[ ARASHI, Bleach, Dragonball, Junjou Romantica, Viewfinder ]

Sep 01, 2010 07:33

    ღ - I am so close to finishing my update for the website that I can taste it. But I have been working on it so long that I think I might punch something if I work on it much more. DILEMMA.
    ღ - Puck/Rachel manifesto over at het_reccers! (I love the description of why she ships them and the part about their conversations. It's much more eloquent than I could have been, but sums my feelings up so very well.)
    ღ - Zau did a bunch of Jeff/Annie recs here and, seriously, my backlog for the two of them is nuts and this is only making it worse and I love her for it.
    ღ - Speaking of Jeff/Annie, there's a manifesto for them as well on het_reccers and, seriously, that comm has been so much fun lately!
    ღ - This time a Shin/Yankumi manifesto and I'm delighted how active this comm has been!

    ARASHI - 7 Fanfics
    Junjou Romantica - 5 Fanfics
    Viewfinder - 1 Fanfic
    Bleach - 4 Fanart
    Dragonball - 1 Fanart

ARASHI: The Arashi Rainbow Road Challenge by astrangerenters - I can hardly talk about this fic for the feeling of just wanting to flail my hands madly and make squeaking noises, because it's just so perfectly what I want to read when it comes to gen fic in this fandom. It's Nino being a little fucker, it's Sho wanting to participate in things so badly, it's all about the friendships in Arashi and yet ways they abuse each other, and video games. I love Sho with a fiery passion in this fic, I love how he reacts to everything, when he's not quite sure what's going on with Nino, when he figures things out, when the perfect ending comes around, all of it is fantastic. I love it as a Sho/Nino friendship piece, I love it as an all-around Arashi piece, I love it as an inter-JE piece, and I love it as a hilarious piece. ♥ (No warnings/pairings.)

ARASHI: Intentions by augustfai - I have a huge weakness for fics that take off from a performance or a variety show or a photoshoot, real or made up for the fic, because a lot of that interests me about the band and because it makes it easier to slot it between the frames of what we already see of their lives/jobs. Also, costume descriptions are often kind of hilarious. This fic is a lovely Sho/Jun piece that has some very nicely written tension between them, that sense of something lurking under the surface, and then some very nice porn when it finally explodes between them. This pairing is not always easy to write, but this was a very nice piece for Sho and Jun! (Sho/Jun, NC-17.)

ARASHI: To the Drawing Board by coiled_iris - My favorite line from this fic: Somewhere, Sho thinks, there is a demon laughing at him that alternately wears each of his groupmates' faces, and today, it must be Aiba's. Though, there's actually a lot I love about this fic, even aside from the porn, which is what I came to this fic for. There's Nino and Jun sniping at each other in their complicated way (and I like that it's obvious they care about each other, but they're also a little too similar sometimes to not clash, but also they're both evil fuckers) and Aiba deciding that the way to fix this is to get Nino and Jun to have sex and there's the rest of Arashi being roped into this genius plan. It's got fantastic dialogue as Nino and Jun makeout with each other, the kind of bitching that's both hilarious and totally saying that that is how they show their love by messing up hair and threatening to kill them with the nearest photo shoot props, but also hot makeouts! I honestly don't know who I love the most in this fic or which scene I laughed hardest during (Nino and Jun's makeouts! Aiba's genius plan! Sho trying to bait Ohno into going along so Aiba will leave him alone! Nino dragging Ohno and Sho into the closet with him! Ohno's amazing plan to get Nino and Jun to makeout! School uniforms!) or what. It was a great collection of various kinks I have for this fandom and turned them all awesome. And then gave me porn, too! I enjoyed this a lot, can you tell? (Nino/Jun primarily, but it's only half the point.

ARASHI: Once It Was a Fairytale: The Unsmiling Prince by nicocoer - Okay, I admit, I picked this one up because it was Aiba/Jun and I will read a lot for those two, even things I wouldn't normally otherwise read. Like fairy tale AUs. But I'm glad I did because this was just really adorable and I loved the way the various members of Arashi were woven into the fairy tale, even knowing how it was going to go didn't take away from the adorable and the dorkery. Totally cute and warm-and-fuzzy-inducing. Also totally worth it for Sho the cow. I lolled so hard. (Aiba/Jun, but it's only half the point.)

ARASHI: It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas…According to Aiba, Anyway by feigningsleep - Oh, man, sometimes there are these ideas for Arashi specials that I don't realize I want them until they pop into my head with painful clarity or when I read them in a fic and think, I WOULD PAY CASH MONEY TO SEE THAT. This Christmas special with snowball fights and Arashi running around in the snow and Aiba trying to cheer everyone into it and it is their goddamned day off and taking them to Chiba and just... everything about this was delightful and perfect for a winter Arashi fic. And really, really in the spirit of their shows, both for the hilarity and dorkery and dumbassery, but also for the way these five guys get along so well together. And bully each other, too. ♥ (No warnings/pairings.)

