Notes/Babbling: Just the usual assortment of stuff I liked. XD;
Prince of Tennis - 2 Fanart
DCU - 1 Fanfic
Full Metal Alchemist - 1 Fanfic
Naruto - 3 Fanfics
Tenjou Tenge - 1 Fanfic
Prince of Tennis - DIGITAL*MIND [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This is one of those sites that I just... I flail from the cute because, holy crap, OISHI IS SO CUTE. It's not just the cute, the artist is actually really good with her chibi-style art--the colors are fantastic, the lines are gorgeous, and the details very nice and sharp. But it's that whole feeling of... when you see little chibi Tezuka about to kiss little chibi Oishi's forehead and you spaz from the cute... THAT'S what I love about this site. Though, the artist also does these really nice group illustrations with these gorgoues lines and gorgeous colors that are somehow both cute AND pretty without feeling schizophrenic about it. Just... *FLAIL* OHMYGODTHECUTE! XD (A little Tezuka/Oishi, a little Seigaku/Oishi.)
Prince of Tennis - Gyakkou-Nein [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I admit, there are some things that didn't quite work for me with the art, occasionally something was a little off or whatnot... but the art was good enough for me to keep going through the gallery and eventually... I started to really become a fan of the art--it's very lushly colored, has a lot of great detail to it, and the poses/concepts for the InuKai illustrations are fantastic. Like, there's one of Inui leaning over Kaidoh's shoulder to take a bite of his ice-cream-thing (much to Kaidoh's surprise) and it's just lovely and so fitting for the characters. And, ultimately, that's what won me over with this site and got me to thinking that the artist was actually REALLY GOOD and this is one of the better InuKai sites I've seen. And actually really kind of re-made me a fan of these two. That's how much I VIBE with the art here. ♥ Also, the one of Kaidoh with a kitten? Holy crap, I think I HURT something with the cute. Oh! Oh! And the one of Kaidoh's little brother dressing up in his brother's uniform jacket and Kaidoh looking over at him!! XD XD ....I'll be quiet now. XD (InuiKaidoh.)
DCU/Batman - The Sanctity of Snow by Gen X - Have I never rec'd this story before? Shame on me. This is the first story of Noel's that I ever read and the one that was so fantastically written that I went, "....holy shit, that was GOOD!" and the one I kept thinking about when I would think, "....why is she talking to ME again?" whenever we had a conversation. This was... I remember the ache my heart went through when Dick was wounded and as much as I wanted to scream and rage against hurting my darling boy and to "FIX IT FIX IT NOW!", I appreciate that Noel didn't back down from the story she was telling here. The writing is lovely, the hurt very well-done, it's not just brushed off (I still remember the awkward conversation with Babs in the hospital and how much that hurt), and just a lovely story that helped to set the tone for my fondnesses in the fandom. He leans down and we kiss. It's not perfect. In reality, it's a little bit awkward. However, it doesn't take away from the tenderness or the sweetness of it. I love this story. (Dick/Babs.)
Full Metal Alchemist - Dates by Harukami - Roy used to be able to tell time by his women. Not down to hours and minutes and seconds, no, but weeks. He could measure off days of the calendar by it. I really like it when a story can take a concept like this and... I keep thinking about how I would have tried to write this and I know that I never would have been able to do it half as well as Harukami has done here, the way it actually makes sense and fits with the character so damn well, without making Roy anything less then (or more than) what he is (it doesn't make him an uber-playboy, but it doesn't make him a mastermind genius, either, and I appreciate that it feels like Roy here) and even for such a short story it smoothly transitions from one point in his life to the next, showing the developing attraction to Ed and that doesn't come out of nowhere. XD (Roy/Ed.)
Naruto - To Come Undone by hoshi_no_koe - "Lee-san... What does it mean when someone comes undone?" I really liked this little story because... the characterizations felt right to me, the way Sakura slowly starts to talk about the painful thought running through her head, the way she tied it into Lee's bandages, which are such a part of him and... I just like the whole parallel/metaphor that's used so well here. And Lee's characterization was just... heart-breakingly perfect, so bright and earnest and true. (A little bit Sakura/Lee, but genfic more than anything.)
Naruto - Lyric Wheel Challenge - Miss You Love - Silverchair by Jamjar - There are three lines in this story that stand out for me, even after an entire day later: And- it would be easy to get Naruto to fall in love with him, or something close to it. Naruto doesn’t have a clue when it comes to people. All Sasuke would have to do would be to smile at him, tell Naruto he wasn’t a complete waste of space. The author really did a terrific job at capturing the characters--they're not happy, shiny, rose-petal-strewn love, but there's a sense of magnetic attraction there and the way Naruto was written through Sasuke's eyes... it was wonderful. It wasn't happy, it wasn't unhappy, but it was just exactly what I needed yesterday morning. (Sasuke/Naruto.)
Naruto - Lyric Wheel Challenge by Jamjar - This little ficlet broke my heart, but I had to rec it anyway because it seemed so... as much as I wanted to rail against it, as much as I can see other possibilities for them, I could also buy the way this story presents Lee and Sakura's relationship. In it's own way, it's very sweet--it's not a bad relationship by any means, there are lots of wonderful things about it, but... it sort of gave me a dull ache in the middle of my chest to read it because... it's very bittersweet. And I did adore the way Lee made her feel, even if it was that same bittersweet feeling. (Sakura/Lee.)
Tenjou Tenge - He wanted to be as strong as his brother. by Vikki - *happy, sated sigh* THIS is the kind of thing I want from the Tenjou Tenge fandom... the Takayanagi brothers' relationship is the thing that fascinates me the most and this plays beautifully on it. It's short, but it really encompasses a lot of how I see Masataka--I figure he must have had a good previous relationship with Mitsuomi for the lack of hatred (and the desire to prove himself/be strong enough for his older brother) in current times and he really shows a remarkable lack of jealousy over others being stronger than he is and, as Vikki pointed out, he's a natural follower, than a leader. And this short little ficlet plays all that up beautifully without bashing us over the head with it and heart-tugging all at the same time. I just... I was in wibbly GOO afterwards. ;__; (No pairings/warnings.)