i'm giving myself five days. what's today? wednesday? i'm giving myself five days. i'm ending all of this on monday if some angel doesn't part the clouds. if i can i'm going to get a gun and go on a bloody rampage. people who end their lives without taking those of others are lame
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i was just in a bad mood and hearing about your good mood made it worse.
What are you girls talking about.
You don't even know Nathaniel. Yo
u don't know how he works, if you
did then you wouldn't be telling
him to shut up. The only reason
he even says this stuff is to kee
p your attention, duh. If you giv
e him attention then he won't do
it, but if you don't give him att
ention than he won't funtion the
way you secretly wished he would,
but merely the opposite. Don't y
ou know that you kids are his pow
er. Nothing more than his power.
You control him only in the sense
that you are his batteries so wi
thout you he can't function. Then
once you stop functioning, he st
ops functioning. That's the reaso
n you tell him to "Shut up" oppos
ed to ignoring him, it's because
you don't want him to die; if he
died than you would, too. I hate
selfish idiots. You're all missin
g out on the most intense person
you'll ever meet.
...i think.
you make me sound like a bad person.
...who are you? i'd really like to meet you.
I don't exist.
Of course I know which examples society deems good/bad; so there is no point in being redundant.
...anything. i'm complimented by everything you say.
I've started guessing before I ask. In a kind of precautious manner in the case that the person I ask the question to just might answer my question with "Guess." and so I guess before I ask the question to save the breath it will consume to ask the question; and the brain will of conjugating the question.
...whatever we're talking about?
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