ARASHI: La La La Boomerang Show by bubbly - I'm always wary of AU fics, since they're super hit or miss with me, but something about this one pulled me in a lot more quickly than I was expecting. I think it helps that I'm fond of Arashi + TOKIO interaction, but also that it had a great strong beginning with the Aiba/Nino interaction that was kind of gold. And it just... kept rolling from there! I loved this AU, all the references to various Johnnys without taking away from the flow of the fic, the genuinely hilarious and creative ways they were put into this office AU, the hilarity of Arashi being drawn together to battle TOKIO because it just sort of shakes out that way, the sharp dialogue, all of it was just really hilariously fun. One of those AU fics that just totally hit the right spot with me. (No pairings/warnings.)

ARASHI: Would You Mind If I Stay? by reversemirror - As mentioned before, I really adore fics that play off their jobs and the little details woven into this fic hit that just right--especially the note about how Arashi don't spend much of their free time together doing stuff, so the stories they tell kind of reflect that, but it's not in a bad way. There's a very lovely, connected feeling to this piece, where Aiba shows up at Jun's place and just sits with him for awhile, after having gotten the part in My Girl. I love how cute Aiba is in this fic, it's so like him and Jun trying to be strong but totally failing because he's really a great big squishie and it's just. Warm and fuzzy like it should be. (Aiba/Jun.)

Junjou Romantica: Literary Material by worblehat - This is super adorable, it captures Akihiko's oddball nature so well and Misaki's "....wtf." reactions really well, yet still showing how much they obviously like each other and get along. I love that Akihiko is trying to get Misaki to confess and Misaki knows that it could very well be a trap, but somehow Usagi-san lures him into it anyway, and it's fun, adorable, and the dialogue is fantastic. Sometimes I forget how much I really like these two as well! (Akihiko/Misaki.)

Junjou Romantica: Eye of the Storm by deecherrywolf - Oh, man. Don't get me wrong, I'm a canon timeline girl at heart, but... an AU where Nowaki gets lost as a kid, runs into Kamijou-san, gets adopted by the family, and meets his new little brother, who is completely adorable in his crankiness and egoism at that age? I ate that up with a spoon like the delicious, delicious treat it was. It's not terribly a long fic and it's only one chapter and it's been well over a year, so it doesn't look like it's going to be continued, but what there is of it is still worth reading! Seeing little Nowaki and little Hiroki interact is completely adorable and really fits them both well, they're obviously younger, but still recognizable and it's hard to win Hiroki over, but Nowaki being Nowaki, you know he'll eventually manage it. Plus, the scenes with Kamijou-mama are completely adorable and Nowaki at school is completely adorable and just-- I was a little flaily about this, I know. Shut up. (This is sort of gen, but it's in the Nowaki/Hiroki vein.)

Junjou Romantica: Overworked by Ozzie Eggs - This fic has some extraneous Japanese in it that I found a little jarring and I'll admit upfront that I felt like it sort of ended abruptly/I wish there'd been a scene where Hiroki and Nowaki actually saw each other to give the fic a stronger point, but I'm crabbing about those things because the fic was a really good piece otherwise. The writing was smooth and the characterization was solid and I really wanted more from the author! Plus, okay, I always enjoy a good scene with Hiroki and Miyagi and this fic totally had that. Also also, I'm a sucker for Nowaki and Hiroki kind of pining for each other in their own way and this piece accomplished that nicely. (Nowaki/Hiroki.)

Junjou Romantica: Noblesse Oblige by Mizu-Tenshi - When I first got into fandom, I thought that Haruhiko/Hiroki would have been the weirdest pairing and total crack. As I got deeper into the series and found that Hiroki was an interesting character because he had the strongest ties to the most amount of people in the manga, it was one of those things where... it's half about the way Hiroki is the one character that sort of ties all three main storylines together and half about how I ship Hiroki with pretty much anything that moves. So, when I found this Haruhiko/Hiroki fic I immediately clicked on it and read, which I'm glad I did because it's this really, really excellent piece. It strides the line between being humorous and being something almost a little painful because Hiroki doesn't get a lot of things and because I almost wanted to ship this really badly except I can't because of Nowaki and it's not like it gets much attention in fandom so I would be forever pining! <---this is the flaily reaction this fic induced in me, I know, shut up! The fic was everything it needed to be, it was convincing, it was engaging, it had so much potential in it, it sparked my imagination, and it was beautifully written. Ahhhhh, I want more Hiroki fic forever, dammit! (Haruhiko/Hiroki, maybe a touch NSFW.)

