Notes/Babbling: Ugh. Too full. Going to explode. Was going to wait until I had more, but then figured 18 was probably enough for one rec. Have discovered Good Omens fic. Well, I knew it was there and had been collecting for awhile, but am just now starting to read it. So much fic, so little time to read it in. I cry a lone emo tear for my harsh life.
One Piece - 2 Fanfics
Love Mode - 2 Fanfics
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - 1 Fanfic
Gundam Wing - 1 Fanfic
Weiss Kreuz - 2 Fanfics
Lost - 2 Fanfics
DCU/Batman - 1 Fanfic
Good Omens - 7 Fanfics
One Piece - Haircut by Erithil - This was a sweet little Sanji/Luffy story that made me smile to read it. Just a quiet moment where Sanji's the only one available to give Luffy a haircut (and because Nami had commented that Luffy needed it ^_~) and Sanji knows that he cares a lot about this bright young person, who leads them all on their merry little journey. The writing could use a little polishing in places, but it got the feel of the characters and their fondness for each other across wonderfully so that I wound up with that warm, happy "Awww." feeling in my chest, much like I do with some of the sweeter moments in the manga itself. Plus, the ending was just right and I love a fic that can do that. <3 (Maybe some light Sanji/Luffy.)
One Piece - Moment by Celeste - Ahh, again, I have such mad love for ZoSan fic, their dynamic where... even when they're about to have a Moment, it's always in that way they have--not that we'd have it any other way, of course. ^_~ And I love that they're both such... boys in reaction to anything that might even come CLOSE to feelings and the way they just sort of... find a way to keep moving in their usual patterns. I adored this fic, especially Sanji with his thoughts. ♥ (Zoro/Sanji.)
Love Mode - Best Laid Plans by astraplain - I swear, this fic is probably the best use of the "Best Laid Plans" I've come across in a long while. But it's also... eeeee! Takamiya and Izumi! I have such tremendous love for them and the author, every time, manages to capture that special something about them that made me love them so much. Right down to the little details about people trying to steal the happy idiot away or how Izumi really Does Not Like Aoe and the clear, lovely writing that gets across the humor and genuinely touching moments of Love Mode so well. They're the kind of stories I can read over and over again (much like the series itself) because it's just so readable and once I get started, the flow of the piece just sweeps me along and doesn't let me go. Plus, god, Izumi's so cute trying to move the sofa. ♥ (Takamiya/Izumi.)
- Love Mode - imprints by Jennifier D. - [
part 01 -
part 02 -
part 03 ] - (Warning: This story, and possibly this review as well, will contain spoilers for some of the later Love Mode volumes; if you're avoiding spoilers to wait for the scanslations, you may well want to skip this one.) This story... in some ways, I can't wait for more of it, since things are taking slightly different turns in the characters' backgrounds and will eventually lead to more ReijiKiichi and I'm fascinated by that, but in other ways... good lord, does it hurt, some of the things that have been changed. Especially the end of chapter three and the way the Haruomi/Kiichi relationship has to be changed and the way Kiichi will be changed and just... as much as it hurts, that's a good thing for the story, because it's supposed to hurt, and it's certainly doing a lovely job of capturing that sense Love Mode has. It's both lovely and painful at the same time. Jenn-san does a really wonderful job with Reiji and Kiichi's relationship, the way she writes/explores it in these stories fits so completely with the characters, the way she understands them, their motives, what they're thinking about, why they react the way they do, why Reiji can't just leave, why Reiji tries to keep himself at arm's length, why Kiichi looks at him the way he does and tries to hold himself back as well, it all comes together and paints a whole picture. And I mentioned the ow, ow, ow, owwie right? ;___; (Reiji/Kiichi.)
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - Understanding by gaki - Ooh, I love it when gaki writes HaruToki fic because she really understands the characters, about how they think, about how they interact with the other characters, and not just the surface of it. Not just that Tenma and Yorihisa don't get along, but how they don't get along and yet how they might, because there are other things driving them. And I adored this story for that--Yorihisa's unflappable calm, Tenma's agitation and frustration, but both of them such lovely characters. The small bit of common ground they have and the way this fic ended make me a happy HaruToki fangirl. *sparkles* (Maybe a hint of Yorihisa/Tenma, but not really.)
Gundam Wing - Mistletoe by imochan - *flutters about* Eeeeee, sweet, adorable Christmas 1x2 fic that had lovely writing and was fluffy enough without wanting to make me reach for the wastebasket! I love it when authors can do that. I think it really helped that Duo was just so... Duo, what with the swearing and snarking that you could tell he only half meant, to the way Heero was written (I just adored the random little detail that he hated the taste of peppermint more than anything, it just felt... right for the character in this story) and the whole Christmas theme. Heero was that balance between having become more human and still being, well, Heero that I love so much and his interaction with Duo was lovely and the final scene definitely gets a fluttery sort of reaction out of me. Much, much love for this story, even if this is another crappy rec. (Heero/Duo.)
