→ Usual warnings: You need an account for pixiv, you don't need one for devART/tegaki. DON'T TAKE THE ART WITHOUT PERMISSION. Save me, plz. Crapload of links here, so it make take a moment to load.
→ Note: Just go ahead and assume SPOILERS FOR ALL ANGELBEATS! EPISODES because Pixiv is pretty much all over every episode as it comes out and I can't separate spoilers for crap in that fandom. ~_~
→ fandomsecrets:
"I like HGSS and all, but Platinum was my favorite GenIV game of all time." - .....me, too. >_> I love HGSS and I think they came along at just the right time to really hook me into the fandom, but Platinum is my forever game. I love Green/Blue(/whatever) and Red being Trainers you have to beat in HGSS, but... man, the lack of easily available Eevees and their evolutions is really frustrating the hell out of me. And I miss my Luxray. And the Pokemon just aren't quite as cute. And Dawn/Hikari/Platinum >>>>> ALL OF YOU. Though, I will admit that I like the more touch screen-friendly interface that HGSS has, it's kind of spoiling me for when I pick up FireRed. I do love that
the comments are basically split, but most people are like, "Yeah, they're all pretty awesome, though." Which is my feeling. HGSS and DPP gave me different things--well, as much as ANY Pokemon game can give you something different from another--but I really enjoyed both so much.
"Whenever I have to confront someone, [Red's theme from HGSS] plays in the back of my head and I know shit is about to go down." - I love how
all the comments pretty much echo the same sentiment: I FUCKING LOVE RED'S THEME. Seriously, the music in that game was kind of fantastic. (Also, I clearly have to hunt down that image on Pixiv. +__+)
Avatar: the Last Airbender:
Zuko/Mai Film Noir AU and, oh, man, is Mai ever smoking hot here.
Aang and Katara getting up in the morning and stretching out the kinks of sleep.
Aang and Katara curled up together as they sit on a ledge, Katara quite a ways along in her pregnancy.
Beautiful doodle of an Aang/Katara wedding and I love all the fabric draped over them.
Aang/Katara underwater kiss that's mostly in b&w with the sea a lovely blue behind them.
Mai pressed against Zuko's back as they almost but not quite touch their hands over his shoulder.
Sweet and lovely Sokka and Suki as they nearly touch foreheads together.
Mai is my favorite character design in the series because, as this image shows, she is really smoking hot.
The main group as they fly along with most riding on Appa, but Momo and Aang taking flight on their own.
Aang and Katara dancing in a beautiful water-color-style image.
An older Katara in a white dress and a water theme in this lovely image.
Slightly older Aang and Katara in a hug that's also a lovely watercolor style image.
Fantastic image of Toph's training in the artist's watercolor like style that I love.
Another Aang/Katara hug from this artist and I love how adorable and pretty it is at the same time.
Following a link from one of the previous images, the gang's older formal outfits are all kind of awesome here.
Pretty image of Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai in a sort of collage.
Stunning image of Katara as she bends the water around her, done in sunset colors.
Aang playing far up in the sky with a neat perspective on the image.
This black & white lineart of older Aang and Katara is nicely done.
Beautiful image of Katara with her winter clothes and lovely shades of blue.
More lovely colorwork from this artist, this time with Toph done up in golds.
Beautiful image of Katara and Aang as they fly up through the sky together.
One more from this artist because I can't resist, this time of the four main characters after the war and how they change outfits a little.
No, wait, sorry, I lied, one more, because ghost!Mai for an Avatar monsters series as she haunts Zuko is beautiful.
WAIT, ONE MORE, because Swamp Thing Katara is awesome and beautifully done, wow.
A series of Pokemon sketches in an artdump that I really liked, because some of them are really pretty.
Sketch of Sapphire riding on Ruby's shoulders and, yeah, I think I'm kind of sunk for shipping these two. <3
Flaafy using Captivate in a beautifully colored image here as well.
An Absol using Dark Pulse and I am still not over how much I really like this series of images.
One more in this series of the Pokemon and their moves--Jolteon using Thunder is fantastic.