Junjou Romantica: Love Letter to Japan by Ozzie Eggs - This is another short one, where Hiroki reads the letters that Nowaki never sent because they really mean the world to him, even if he'll never tell Nowaki that, but then... well, there's bound to be a letter or two that Nowaki knew he wasn't going to send, so he might have been a little more direct than he would be to Hiroki's face, yes? So, I laughed kinda hard at the second letter Hiroki read here and his reaction to it and just. asd;lfkjaslkjfffff I love the Egoist pair forever. (Nowaki/Hiroki.)

Viewfinder: Occupational Hazards by Tammaiya - For my birthday, Siobhan did a series of quick fics, some a little longer than others, and this is totally one of my favorites from that batch. (Well, I lie. They were all my favorites.) Partially because I'm in such a Viewfinder mood lately, but also because she just totally nails what a smug bastard Asami and what a little shit Akihito is and how it makes it so very entertaining to watch both of them. I really wanted to quote a bunch of lines from this, but I can't spoil the jokes. Just... it's one of my favorite dynamics for them pretty much ever and the kind of fic that hits my buttons just exactly right, so I kind of want to roll around in glee over it. A lot. >_> (Asami/Akihito.)

&nspb; - Bleach - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I stumbled over the link for this site tonight and got caught up in it pretty quickly. I'll warn ahead of time that it's not going to be for everyone, but it's got a lot of Ichigo/Orihime and Ulquiorra/Orihime art and, well, god knows I'm weak to anything with Orihime in it. Though, it was around the time I stumbled over the one Aizen/Hinamori image a fair ways into the gallery that I knew I was going to heartmark this site kind of a lot, since it's right up my alley. The artist isn't perfect, but she's improved over time and her art is really cute in places, and she's got a ton of potential, so I really, really want more from her. ♥ Plus, hey, there's a cute little RukiHime lurking a ways into the gallery links! I will do a lot for cute RukiHime art. :D<3 (Ichigo/Orihime, Ulquiorra/Orihime, some other het pairings, some gen.)

  - Bleach - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - After the previous site, I was in the mood for Bleach fanart again and Orihime art is always my first choice for when I'm feeling up to fanart surfing. I stumbled over the link to this site and started clicking through it and was slowly won over by it--it's not going to be a site for everyone and there were several images that I skimmed over, I'll admit. (And I think this may be a re-rec? Eh, either way, it's worth a whirl through again.) But the artist has a lot of potential and her sketch art can be really beautiful and there's an occasional piece that's just really beautiful. The site might be a little uneven at times, but overall the artist is very talented and knows how to draw Ulquiorra and Orihime really well and her almost sepia-toned images are especially nice. This was a fun site to stumble over tonight! (Ulquiorra/Orihime.)

  - Bleach - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Ulquiorra gets a lot of really amazing fanart in this fandom and he does have a really great character design, so I often find myself on art sites for him even when I don't mean to. But this site is a prime example of why! The early art starts out pretty good, but the artist steadily gets better and better (not to mention that there's a ton of art here) until she's doing just beautiful work for the character, especially in his released form. And, hell, this site is worth visiting for the image of three various forms of Ulquiorra out on an ice rink because that's kind of awesome. And the Halloween Arrancarr! But mostly it's just one of those sites with amazing image after amazing image and the intese desire to snag this artist and drag her away into all my other fandoms because I like her work so much. ♥ (No warnings/pairings.)

  - Bleach - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Another artist who uses almost sepia tones in her art and I'm still weak to that. While I appreciate the Ulquiorra and/or Orihime art that the artist is obviously fond of, one of the really nice surprises about this site is that the artist also focuses on a solid collection of the other characters! Even with the artist's doodles and sketches, there's a lovely quality to all the art and a solid amount of it to be found here. You'll mostly want to visit the site for the UlquiHime art, but occasionally there's a lovely one of Orihime by herself or the Hueco Mundo characters/designs or things like tiny baby Ishida crying on Ryuuken and it's too adorable to miss or a fantastic one of the Bleach girls in dresses and laughing in a giant pile. This was a really fun site tonight! (Ulquiorra/Orihime, some gen.)

  - Dragonball - [ English Fanart Site ] - Holy crap, is there ever a ton of Dragonball art on this artist's account! A lot of it is made up of black&white sketches or lightly colored, almost pastel images, but it really captures Toriyama's style nicely and focuses on Vejiita with his kids or wil Bulma and just. That always gets right straight at my wheelhouse for this fandom, especially when done so well like this. It's probably more waffy than some people might like, but I love Vejiita's grumpy expression with all of my heart and then there's makeouts with Bulma and frequent updates and just. Totally hit me right today, this kind of thing is exactly what I love about the Dragonball fandom on devART. ♥ (Some Vejiita/Bulma, a lot of gen.)

fanart: bleach, fic: arashi, sharing: gokusen, fanart: dragonball, sharing: community, fic: junjou romantica, fic: viewfinder, sharing: glee

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