Weiss Kreuz - Five Lives Brad Crawford Never Lived by Daegaer - Oh, these were so cool--five different takes on Crawford's history/potential life, possibilities that could have come to be, but hadn't and each one... just a snippet, but still representing all these different possibilities. The first one is such an intriguing idea, because... it's so smart. Clever, really. And just what you'd expect from a precog. Others in the set were either quietly touching (which you wouldn't expect from Crawford fic, but I found them working), others were as calculating as closer to the character we see, others were just... harsh and almost painful. But they were all fascinating to read, the different paths his life could have travelled, all interesting in their own right. (No warnings/pairings.)
Weiss Kreuz - Thankful by LadyJaida - This was a perfect little treat to read on Thanksgiving day, some Schwarz holiday stuff that's just... sharp and clever. Crawford with his "mean and deathly funny" sense of humor and odd fondness for American traditions, the little details about the way Schuldich eats his food, the way Schwarz relates to each other (especially as seen through Schuldich's eyes--which aren't too crass or snarly, but aren't too fluffy or sappy, either, just that right, perfect balance for me), to the way Crawford and Schuldich's relationship is... whatever it is. Schuldich here is just... this is what I like to read about, when he's trying to explain to Nagi why there is no explanation for his relationship with Crawford or when he's thinking about what kind of person Crawford is or when he's thinking about what kind of person still lurks inside all of them, frozen in place because of Schwarz, and the ending. The ending = <3<3<3 Both for the slight hint of smut and the sardonic take on the characters. >D (Crawford/Schuldich.)
Lost - The Watch by Queenb - This was... wow, what an incredibly gripping piece. This story grabbed me by the throat and wouldn't let me go until it was damned well ready to, this amazing little piece from Hurley's perspective while he watches Sawyer. It somehow really fits with the style of Lost and the feel of the island, yet something still so very, very... human. Hurley watches Sawyer on the beach and somehow this becomes a fascinating thing to read about, the way it changes things and yet maintains a precarious balance, the way it could have been so easily cliche, the way this built something, even if half of the participants were unaware of it, the way it said so much about the characters and fit with them and I'm babbling now, I'm sorry. Just... really good fic, especially for Hurley. And who doesn't love Hurley? (Slight pairing references, but they're ignorable.)
Lost - Under the Twinkling of a Fading Star by Rheanna - This fic was so cool. It's a little bit dated, since it was written awhile back, but it's surprising how much sense it still makes given what we know. (Or at least what I know as of 1x06.) There were a ton of details that suddenly started to click into place, why certain things were there that you couldn't explain any other way (like the polar bear or the crash) and why they've been stranded there that really made this premise work. Not to mention the writing was fantastic, the sense of atmosphere in it amazingly done, I could practically feel Jack's reactions right along with him. The subtlty of everything in the story is fabulously done, too, and I really don't want to say much more to give it away. Just... a really excellently done theory-piece about what exactly that island is, for the time it was written. Worth reading for the idea behind it, the creepy atmosphere, the genuine emotion of it, and for Jack's character. <3 (I'm not going to count any pairings, since anything that you might read into it would have been canon.)
DCU/Batman - untitled Cass and Tim thing? by Karen - So, I was searching for Good Omens fic, building up a pile of stuff to read and I happened to notice a memory with the name "DCU. Cass&Tim" and I thought, oho, I must read that! And I'm very glad I did because this was utterly lovely in that way that Cass and Tim have--so many bruises from training, the way its routine for them, the way it skirts that line between messed up and really messed up, not too far into either, the way they all just sort of understand each other and what's required of them for this, what drives them for this, all wrapped up in wonderfully subtle writing that gets its point across without having to bash me on the head. And the characterization is fabulous. For both of them. Ooh, and the description of Tim winding bandages around Cass, quietly examining the bruise patterns was perfectly done. This was a very nice treat for me to find. <3 (Not romance at all, but I'm sticking it in the Tim/Cass section anyway.)
Good Omens - A Blessed Event by Daegaer - I'm not sure what made me decide to jump head-first into Good Omens fic; it's a series I've been poking at for awhile, but never got around to reading much fic for until recently, possibly after the HP crash-and-burn thing got me started on fic for books. Anyway. This is one of the first handful of stories I read and I'm so glad I did because it just... sort of set a tone for what the fandom potentiall has to offer. I heeheehee'd my way through the entire fic and I wish I could give it a proper rec, because it deserves it, but I'm not quite sure how to do that without potentially spoiling the humor of it. Just... sharp, clear writing, beautiful characterizations, and just nailing that style and sense of humor that makes it such a delight to read, and, really, just fully realizes the potential of its scenario: Crowley is saddled with an unwanted house guest and is eventually forced to turn to Aziraphale for help. And, oh, my dear Aziraphale enjoying the whole thing but in such a way that's so very him and... oh, I literally keep going heeheehee every time I think about this story or reread snippets. And the ending. Oh, just... heeheehee. (No warnings/pairings.)
