Notes/Babbling: Catching up somewhat on TeniPuri and GB fanfic.... And I have much, much love for
genx88, for she writes good drabbles and got me into FF8. No, wait. I hate her for that last one. ^_~
Prince of Tennis - 9 Fanfics
Final Fantasy 8 - 1 Fanfic
Fruits Basket - 1 Fanfic
Get Backers - 3 Fanfics
Final Fantasy 8 - A Game of Cards by Ellcrys - I admit that I don't really know a whole lot about FF8, but Noel has gotten me into the series, given me primers on the characters, so I know enough to at least start feeling my way out for fanfic--and given that I absolutely adore the author's Get Backers fanfic, I figured I'd give this one a shot. And what I love about the fic is that it's quiet and subtle, but says so much because of that. I liked the soft, subtle characterizations, no major melodrama, it was just a quiet moment before the storm. And, of course, I love the little mentions of everything that had happened to Squall up to that point, the bits and pieces and people from his past being brought to mind through this game, the hints for things that'll be revealed in the future, and so on. Was lovely. (No pairings/warnings.)
Get Backers - A Thousand Thousand Years by X-parrot - There was one line in here that made me laugh like an absolute loon, when Ban-chan was thinking about what kind of movies Ginji liked: He loved comedies, the dumber the better, and he unexpectedly had a taste for drama, would get completely wrapped up in imaginary peoples' relationships--Ban had determined some time before never to let him near a soap opera. I could just see that and now I kinda want it as a fic. ^_~ But what I really loved about this was... it was one of those ideas that was deceptively simple (and, oh, how I adore those) and yet... when you read it... it turned into something surprisingly complex and insightful. All the details that were woven into the story, all the bits and pieces about dinosaurs, all the bits and pieces of Ban-chan and Ginji's lives, they way those things affected the way both of them saw things... it was wonderful. And to watch Ban-chan watching Ginji's wonder... that was wonderful, too, because it satisfies the romantic in me, but also keeps the IC Bitch happy, too. *happy~* (Slight Ban-chan+Ginji if you want to see it that way.)
Get Backers - Darkness Visible by X-parrot - So I've been catching up on GB fic since I've not been reading much and this one... just hit me out of nowhere. Which I actually like because it's absolutely perfect for a series of events that caught the characters by surprise as well. I read this one thinking it was going to be another one of X-parrot's cute fics with just a bit of angst, just a bit of humor, and the usual insights into the characters. But... then... I was caught by surprise, just as Ban-chan and Ginji were and I loved that. Of course, the rest of the elements here were wonderful as always--wonderful details that give the fic a sense of atmosphere (ie, they don't remember random junk that has nothing to do with anything, they remember stuff that shows you how their thought processes work, what's relevant to what's happening now) and lovely writing. I need the rest of this fic now. ;__; (Slight Ban-chan+Ginji if you want to see it that way.)
Get Backers - Looking Through You by Ellcrys and Kitarin - I was just impressed as all hell reading this story because of the sheer ton of action in it, which is so present in the series itself, but so much more difficult to get across in pure text form. I liked the back and forth, almost mercurial mood shifts from anger to depression to bemusement back to anger again, because the shifts felt natural for these characters who've all had such pain in their lives. I adored the action scenes because at this point in their lives Ban and Ginji had to snarl and fight each other, that's what Ban was in the Mugenjyo for. And... I just loved the ending, 'cause I admit that I'm a sap and all, but I also like it to be IC sap. XD And just enough hints of lemon added to the mix and you've got a happy Becky. ^_~ (BanxGinji, some slight graphic content and violence.)
Fruits Basket - Strange Medicine by Hyacynth - This was an odd little story, but it was written so cutely that I really quite liked it--but, then, I always like a well-written Kyou story. *snuggles the cranky little neko* And, I admit, I was quite fond of the quiet Kyouru vibes in the story (not that the story was trying to imply that, Tohru was just being Tohru, it's just that I like her best when she's being Tohru over Kyou ^____^) and I adored the ending with Hatori. *snuggles the cranky little dragon, too* So, very cute fic that put a smile on my face. ^_^ (No real warnings/pairings.)
Prince of Tennis - Sweet by Aishuu - Really, there are no words to describe how deliriously happy I am that Aishuu has written both this story and "Hooked", because she understands the characters, she understands their subtlty, Fuji's Fuji-ness, and Tezuka's graceful reserved nature. She understands that something between them and brings it to her writing, that quiet something that's just there whenever they're near. I gush because I love. But I also just absolutely adore her take on Fuji and the way he views his teammates, that streak of mischief that's ever-present, yet... eh, I nab one of my favorite lines from the fic to express how much I adore her Fuji: Fuji smiled as he watched him go, a little devil wandering through his mind. Patience had its virtues, but there was no reason he shouldn't help things along.
And I'm going to keep talking 'cause I want to--I also love her Tezuka and the way Fuji instinctively understands so much about him. I loved the way her Fuji looked at him and realized that he would make a great photo subject. Tezuka was beautiful physically and mentally, drawing the eye. No matter what he did, Tezuka was unable to avoid attention - he had presence. I also love the way her Fuji revels in watching his teammates squirm, the way so very, very little goes on without catching his attention, and the gentle way Tezuka cupped Fuji's face before they kissed each other... I very nearly melted, I really did. Such a small gesture, yet it's one of those that practically tells the story of their relationship on it's own. ....I'll stop gushing now. (TezukaFuji.)
