
Feb 21, 2005 01:23

101 Questions

About You

1. Names you answer to: Jake, hey you

2. When you look in the mirror you see: Gah too many zits

3. Age you act: 18, I think

4. Actual Age: 18

5. Day you were brought into this world: Aug 18, 1986

6. Feeling Ballsy? Sure

7. Wanna makeout? Alright

8. If you could run away to anywhere, where would you go? My room. Haha. No... Booty Bay! [/nerd!]

9. Insect or bug that freaks you out: Republicans

10. An American who would be a good president (death, or living): OBAMA! Or McCain. Or GWB from years ago, the one in those tapes who stood up to the religious right and opposed blanket oppression of gays.

11. A nursery rhyme you can still recite: Bo Peep

12. Who do you live with?: Joe

13. Have you ever made friends with a troll under the bridge? Just Ty. Haha.

14. First movie that you ever cried to: Walk to remember. I was sick, and I was on a bus it was being shown on.

15. Describe a simple pleasure in your life: Cuddling

16. What is something you hate to do? Calculus

17. Do you have trouble with your temper? Only with Elk, Joe and my dad

18. When you marry someone do you want that person to be like your mom or dad? sure.

19. Do you have a job now? Nope.

20. What is it?

21. What is your favorite food to eat? Mickey D's

22. What do you think you'll die of? I wanna die in the Apocalypse.

23. How many times have you dyed your hair? Nada

24. Ethnic background: A lotta white... and like 1/64 leni lenape

This or that

25. checks or cash: cash

26. night or day: Night

27. love or lust: love, but I'll take lust if it's all you've got

28. soy or meat: meat

29. sugar or chocolate: chocolate!

30. tattoos or piercings: No thanks

31. 80's or 90's: 90's!!

32. lazy or motivated: I'm both.

33. warm or cold: Cold. You can always put on more layers, but once you're naked you burn.

34. small city or big city: small

35. gum or mints: Gum

36. harry potter or lord of the rings: WARCRAFT!

37. hurricane or snow storms: Canes.

38. mooning or flashing: Flashing

39. Angelina Jolie or Jennifer Aniston: Natalie Portman!

40. Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp: Depp.

41. A prince albert piercing or nipple piercing: Um no.

42. hands or toes: Hands. Holding toes is just weird.

43. naughty or nice: both at once =P

44. sandals or sneakers: sneaks

45. sprint or cingular: GET OFF THE PHONE AND DRIVE THE DAMN CAR!

46. slim fast or protein shakes: neither

47. concerts or clubbin: concerts

48. smoking or drinking: Either or niether. Doesn't matter. I don't smoke, but then I don't drink much either, and I'm not morally opposed to either one.

49. silver or gold: silver

50. contacts or glasses: specs

51. rain or shine: rain

52. cucumber or banana: berries!

53. writing or drawing: WRITING by far

54. kiss or diss: kiss

55. Michael Moore or President Bush: Bushie from years ago

56. Massaging or tickling: combine at will

57. Walmart or Target: Target => popcorn!!!

58. Pink or black: black I guess

59. cats or dogs: small dogs.

60. North or south: eh

Interview of You

61. 10 things you hope to do/accomplish in 10 years: Publish some novels, get hitched, write a novel for Blizzard

62. 9 materialistic things you couldn't live with out: Car, livejournal, computer, cash, food, poweraid, gas, girls and THEATRE

63. 8 things you touch daily: Bed, keyboard, mouse, keys, car door, shower door, hair and penis.

64. 7 bands/ singers you've seen in concert: Snoop, Linkin, The Used, Less than Jake, Korn... that's it

65. 6 things that make you happy: girls, writing, warcraft, SE, politics, driving

66. 5 foods you love to eat: 7-11 pizza, double cheeseburgers with just lettuce and tomato and fries on the sandwich, matza ball soup, chicken, chocolate

67. 4 Movies you love to watch: Big Fish, The Sting, Dogma, Chicago

68. 3 places you've been to in the past month: Booty Bay, Youth Group, Tampa

69. 2 most embarrassing moments: being caught making out with Chelsea by Vero Beach's finest; being accused of liking Andrea Kofstead in what, 5th grade?

70. 1 thing that's bothering you right now: Ros and Guil

In 6 months will you:

71. travel out of the state? Hopefully spend some time in Chapel Hill...

72. have a bf or gf? God I hope so

73. Have major surgery? Wisdom teeth.

74. Do something that will change your life forever? graduation count?

75. Get a job? Ew, work!

76. move to the streets and sell crack? You know me...

77. Go to jail? "just visiting"

78. Plan to runaway? Nah

79. Stalk someone? Nah, I favor the direct approach

80. Birth a child? Um not exactly equipped

81. Have a sweet sixteen? Two and half years past

82. Get a new piercing or tattoo? nope

83. Take summer classes? doubtful

84. Leave the country? doubtful

85. Go to a concert or club? mebbe

86. Confess your feelings to someone? Every day

87. Drive over the speed limit? Every day

88. kiss a frog? Only if dared

89. Gain or lose 10 lbs? Gain.

90. Go on a roadtrip? Sure. Who's driving?

91. Go completely insane? Can't go somewhere you already are.

92. Be on national television? very doubtful

93. Cook a meal? yeah

94. Make a prank phone call? sure

95. Do any illegal drugs? doubtful

96. Go hunting? no

97. Volunteer somewhere? perhaps

98. Have a serious talk with someone? All the time

99. Fall in love with the next person who flirts with you? Love's not the word, but sure

100. Wish you were someone else? not often

101. What are you looking most forward to in the near future? Fiddler being OVER
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