have faith that most will be 99 before I even return or 95+ even. Which is good, because I missed them a lot.

iRO: Finally achieved my goal. I'm sick of iRO, the community, the hacks, the people, the GMs, .. EVERYTHING. Good, so I quitted happy? I am. I have more on EuRO anyway. Want some drama? Lol, you guessed it. I'm here on chobit if you need me. :) Don't go behind my back and post on forums and shit without letting me know. That's cowardly of you. Love or want to be me THAT badly? Get a life. I been on iRO, done my part, left. 2/3 of iro community can't do that. Anyway, get a life. I'm not Shiwa. I will never be Shiwa. Oh, pissed off because I 'told you off' lol, fuck you then. Get over me. I been on iRO since .. uh, I even remember.

Forums: I need to really be more active on RagnaInfo because I am a supporter. Gah.

What I have to do:
+ Make a MAIN MSN, AIM, YAHOO. Yes, despite whoever it is, make a main.
+ Make a main nexon email.
+ Ask Sakura what server is she on! <3
+ Move to Paradise with the rest of the LF ALIVE members. O rly, AbyssRO couldn't handle us. :(
+ Think about using an old MSN or make a new one.
+ Ask Itsuki & co. about moving here!
+ Ask some MSN friends from UtophaRO
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