[ Kingdom Hearts, LOVELESS, Naruto, Ouran Koukou Host Club ]

Jun 01, 2006 13:44

Notes/Babbling: Today's update is mostly because I wanted to update the website and there were a few fics I needed to rec before I could do that. (STILL WORKING ON COMMENTS. I SWEAR.)
    Kingdom Hearts - 2 Fanfics
    LOVELESS - 1 Fanfic
    Naruto - 2 Fanfics
    Ouran Koukou Host Club - 3 Fanfics

- Kingdom Hearts - Winnie the Pooh and Riku, Too by Pengie - asdf;ljasdlfjadsflj, OH GOD THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL. Riku in the land of Pooh and the way I could HEAR Pooh's voice say every single one of these lines and Pengie is a genius at writing dialogue and situations for characters that have this gorgeous natural flow to them even as she's making you roll around and laugh yourself sick because of the parody/humor/whatever. Riku. Pooh. Pooh driving Riku insane. (I DON'T BLAME RIKU ONE BIT, EITHER. I'd totally have gone insane, too.) A million clever lines and details and a beautiful ending. I love fic like this. ♥ (No warnings/pairings.)

- Kingdom Hearts - If At First You Don't Succeed... by Pengie - [Note: There are spoilers for KHII in this fic.] You know. It's not so much that I'm surprised that I love Pengie's humorfic with Ansem and Xehanort and Mickey and Sora and Riku and the rest. Because that's sort of par for the course. It's that she made me perk up in interest at a batshit pairing THAT I DO NOT WANT TO LIKE. I DON'T. Especially because no one else would write it. But, yes. Humorfic again and it, too, made me laugh like a maniac and roll around in helpless merriment at the poor, poor suffering of the characters. I just. I don't blame Xehanort in this fic, EITHER. And! The ending scenes! asdl;fjasdlfkjasdflj, I want more fic with the Gullwings attacking people and dragging them off for amusement! Especially if it's Cloud. Or Leon! Or--!! (Implied Ansem/Xehanort.)

- LOVELESS - Memoryless by Vissy - I was browsing the comm and happened to note that this LOVELESS fic had gotten several comments, I was curious, so I read. It's a story that's a bit strange, but it has all the right elements for me. The author actually pulled off the concept of a memoryless Soubi, of the quote used (which sounds like it should not have worked for Soubi's voice, but I had no objections to either his or Ritsuka's voice in this story, Ritsuka's was actually quite good, that blend between child and teenager that he has), the atsmophere of the piece was just right and reminded me of the anime quite a lot, and there was just something... it somehow made an incredible amount of sense somehow. The way Soubi couldn't remember Ritsuka, the way it happened so suddenly and yet he still reacts to Ritsuka the same way, there's still that quality of letting Ritsuka lead, and the writing itself is lovely. Even the hints/teases of the beginnings of something (not sex, but on the way there before they stop themselves) were in-line with the feel of the characters. I rarely ask for more from fic. ^_~ (Soubi/Ritsuka.)

- Naruto - beso rojo by asahii - There's a fabulous intensity to the writing for this story and, yes, it's about sex, but it's also about something else. About seeing Kakashi at his most intense, seeing the way Iruka deals with that, the way it sweeps over him, but he doesn't lose himself to it, either. The author walks a fine line with the piece, but she walks it well, Kakashi in ANBU!mode here and it makes sense to my views of the characters and... well, okay, and it's really, really hot. ♥ The intensity is just as much about characterization as it is about the physical, they reflect each other as the author itends. The same for the harshness without it being painful, instead it's just that extra bit of bite to two fighters who aren't gentle or soppy with each other. It's the kind of fic that reminds me of why I keep reading porn. ♥ (Kakashi/Iruka, NC-17.)

- Naruto - Spies Like Us by thehoyden - thehoyden is one of those writers who... I may take forever to get around to reading her fic (which is absolutely terrible of me and I think I do it because I want to ration out the truly good fic with this pairing), but once I get started, I cannot look away. Her writing is brilliant, her characterization is brilliant, the way she weaves a plot where Iruka meets a jounin of Konoha and they start an affair and he doesn't even know the guy's real name, but it's filled with these amazing little details and gorgeous characterization where Iruka is strong but warm-hearted and Kakashi is cold and brilliant except when he's almost too hot to touch, and somehow it all works. Not just works, it's brilliant. The kind of fic I wish I could write a better, more insightful rec for because it deserves it and there's a thousand little details the author deserves ego-petting over, but I just sort of seize up and keyboard mash with how incredibly strong this story is. It's humorous! It's beautifully emotional! It's goddamned clever! The sex is incredibly hot! The pacing and build-up are fabulous! It never short-changes anything and never over-pads a scene! The intensity and payoff in the fic are grand! It has everything it needs. ♥ (Kakashi/Iruka, NC-17 content in some scenes.)

- Ouran Koukou Host Club - Controlled (Fall) by Northlight - I liked this story for the interesting Kyouya perspective/insights and the way he looks at Haruhi. It's not quite romantic so much as it is... assessing without being coldly calculating. Kyouya is a young man who is already rich, powerful, and intelligent, he notices things and plans for things and one of the things I liked best about this fic is the way the author writes Kyouya matter-of-factly contacting Haruhi's father because he's ten steps ahead of any potential problems. The way those two interact, the way Kyouya isn't just cold numbers, but also isn't falling for Haruhi's charms, either... it's all very much in line with the character I read in the manga's pages. He's a character that is indeed hard to pin down, but this piece reflects that well, I think. (Not Kyouya/Haruhi, but that's the section it'll likely be placed in.)

- Ouran Koukou Host Club - game two by Northlight - if Haruhi is a rock, the Hitachiins are a tidal wave. They are a natural disaster to be weathered. As is the same with her previous fic, I liked so many of the lines in this story that it was hard to just quote one to sum up the take on their relationship. This is my favorite, I think, because it does get across so much of their dynamic. And, okay, I liked this one because it was kinda hot and I could maybe see the twins pulling something like this to see if Haruhi really could always tell them apart and I like the way the fic... teases, but pulls back before anything too graphic happens, and... yeah, okay, much as I like Kaoru/Hikaru for their own sake, I do like the twins/Haruhi, too. (Twins/Haruhi.)

- Ouran Koukou Host Club - Refreshing Brotherly Love by Tammaiya - [Note: This fic will contain some spoilers for volume 5 and probably won't make as much sense if you haven't read that far.] Ever since reading the "refreshing" storyline, I have been wanting Kaoru/Hikaru fic like this, because they went from being amusing and lovable little shits to OH GOD MY BABIES I WANT TO HUGGLE YOU LOTS AND LOTS. The new layers revealed in their relationship, the way things aren't what you may have previously thought, the way they relate isn't quite what you thought... and then Tammaiya takes all of that and winds it up into this really lovely, lovely fic. The way you see the revelations of Kaoru being the dominent twin, the way Hikaru clutches at him afterwards, that little tremor of fear that one might lose the other, the way they can be different but they're still mirror images of each other... she gets all of that into this fic that takes place after the window drops on Kaoru and Haruhi. There's a real sense of... their world is small here, it's just the two of them, yet it's opening up a little even while they're so close as to be inseperable... it's all put into writing with this fic and then topped off with a light hint of smut and it's lovely. Did I mention that part? That it's wonderfully written? Okay, just checking. (Kaoru/Hikaru.)

GOAL: 658/1200

fic: naruto, fic: kingdom hearts, fic: ouran koukou host club, fic: loveless

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