haha funny shit.... check this out

Dec 22, 2004 00:07

for those who don't know...a while back i was given a letter from my old pastor...i haven't read it in years...but i was cleanin up some shit and found it.... here it is......(this is gonna be long)

" there was a time when you all claimed christ. i need to now know if you have fallen away, apostatized, and betrayed the faith. are you still "christians" invovled as ambassadors for his good news to this broken, decaying, and debauched world? your side of the story matters to me both as pastor and prophet for christ. but i need you to make a clear stand right now. the stories about you that are flowing through the web, the gossip circles of here-say, and the people who have phoned me or met with me are pretty dark. public drunkenness, smoking weed, sleeping around, and goin to strip-bars to name a few? please tell me what has happen'd to your faith, your conscience, and your love for jesus? are all these things true? i need you to tell me your side of the story, so i can hear clearly what is happening?

as a pastor for the sheep of god i need to tell you that you may be in a very dangerous place, and i must make decisions based upon his word in response to your testimony. you gave up being individuals the moment you became public figures, like it or not that is reality. as public figures you are held accountable by society, the church, and god for the effect you have on those that watch, emulate, and are affected by you. with bein a public figure come many advantages... and consequences of responsibility. matt 18: 4-7 makes it clear that becoming a stumbling block to children is a very dangerous thing.. its better to kill yourself than do this... the rumors of your lives, your testimony has shattered the faith of several youth at this church and possibly hundreds in the metroplex. that responsibility is on your shoulders. matt 18 goes on that someone should confront a brother who sins and to cast him out of church if he refused the council of the church. matt has done his part, and i come as the 2nd part of that cycle. casting out of the church is not simply a local church, but a disfellowship of the gathering of all believers. jesus isn't being spiteful. he simply loves us enough as a parent to leverage pain in our lives in order to humble us. he also needs to keep a check on some people destroying the faith of others by their behavior. thus, i need to make the call about you playing shows here, and even practicing here. if your lives are in active rebellion against the kingdom of god, what else can i do? i can't allow you to shatter the faith of any more children can i? travail has accounted for almost 20% of the clubs budget through the years, it would be tempting to wink at things and rationalize all this, but your actions are putting a knife to the throat of the club. and for the sake of gods holiness i will let it die, and you will be held accountable. god is not mocked, whatever a man sows he shall also reap.

as a prophet of god i see only judas in all this. judas in matt 26:14-16 sells out jesus for 30 pieces of silver, the lust of his flesh. have you sold jesus out for sex, drugs, and rock and roll? if you have go ahead and own it, be bold and proud. stand up on top of the cross and piss in christ face and laugh at him alongside the crowd that mocked him. be a man, gird up your loins and be proud of your actions. read hebrew6 it says "if they then have fallen away, it is impossible to renew them again to repentance, since they again crucify to themselves the son of god, and PUT HIM TO OPEN SHAME." 1 corinthians 5 i all about the remval of the ungodly from the assembly of believers, and the deliverance of such people over ot satan. why satan? so that you can be seduced, deceived, blinded, raped, and cast aside by him after you are a burned out husk. god doesn't always stand in your way, sometimes he says, "if you want it, good, go choke on it!

but god does long for you to come home to him, but coming home means repentance. repentance means owning your sin. no rationalizing, no momma boys victim stories, no dodging the issue by blaming others or comparing to others, and no more lying to yourself and god. this is a partial list you might want to ponder if you're not a coward and have the guts to stand before god and confess.....
defrauding your fans and destroying their faith.
being liars
being whoremongers
being drunkards
stealing from the church-money and things given to you to be "missionaries"
abandoning christ
having a seared conscience
destroying your future
destroying matt's life-purpose
raping the heart of god
killing many seeds of faith and testimony that you have planted
bein a stumbling block to children
bein double minded
using agnosticism as a dodge for responsibility, more cowardice
abusing women.....(ha ok that one i admit)
bein whores for satan, and a divorcee of god
wasting my time, shitting on my prayers, ripping my heart, damaging my faith to name a few... only you know, beneath your seared conscience what else there is

i have no choice but 1 of 2 paths. i cannot, and will not compromise god. phillippians 3:18 "for many walk, of whom i often told you, and now tell you even weeping that they are ENEMIES of the cross of christ." travail, and each of you stand on the edge of a knife. it is a dangerous thing for sinners to fall into the hands of an angry god. god is love, mercy, hope.. we all know this... but also discipline, holiness, and vengeance. if you have cast your lot with satan, beware the fury that will follow you. you aren't the clueless caught in the matrix, you are cipher.. the judas. it appears your faith has been shipwrecked. so i stand in a fork in the road. you have passed through leaving church, leaving god, living like a song of hell, dodging responsibility, playing games, ignoring edification-admonishment-and rebuke from a variety of sources. now comes the last public choice-disfellowship ( excommunication) pick!
1. i can help you find your way back
2. i can turn you over to satan

choise this day 1 week from now. joshua 24:5 "choose this day whom you will serve, as for me and my family we will serve the lord"

i have prayed, fasted, and been as patient as i know how to be. week after week i was handed horseshit excuses for your behavior. then i was corned into being the heavy and trying to provoke repentance when i came. i came less and less, do you wonder why? im sorry i can't carry your apathy and indifference, i love god so much and i just couldn't take watching you spit on him anymore. my hope in you is a very small spark, drifting in the wind, and god doesn't always pick up the people who hit rock bottom, i hope you know what you're doin.

either look for the meaning of life, or be a pagan..... this may be your last chance..
as a man of god i cannot stand by while jesus name is dragged through the shit and i cannot stand by while his heart is dragged through the shit...

then just for daniel he said this is where prayer and god led him on daniel

daniel was made by god with certain gifts: leadership, charisma, musical ability and a magnetism that makes people want to love him. daniel also has a few fatal flaws: selfishness, pride, ego, arrogance, vanity of opinion, laziness, lack of self discipline, manipulation, and being a liar. daniels namesake is crucial in understanding who he is. he is a man destined to be a prince of god but doomed to a dark kingdom of slavery. honestly daniel, when you are with god you are magically transformed, and when you are away from him you are an insufferable asshole on the highest level. 10 years from now you will either by a man of god or a joke. the biblical character daniel is most like is jacob ( the liar/ manipulator)

he didn't have anything for me.....guess im not that special for god to tell him about me.... but anyway....for those who didn't know or care.... i thought it was funny..... made my day a lil better!
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