AngelBeats! - Group images:
I can never quite decide if I ship Noda/Yuri or not but this series of images that has one of him kissing her hand is sweet. Same for Otonashi kissing Tachibana's forehead and Yui kissing Hinata's cheek.
To be honest I never expected to find much Yuri/Tenshi art (or Yui/Iwasawa) but Japan surprises me once more with this cute series.
Otonashi surrounded by several of the characters and I love how I ship him with each and every one of those characters.
Totally cute image of Otonashi, Hinata, and Yui and I would watch those three idiots together for a long, long time.
After ep 6, I shipped Naoi/Otonashi as well but the look on Hinata's, Yuri's, and Tenshi's faces here is hilarious. And reminds me that I ship all of that. Again.
Gorgeous Operation Start! group image of several of the AngelBeats! characters Yuri has under her.
Several of the cast in cat ears as they also pretty much tangle themselves up into one big pile. Or at least Yui does.
Gorgeous collage from episode 6 that kind of makes me love everything all over again.
Yuri and her group of fighters all with their guns (and Noda's halberd) at the ready.
Very pretty cast image with the AngelBeats! logo over the top of them.
Otonashi, Hinata, and Yui again and, yeah, I still love that trio a lot.
Hinata picking Otonashi up as Noda is apparently chasing after them. Man, Otonashi's life. XD
Hinata, Otonashi, and Noda with their baseball gear and Otonashi in the middle, of course.
AngelBeats! - Single character:
This portrait of Yui as she does her little doggy pose is too damn adorable.
Pretty image of Tenshi that has nicely done glowing outlines on the leaves around her.
I really like the manga-like style on this image of Tenshi, it's something a little different that looks very nice.
Smirky Naoi art shouldn't be as much fun as it is, but after having just watched ep 6....
Gorgeous image of Yuri with headphones as she lays back and the AngelBeats! logo is on the white background behind her.
Another gorgeous image, of Naoi this time with his jacket draped over his shoulders and a determined look on his face.
Another pretty, almost-manga like image of Tenshi that has a light, airy feel to it.
Various sketches of Naoi and asdl;kfjaslj it's amazing how fast I came around to liking him.
Naoi leaning back on flower petals and tears welling up in his eyes and as;ldfkjs my heart.
Tenshi with wings and shimmery, sparkly colors again.
Yui singing on stage with food tickets fluttering down around her.
Naoi with his gun in an image that looks very nicely done in full view.
Portrait-style image of Noda with his giant axe slung over his shoulder.
Noda with his halberd again which I find myself wishing he got just a smidge more attention in fandom.
Soft, pretty image of Tenshi as she plays the piano, which I really liked, too.
Hinata laying back with his shirt open and his wrists wound up in red ribbon.
OMG SHIINA ART, I LOVE SHIINA like really ridiculous amounts, especially when she's being badass and dumbass at the same time!
Another Tenshi image with pretty colors that looks nicely done in cg here.
Crouching Hinata with his handgun at night as they get ready for an operation.
Tenshi standing in a colorized field as feathers float around her, which is beautiful.
Cute sketch of Tenshi as she waits in the hallway with her bookbag.
Tenshi on a bridge at sunset as her hair billows off to the side in the wind. Which is seriously gorgeous.
Yui being adorable as hell as she is wont to do.
Tenshi with her plate of mabo doufu in a cute, lightly colored image.
Yui making a v-sign over her eyes and beautifully colored, I liked this one's coloring a lot.
Tenshi hugging her teddy bear which shouldn't be kind of wibble-inducing, but it really is.
AngelBeats! - Hinata/Otonashi:
This lineart of Hinata and Otonashi sitting back to back, done in almost flat colors, looks really good.
Otonashi desperately hugging Hinata as he pretty much took a running leap at him, I imagine, with a lovely bright white background, giving it an airy feel.
Sketches of Hinata and Otonashi in various poses and situations, with some nicely solid coloring.
Hinata leaning in towards Otonashi who is totally thrilled with this, really.
Hinata half-draped over Otonashi's lap and it's one of the few times I think I've seen it as Otonashi/Hinata.