Prince of Tennis - Is a Game for Two by Silvaren - Eeee! Another author who understands these characters so well, gets their subtlty, and writes beautifully. I'm a bit hesitant about the way she writes Tezuka's skill in tennis, but that would be my only nitpick and me being incredibly picky as that's the only thing I could find to bitch about. ^_~ I read her story and it just put me into flailing fangirl mode because her Fuji is just absolutely spot on, the way he sees everything around him (especially the way he sees his teammates and other talented tennis players), the way he approaches the game, and the way he interacts with Tezuka. My favorite line is Now Fuji has pretty much laid claim to a permanent spot next to Tezuka; Oishi barely even twitches anymore when Fuji shoulders in between them. because I can just see that and it's a perfect expression of the subtle hints to the Tezuka/Fuji relationship. And? The final scene where Tezuka kissed him and managed to eventually throw him even just a little off-balance? I loved. These two can touch each other (in whatever way you wish to interpret that) like no others. I fawn. (TezukaFuji.)
Prince of Tennis - Snakes and Kittens by Kira - You know what I find amazing about my love for this series? With a lot of series, I really only just want the yaoi. Gen is a distant second best to my love of the yaoi, but with TeniPuri... I've found that I've often enjoyed the gen just as much as the yaoi--and that's what I actually really liked about this story. I liked that Momo and Ryoma could be more than friends or they could just be best friends. I liked it because it felt natural, because I don't think they would change once they were in a relationship. And there's no one out there that doesn't adore Karupin and I'm no exception--I love the little ball of fluff and I love that Kaidoh has a soft spot for him/her/it. I love the way Karupin trusted Kaidoh in this fic, I loved the way he just knew what was wrong with him/her/it, I loved the way Ryoma would glare at Momo for saying stupid things about the cat, the way he would kick Momo in the shins for saying something else stupid, and I love that Ryoma can actually be sweet over the cat. XD (No real warnings/pairings.)
Prince of Tennis - Promises by CalicoKitten - This fic kind of made me want to cry. But in the very, very good way. The Tezuka - Oishi friendship, as I've said numerous times is one of my favorite things about TeniPuri and this fic painted Oishi's view of Tezuka and their promise to each other just beautifully. The way that promise meant so much to Oishi, the way he was so determined to fulfill it, the way he was upset because he was a hypocrite for getting hurt himself, the way Eiji could just sense something was wrong even when Oishi tried to hide it... all of it was written beautifully and subtly and... it just made me want to hug Oishi by the time it was done. Gah, this is a horrible rec for a fic that I just loved... I'm incoherent with the touching-ness of it, really. (No real warnings/pairings.)
Prince of Tennis - Distinctive Friendship by Gen X - Gen X has a gift for writing these little drabbles that somehow manage to feel longer than they are, to get me to break my general trend of not wanting to rec drabbles because they're so short. And this one is just such a perfect little insight into Kamio and Shinji's relationship without even having to say much at all. Why they work, how they get along, and wonderful little details--I loved the idea that Kamio often listens to music because it gives Shinji a little privacy from the mumblings he probably doesn't realize he's doing, I could just see the mental picture that popped to mind when I read this, and it just makes so much sense. I fawn over the Noel, I really do. *fawns* (No real warnings, perhaps slight Kamio/Shinji if you want to see it that way.)
Prince of Tennis - Kitty Corrupted Hamburgers by Gen X - Oh, I love the little scenarios Gen X can come up with, the little details she weaves into her writing that I can just see. XD I adore the idea of Momo and Ryoma working on homework together, just a nice afternoon that's low key and just them being... friends. I love MomoRyo romance, love it dearly, but sometimes I love just the friendship stuff that could be more or it might be exactly what it is. And I love the way Ryoma and Momo tease each other here, because... geh, that's part of what I love about MomoRyo and what makes it a unique pairing from so many of the others I like in TeniPuri. I'm babbling now, so let me just end with saying, awww, I still love Karupin, too. XD (No real warnings, perhaps slight MomoRyo if you want to see it that way.)
Prince of Tennis - Perception by Gen X - Yes, I am going to rec every one of Gen X's drabbles, because I luffle her and I luffles her fic. Once again, she has a gift for weaving in the smallest little things that I would never think of and making me be able to just see them. I know that InuiKaidoh isn't necessarily her thing, but she writes it wonderfully, anyway. I just love that Inui and Fuji were the ones to notice that something was off about Kaidoh, that Fuji was the one to notice the little brightly colored scrap of cloth, that everything was just... hinted at here rather than stating anything outright. Was lovely. *luffles* (No real warnings, slight hints of InuiKaidoh.)
Prince of Tennis - Story of the Band-aid by Gen X - I suspect Gen X is one of the few people who could get me to read FujiEiji and not stomp my foot over how much more suited both of them are to other people. Because she wrote such a cute little thing that I could just see it and made me go, "Awww, that was really cute." I love that it was another simple, small moment but that it hinted at something more without having to hammer it into our heads. ....I still can't believe I rec'd FujiEiji. >_> (No real pairings, slight hints of FujiEiji.)
Prince of Tennis - Paternal Distraction by Gen X - HEE! YAY! I have been waiting for a fic where Momo and Nanjiroh meet and Momo has a fit over finding out that he's Ryoma's father. XD XD *huggles the Gen X* And I just adore Nanjiroh getting all huffy with snotty little Momo and playing tennis against him and I love Ryoma and Nanjiroh's little bit of snarking at each other and the Twist Serve...! Hee. Beautiful. I love. *snuggles the fic* And I'd probably feel badly for Momo, but... yeah, too funny for me to feel badly for him. ^_~ (No real warnings/pairings.)