Good Omens - City of Angels by afrai - This was actually the very first GO fic I read (or close enough to it), which is a little odd, since it's a bit more of a serious background-like story, rather than the more humorous 'current day' stuff, but it was an interesting story to read and was nicely subtle and meaningful. The little details with the ducks that Aziraphale was helping to work on, what they meant in the grand scheme of things, and those little glimpses of the Grander Scheme that were presented in this story (which sounds terrible when I word it that way, but it's much better done in the fic) were all wonderfully tied together, such that I could quite picture this in my head. The sense of Something coming soon, not just yet, but soon was also wonderfully done, creating just the right atmosphere for the piece. I liked it a lot. (No warnings/pairings.)
Good Omens - Clocks by mercuriosity - Like the previous fic, this was one of the first I read, which is a bit surprising, given that it's not exactly the standard fare, as far as I can tell. That's not a bad thing, just surprising that that was one of the first fics I hit upon--Crowley brought to a sort of punishment by becoming human and the way it was done... in a lot of ways, it was awkward and painful (as it was supposed to be) and even managed to make me feel for the characters, despite that usual touch of GO's style it still posessed. A rather ouchy story, but very much worth reading--especially the last few lines which made me both laugh and hurt at the same time. (No real warnings/pairings.)
Good Omens - Living Arrangements by afrai - As the author herself calls it: This story is sort of the red-headed stepcousin of mercuriosity's Clocks, which you really should read if you like this sort of thing. And if I thought the previous one was painful, this one was even more aching and... I mean, these were two of the first fics I started my fandom journey off with and while normally that might have put me off, in a way maybe it was good, because I think I got that sort of sucker-punch to the gut sort of feeling over them and knew I liked them. (Plus, it makes the fluffy fic later all that much sweeter.) And this one was beautifully done--Aziraphale as a human, having to live with that, how difficult that is for both of them, the way Crowley reacts (even if he doesn't even show it to himself) is fantastic and the ending was marvelous, hitting all the right notes between how important their friendship is and how they're still not exactly the type given to histrionics and, oh, the bit at the end was just... could have knocked me over with a strong gust of wind, I suspect. (A little Crowley/Aziraphale, but blink and you may very well miss it.)
Good Omens - A Good Example by Daegaer - *giggles* A lovely little fic to cheer me up after the two rather wrenching ones previous to this, one of those little stories and it's one of those concepts that... when you hear it on its own (Crowley and Aziraphale "as Amish boys making out in the back of a buggy" is supposed to = OMGWTF!BADFIC, dammit), it seems like it would be just... well, bad. I, of course, jumped immediately to the fic, so I had no idea what I was getting into and promptly started sparkling and giggling like a good little dipshit fangirl, because the ending is priceless. (Crowley/Aziraphale.)
Good Omens - A Horse of a Different Colour by Daegaer - Yet again, a story that really shouldn't work (Aziraphale as a horse?), but pulls it off with such aplomb that it's hard to imagine it not being something that could have so very easily happened to them, that it seems... right, in its own way. Much of it is the sense of humor that goes into the story, the laid-back sort of casualness to the narrative even when really bizarre things are happening and part of it is just... no one else but these characters, man. Plus, horse!Aziraphale's reaction to the Bad Thing and what he does cracks me up every single time. Oh, and the ending. Such brilliant comedic timing. And? My love for the donkey knows no bounds. (No real warnings/pairings, I don't think?)
Good Omens - California Dreaming by Daegaer - You know, normally I hate BtVS crossovers with a violent passion, but this one somehow slips under my radar, quite possibly because it's barely even half-serious (it is a little, but only in the sense that the whole GO series is half-serious, you know what I mean) and so funny, right down to the little details of Crowley getting himself into a mess with Hell's accountants and needing to find a way back and getting into even more of a little bit of a mess with the Buffy cast. More beautiful characterization, hysterical jokes, lovely writing, a premise that's paced just right, not stretched out too long, not too painfully short, just the right length. I also love all the little details worked in, the way Crowley goes about his demon business, the way things are interpreted/misinterpreted, the way it just... felt like it was supposed to. One of those surprisingly seamless crossovers that shouldn't work, but somehow does., that's a horrible rec for a delightful little fic. (No warnings/pairings.)