[ Full Metal Alchemist, Hunter x Hunter, Prince of Tennis, Initial D ]

Feb 07, 2004 13:06

Notes/Babbling: Okay, seriously? If anyone sees me on AIM before I have rec'd at least 20 more fics, not counting this post, smack me. They don't have to be long ones, but I have got to stop being so bad about this. (But, hey, at least I'm catching up on Vikki. *eyes Aishuu and Jenn next* ^_~)
    Full Metal Alchemist - 2 Fanfics
    Hunter x Hunter - 1 Fanfic
    Prince of Tennis - 2 Fanart
    Initial D - 1 Fanart
    Full Metal Alchemist - 3 Fanart

- Full Metal Alchemist - A Night Out (chapter one) by Vikki - You know, thank god for Vikki. She feeds my FMA love with writing like this--pretty smut that's just the right combination of nice, but intense. She also tailors her smut to the characters, which it something that gives me happy fangasms, because not nearly enough people write in character smut. Her banter between Roy and Ed is fabulous, just sparkling and clever, which is something that really helps with the whole IC-smut thing. *niko* Plus? The actual sex? Very nice, very hot. It's Roy being the charming bastard that he is and Ed being the hyper-reactive chibi that he is, combined with their usual chemistry. And this rec sucks, but you should read anyway. *nodnod* (Roy/Ed, graphic content.)

- Full Metal Alchemist - Too Close to the Sun and Mercy by Vikki - Often times, I feel authors jump onto the AU bandwagon too soon, because, for me, AUs are more intriguing once the canon events have started to feel a bit... gone over. And FMA is still such a new series that with most cases, I wouldn't feel an AU is necessary. However, this particular one... I gladly, gladly make an exception for because I'm so wildly in love with both the premise and the execution so far. There are a lot of things for me to gush about with this particular AU, the main two being that it's done so well and that it hits every button I have, in all the right ways.
Vikki is a talented author and the way she's writing the story proper makes me sparkle with love, because she has this way of working in all the little background details without disrubting the flow of the story. Which is an incredibly important thing for someone building an AU. Plus? It makes sense. It's not an exact copy of the series itself, but neither is it wholly removed and unrecognizable; it strikes the perfect balance between the two, in my opinion. These are still the characters I know, just set in different circumstances. Plus, I admit I totally have a kink for the light hinting of dominance/submission vibe that's going on here--it's not terribly strong, just enough that I (who tend to be a very vanilla fangirl--and proud of it, dammit XD) find it so incredibly appealing. Much, much love and, dammit, I need more of this one. ♥ (Roy/Ed.)

- Hunter x Hunter - Beyond by Vikki - I was talking with Vikki as she was writing this story and I liked this one a lot for the themes we discussed in the conversation--namely about what Kurapika would do when his revenge was over and how screwed up the character was because of... well, what this line says: He had known, despite that, that he would probably die in the process, and if he did not, he would be cut adrift, lost, and without purpose to his existence. I like this story because I can see it happening to Kurapika when he's done, because the story is subtle and... well, quiet. The moment between Kurapika and Leorio is one that I could just see for them, the author really capturing the feel of their dynamics straight out of the series itself. It's more about friendship than it is about romance and that's why I can see this. I love authors with a subtle touch. *sparkles* (Some light LeoPika hints.)

- Prince of Tennis - Kiyora [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - Often times, it's a handful of illustrations that I just adored that will get me to rec a site more than that I think people should see the entire site. Which is sort of the case with this site, because the artist has a handful of absolutely gorgeous illustrations (there's one of Oishi and Eiji in traditional clothes that I'm still fawning over *___*). Though, the artist does fabulous things with color, often very soft and pretty, some of them almost looking like incredible watercolors, some looking almost like soft, soft CG work. (I can't really ID the style, I just know it's pretty.) Shishido seems to be one of her favorite characters, given that the Ohtori/Shishido and Atobe/Shishido illustrations tend to be the best--the AtoShishi ones are downright gorgeous actually. So, I really liked the site. ^_^v (Some OishiEiji, some AtobeShishido, some Hyoutei pairings.)

- Prince of Tennis - trip&trap [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - I think it was the series of chibis on this site that won me over eventually, because they're just so damned cute! The artist does really great lineart, very clean and strong, with just enough detail to make them very pretty. But when she does color illustrations, they're great--I'm especially in love with the Little Red Riding Hood!Atobe one and I admit to much, much amusement from the Kisarazu/DuckieYanagisawa ones. ♥ So, all in all, this is a nicely solid site that I liked a lot that I hope to see more from. Plus? Fantastic icons--the amount I want that little Yagyuu/Niou one is not conveyable in mere words. *___* (No single pairing/school theme.)

- Initial D - WEB T-T [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - I admit, Keisuke/Ryousuke really isn't my thing, but given that it's one of the most popular pairings in the fandom and given what a Ryousuke fangirl I am, I venture into the sites a lot to find pretty art. If nothing else, I like the individual illustrations. ^_^v Anyway, this artist is very, very, very talented--her ability to emulate the original manga's style is incredible, if she were a little more sketchy with the images (the artists' images are a lot cleaner and tighter, her lineart is very crisp and clean, very, very well-done) I could almost have mistaken these for official art. The coloring is subtle and did I mention the lineart was really, really great? Because, wow, fantastic capturing of the original style. (Some Keisuke/Ryousuke.)

- Full Metal Alchemist - Jikiru [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - There are a couple of reasons that this site won me over--first is that a lot of the art got reactions out of me, especially the sad images that I could just build entire little stories around. The second is that while the art can be a little off, the artist does lovely things with colors and uses the softener effect beautifully. The roi-2 illustration is just... beautiful, especially. *___* And I'll admit that I'm terribly amused by Ed falling flat on his face--especially since the image is so PRETTY. ♥ The artist also knows how to draw some really cool poses, does a fantastic job with their hair, and the colors make me feel so warm. Very nice site. *hearts* (Some light Roy/Ed.)

- Full Metal Alchemist - Steel*Soul [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - I admit, there are a few things a little off with the artist's characters and her art is very CG-y, but the CG style actually reminds me of the anime art, which is a very good thing to my mind. *hearts* Plus! OMG SUCH CUTE ART! Roy and Ed in the bath! Roy taking Kitty!Ed home to give him a bath! Ed actually looking happy in Roy's arms for once! Ed being gorgeous while he looks out the window of a train while travelling! Roy glomping onto Ed! That was the real strength of this site--the art is very cute, but it's the poses and images/concepts presented that made me go *SQUEE!* that put this site on my list of must-rec sites. One of those sites that leaves me twirling around in a sparkle-fit by the time I'm done. XD (Roy/Ed.)

- Full Metal Alchemist - Kotokotoland [ Japanese Fan Art Site ] - What made me fall in love with this site were the sketches, because, damn, this artist can draw the characters fabulously. They're fantastic, they really look like the characters so amazingly well, and each one is like a little piece of a story (possibly from doujinshi sketches...?). There's also the regular illustrations and the artist does wonderful things with subtle watercolors, some of them just fantastic. There's one of Roy especially that has me drooling and panting over it. This site was one of those all-around solid sites that was a nice treat this morning. ^_^v (No warnings/pairings.)

fanart: fullmetal alchemist, fanart: initial d, fic: fullmetal alchemist, fic: hunter x hunter, fanart: prince of tennis

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