Otonashi and Hinata asleep on each other with the AngelBeats! logo on the background behind them.
Hinata glomping onto Otonashi in a flying tackle that's cute.
I love that a fandom isn't complete until you have a Magnet-style image. AngelBeats! is one more step towards completion. :|b
The two of them scuffed and dirty as Hinata drapes an arm around Otonashi.
Oh, god, chibis with animal ears as Hinata licks Otonashi's wounds and asl;dkfjaslj I am weak.
Hinata grabbing Otonashi's tie between his teeth as he wraps arms around Otonashi.
The two of them in school girl outfits because Pixiv knows what it takes to make a fandom complete.
Otonashi leaning into Hinata in an image that has really pretty colors to it.
Hinata basically feeling Otonashi up while Otonashi is TOTALLY PLEASED WITH THIS is never not going to be funny.
Hinata and Otonashi eating lunch as they sit side by side and Hinata is... Hinata.
Hinata and Otonashi in really close quarters done in a cute almost anime-like style.
Hinata leaning into Otonashi's personal space and giving him one of those looks again.
Another one of Hinata's arm around Otonashi in a cute image here.
Back to back with their guns in hand, this image has some pretty, bright coloring.
AngelBeats! - Otonashi/Tenshi:
Tenshi picking Otonashi up and carrying him out of the tunnel and asd;lkfjasl; I love it.
Oh, man, this is a beautiful image of Otonashi's arms lightly around Tenshi as he holds his gun and she's nearly floating.
Tenshi wrapping arms around Otonashi as she leans against his back just a little.
AngelBeats! - Other pairings/duos:
The Naoi kids climbing that tree and asl;dkfjal;skjsj my heart.
Iwasawa and Yui playing their guitars and singing back to back.
The Naoi brothers together as they both look up and asd;lfkjaslj so cute, dammit.
Yui and Iwasawa playing together is really sweet and adorable.
The Naoi brothers holding hands as they lay on the ground afterwards and just. Ow.
Tenshi and Naoi during the baseball game as she's dressed for coaching, so adorable.
Tenshi eating mabo doufu while Yuri freaks the hell out in the background.
Noda with Yuri in the background as they face away from each other and... I'm still not sure if I ship this, hm.
Lovely image of Yuri and Tenshi as they lay upside down to each other in a shallow pool of water.
Pokemon - the kids and their Pokemon:
Green with a giant bird Pokemon that looks really kind of epic.
Ethan with a Pokemon perched in his lap is simple but also very nicely done with shiny, glossy colors.
Little chibi version of Red checking his map with a couple of Pokemon at his feet.
Red pulling his cap down over his eyes while he and a Pikachu look off into the distance.
The gorgeous coloring on this image of Red with a Pikachu perched on his shoulder is very nice.
A crying Red hugging a wounded Pikachu after a battle together, awww.
Another very nicely colored image of Green (with fantastic green eyes) and an Eevee on his shoulder.
Red and a Pikachu waiting in the snow while the Pikachu is cheerfully wearing Red's cap, aww!
A Pikachu putting one little paw on Red as he's collapsed backwards on the ground, awww.
Adorable mockup of a DS cover with chibi Red and pretty coloring.
Chibi Red again with two Pikachu hanging off of each of his arms.
Red at sunset with a Pokeball in hand has some really nice colors in full view.
Chibi-esque Red ready to battle is also a great little image.
Totally cute sketch of Lyra as she's walking along with her bag.
I love that Silver blushes constantly in fanart, even when it's just his own Pokemon snuggling up to him.
Totally adorable image of Lyra as she holds her Marill cutely.
Gorgeous image of Red with his Pikachu when they're on Mt. Silver, with fantastic colors.
Darling image of Silver and his starter Pokemon as it gives him a flower, awww.
Red sitting on a Charizard as it happily licks his face and asd;lfkjasl;kj this is so cute.
Red at different ages with a Pikachu (or some incarnation thereof) always perched on his shoulder.
A matching image of Green at different ages, who also always has an Eevee on hand.
A series of sketches of Green are all pretty cute to see.
Red x Red image of the two different versions/outfits on him.
