(no subject)

Mar 10, 2004 21:09

tomorrowMACHIN E: hi
sexist n0t sexy: HI.
tomorrowMACHIN E: i feel like...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...i don't know
tomorrowMACHIN E: the clock's following me
tomorrowMACHIN E: the clock's a...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...rabid fucker
sexist n0t sexy: haha!
sexist n0t sexy: well go to sleep then/.
tomorrowMACHIN E: i laughed at myself right now for whispering those words between hard breaths
tomorrowMACHIN E: i laughed again like...
sexist n0t sexy: haha!your crazy!
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...my fist is covering my mouth and there's hushed laughs coming through
sexist n0t sexy: but in a funny way1
tomorrowMACHIN E: the whole thing's so funny
tomorrowMACHIN E: the clock keeps ticking and ticking and ticking like's nothing wrong
tomorrowMACHIN E: fucking clock like...
sexist n0t sexy: haha awesome!
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...if he had a mom she'd be dead right now just so i could say "hey clock y'r mom's dead"
tomorrowMACHIN E: i'd like to see the expression on his face
tomorrowMACHIN E: "hey clock y'r...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...mom's dead you sorry fuck"
sexist n0t sexy: haha...
sexist n0t sexy: haha1
sexist n0t sexy: okay?!
sexist n0t sexy: awesome you tell him nathaniel.!
tomorrowMACHIN E: "fuckin' y'r mom's...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...dead"
tomorrowMACHIN E: "score"
sexist n0t sexy: hahahahhaha!
sexist n0t sexy: like bevis and butthead.
sexist n0t sexy: they rox.!
tomorrowMACHIN E: whenever this conversation's over i'm going to put it on my livejournal
tomorrowMACHIN E: the world needs to see...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...who's going to destroy 'em all
sexist n0t sexy: that/
tomorrowMACHIN E: what time is it?
sexist n0t sexy: YOU AND I!
sexist n0t sexy: THAT'S WHO.
tomorrowMACHIN E: 9:04?
sexist n0t sexy: 9:03
tomorrowMACHIN E: i'll put this whole conversation on my livejournal whenever my clock says 9:09
tomorrowMACHIN E: i mean...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...not the clock that's ticking
tomorrowMACHIN E: i don't trust the clock that's ticking
tomorrowMACHIN E: whenever my computer clock says it's 9:09 i'll show this to the world
sexist n0t sexy: yea cuz that would be totally uncool...cuz it can't follow you in to your el jay!
tomorrowMACHIN E: the whole world reads my livejournal
tomorrowMACHIN E: they listen to my telephone conversations too
sexist n0t sexy: yes you haven't even added me yet!
sexist n0t sexy: you shit!
sexist n0t sexy: yep
tomorrowMACHIN E: my telephone's monitored by the government
tomorrowMACHIN E: see...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...they have to watch what i do because...
sexist n0t sexy: yea....
sexist n0t sexy: i know ..they moniter everybodys
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...well i won't tell you the whole story
tomorrowMACHIN E: i'll simplify the whole thing
tomorrowMACHIN E: see...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...in the future a freak electrical accident causes me to split into two seperate people and...
sexist n0t sexy: FROM THE PUBLIC LIBRARY
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...one leads a government conspiracy to rule the world and the other is a hero and like...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...the hero good one stops the evil government one
tomorrowMACHIN E: however...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...in the big battle the two of them had they got transported back in time and they became one again through time travel and like...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...they're watching me because they can't kill me because my evil half is destined to lead the government to rule the world so...
tomorrowMACHIN E: ...they have to moniter me to see if i'm behaving
sexist n0t sexy: well....that's nothing compared to my story!
sexist n0t sexy: but I can't get in to that !
tomorrowMACHIN E: tell me when we're drunk
sexist n0t sexy: I TOTALLY WILL!2
sexist n0t sexy: you have one minute
sexist n0t sexy: it's 9:08
tomorrowMACHIN E: okay i'll put all this on my livejournal right now
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