Matching Green x Green image of the two different versions/outfits on him as well.
Red roasting a sweet potato on Charizard's tail again, which is still amusing.
Another fantastic image of Red as he's waiting at the top of Mt. Silver.
Pokemon - the Trainers and their Pokemon:
Morty on the phone with a call that's about as interesting as you're going to get from the game, yeah. XD
Oh, god, the cuteness of this one of Morty and his ghost Pokemon is just too adorable.
Another one of Morty with his Pokemon and I feel I should step away from the art at this point and yet. :|
....yeah, okay, more art of Morty despite that I don't seek it out, honest. But it's so pretty!
Morty's Pokemon love him. They kind of love him a lot. Which is adorable.
Pokemon - the Pokemon themselves:
I love art of the Eevees especially when it's so cute like this.
Pokemon - Green/Red:
Mostly sketches of Green but with Red occasionally in there, all of them really cute.
Almost kiss with Green/Red that's done in a watercolor-like style that's nice.
Red and Green both bundled up in fluffy scarves during the winter, each in the other's color.
Almost chibi-esque versions of Red and Green as they curl up in bed together.
Chibi versions of Green and Red again, done in the bright, shiny colors I like so much.
Green/Red makeouts in a multi-page cute little comic are also nice of Pixiv.
Gorgeous image of Green and Red right in each other's faces as their Pokemon are perched on their shoulders.
Red curled up in bed with Green sitting next to him and it's a simple image but a very nice one.
Green and Red in each other's clothes is kind of fantastic, including an Eevee on Red's lap.
As if Red asleep on Green wasn't great enough, there's also Green's face and the Pikachu's face, lolz.
Green and Red sharing candy as they sit on Mt. Silver along with Red's Pikachu.
Green pulling Red foward into an almost kiss as they're in the middle of the snowfall on Mt. Silver.
Half undressed Red with Green's hands all over him and implied heavy makeouts? Why, thank you again, Pixiv.
Green pinning Red to the wall as Red looks at him in surprise is very nicely done.
Green pressing Red back onto a bed and nearly kissing him, with Red's shirt rucked up halfways.
Oh, man, my heart at this comic strip with Green approaching Red on Mt. Silver and hugging him and then Red's face--!
Green vs Red image where they each have an awesome team of Pokemon.
Red crankily wrapping arms around Green is done in some really pretty, shiny colors.
Green and Red walking away from each other at sunset, in a very Rivals-esque image.
Red leaning into Green's arms in a really quietly intimate image.
Green/Red makeouts in a multi-page comic that's very, very nice of Pixiv to finally give me! (NSFW.)
Green playing with Red's hair is kind of hilariously cute.
Green bringing Red a scarf because god forbid Red remember to bring anything with him to Mt. Silver. XD
Comic strip to go with the above image, with Green bringing Red a scarf on Mt. Silver. And then there are makeouts! \o/
Heavy kissing is also appreciated when it comes to this artist and her Green/Red makeouts.
If I were Lyra, I'd totally want that on my phone, too, I have to admit. >_>
Another comic strip with Red vs Green and it's also beautifully drawn.
Green watching as Red sleeps with their Pokemon each curled up against them.
This Green/Red comic is 23 pages of fabulousness, including Lyra hilarity. But mostly the almost makeouts in the snow and the final image of Red draped over Green's lap.
Lineart of Green and Red curled up together in bed is kind of one of my favorite things ever.
A series of three Green/Red images all of which are cute or prettily drawn.
And again more Green/Red images by the same artist, which are all kind of very nice, especially as Green likes to push Red up against walls and stuff.
Cute one-page comic thing of Green and Red holding hands in the cold weather.
Red draped over Green's shoulder as Green reads a book and puts one hand in Red's hair.
Gorgeous image of Red and Green as they're back to back and Green's looking at him over his shoulder.
Eight-panel comic page cuteness with Green and Red and some great expressions.
More Green/Red porn from this artist who clearly wants to make me happy. (NSFW.)
The first image in this series is Red roasting a sweet potato on Charizard's tail, but then it's Green and/or Red sketches and doodles that are all kind of fantastic.
Comic strip image of a Green/Red hug that kind of melted me all over again.
Another cute Green vs Red image in a comic strip that's messy and yet really pretty.
Red straddling Green for a birthday image, which was also nice of this artist! (NSFW.)
Green and Red with their Pokemon, both big and small.
Green grabbing hold of Red's wrist as they almost kiss in a nicely done b&w image.
Pretty comic strip image that shows exactly where the scratches on Green's back are from. Which is exactly what you thought. (NSFW.)
A series of 27 images/sketches of Red, Green, and Green/Red.
More Green/Red porn from this artist in a sample doujinshi-like page. (Very NSFW.)
Green and Red with animal ears and tails and it's porn. That's... that's Pixiv in a nutshell for you. (NSFW.)
Green, Red, and lazy mornings and curling up in bed together and it's all very sweet.
Green and Red spinning around and done in bright, summery colors.
Same image as above but with different coloring and I kind of liked both.
Green/Red heavy makeouts from another sample doujinshi-like page. (A little NSFW.)
Red leaning back against Green who has a hand in his hair to pull him back.
Makeouts and groping and porn with Green/Red because this artist is my new favorite. (NSFW.)
Another comic strip of Green and Red as they hold hands and glance each other's way.
Oh, man, the dozen+ sketches of Green/Red on this comic strip image are all fantastic little doodles.
Smilingly happy Green/Red almost kiss at the top of Mt. Silver yet again.
Green carrying Red to a bed and tucking him in and then just about kissing him.
Green and Red with Pokemon ears, of their usually associated Pokemon, that is.
The artist's sharpness of lines here in this Green/Red comic strip is getting to be really nice.
Red and Green in street clothes (or possibly school uniforms) as Green grabs Red's hand to drag him along.
Pokemon - Other Duos:
Red and Lyra back to back in blacks and reds that look really nice.
Whoa, this one of Green and Blue is kind of really pretty, especially since their eyes and the flowers in their hands are the only colored parts.
Lyra carrying Ethan as she runs along and he seems fine with it, lolz.
Lyra handing Ethan a present in a totally cute little chibi-esque image.
Ethan trying to push Lyra off him as she's trying to glomp him is kind of hilarious.
The use of reds and golds in this image of Red and Lyra are really pretty, too.
I can't say I ship it precisely but all this fanart of Lyra glomping onto Red is certainly making me a little weaker.
More Lyra/Ethan cuteness of them both in mid-air with a cute style.
Aww, more cute Lyra/Ethan art of them with their arms around each other and smiling brightly.
Still yet more Red/Lyra cuteness with a bunch of little doodles in various situations.
Lyra asleep on Morty as she shushes one of his ghost Pokemon.
More cuteness with Lyra and Ethan as they lounge around together.
A multi-page comic with Green and Lyra interaction and then Ethan/Lyra interaction and it's all very cute. (Plus, some bonus Green/Red!)
I still can't resist the Morty/Lyra cuteness especially when she's fallen asleep on him.
Pokemon - Groups:
The main characters and rivals all in school-style clothes is shiny and fantastic, too.
Silver chasing after Ethan and Lyra is really kind of a fantastic image, too.
Gold and Silver presenting Crystal a gift is really kind of darling, aw.
The HGSS trio with a starter Pokemon each in semi-chibi-esque form and they're all so cute!
A collection of some of the Trainers and I really like this artist's style.
Team Galactic were the first villains I faced since Platinum was my first game, so I still have a huge soft spot for them.
Green, Red, Gold, and Silver in track suits with their Pokemon or Pokeballs during the Pokeathlon.
High school gym uniforms (from the opposite gender) on the characters? Why, yes, thank you for the hilarity, Pixiv.
Pikachu bonding with Lyra much to the shock of Red, Green, and Ethan.
A Green/Lyra/Red trio with some really pretty colors to it.
Another cute image of Lyra in the middle between Red and Green as they look at her in surprise.
HGSS and DPP characters (along with Green and Red, of course) is a nice group image.
Green and Red making Silver and Ethan's lives difficult while Lyra looks curiously at them in the background is kind of great.
An awesome collage with Ethan and Lyra as they're back to back and ready to face off against all the gym leaders in HGSS.
Very pretty collage of the HGSS characters all with red hair like Silver's.
Lyra sandwiched between Green and Red with softly done, almost gold-tinted colors again.
Mostly Green/Lyra, but a little Green/Ethan as well and I will never get over Pixiv's love of these characters.
Comic strip with the HGSS characters and some really cute art.
Tales of the Abyss:
Tear and Luke just after he's cut his hair and I love the windswept feeling of this one.
This beautiful image of Sync and Arietta and watering a little pot of flowers just brought all my adoration for them flooding back.
More gorgeous Sync/Arietta art, this time with a 13 page comic that's just wonderful.
Durarara!! ending parody with the TOA characters is all kinds of fantastic.
Cute almost-kiss with Asch and Natalia.
Beautifully colored Arietta image in that soft, airy cg style that's so lovely.
Cute Flash-style chibis of Luke, Tear, and Mieu, aww.
Another of Asch holding Natalia close, done in pencil this time, I believe.
Anise picking Ion up and running off with him, which is SO CUTE OMG.
More adorable Ion and Anise with them in bakery style AU clothing, so cute!
Gorgeously colored Asch/Natalia in formal clothes--the reds for his hair are kind of stunning.
The Ion clones are always gorgeous, but especially Sync in images like this.
Beautiful image of Luke as he leans back with a half-lidded expression.
The various Ion clones all grouped together is a fantastic little sketch.
Natalia in Asch's lap while they sit on a bed and almost kiss is beautifully done, too.
Asch has the best hair as the breeze whips it around him.
The main party in more normal clothes as they rush around a farm.
A tearful Luke looking upwards is a lovely image, if a sad one.
Another gorgeously colored Asch/Natalia where they're in each other's personal space.
Peony with one of the bussagi and asdl;fkjasl;kj I love that fruit loop forever.
Jade amongst the flowers is almost pretty enough to make you forget what a bastard he really is. XD
Vampire Asch and witch Natalia are SO CUTE, especially around Halloween time.
Beautifully colored image of Luke and Guy as Luke (badly) bandages his wounds.
Okay, Peony should not be this hot and yet, with the glasses he has on, he really kind of is.
Asch/Natalia image again with pretty clothes and Asch with amazing hair.
I kind of love Tear in her kitty costume despite that I know it's total fanservice.
Luke in a Malkuth uniform (or, basically, Jade's uniform) is kind of really pretty.
I don't know which of these Asch/Natalia sketches is my favorite, but right now I'm leaning towards the one where she has fangs and is leaning on his back. SO CUTE. And kind of hot.
Guy pulling Luke close has some of the most amazingly pretty colors to it.
I really like the soft colors here on this quiet image of Natalia.
More prettiness with the clones which looks even better in full view.
Guy dressed as Santa with kidlet Luke in his arms as he presses a kiss to Guy's cheek, along with some fantastic colors.
Peony, Jade, and Safir with the busagi is kind of hilarious for Safir's expression alone.
Peony, Jade, and Safir and the only thing missing from this image is Nephry.
Luke holding Tear in his arms with soft, cute colors and a cg style, aww.
Nicely done Asch image again that I liked the softened colors on.
Nicely done image of Luke this time with some good detail on his hair and clothes.
The main party in glasses is kind of fantastic, too.
I am weak to the idea of Guy/Tear and you can all just shut up. >:|
Gorgeous image of Asch as he leans on his hand and looks askance with a smirk.
Another gorgeous Asch portrait and it reminds me of why he threatens to be my favorite character sometimes.
Asch and Luke in high school uniforms and both look amazing here.
Asch/Luke art seems to so often get these amazing colors so that I can never resist it.
Pretty much ditto on this one of Asch leaning over Luke and they both look fantastic.
Tales of Vesperia:
Yuri with tons of colored highlights in his hair is really kind of prettier than it should be.
Another gorgeous image of Estelle in that white/blue dress that complements her so well.
Yuri with a glowing crystal held out in front of him that's beautiful.
I really like this image of Judith, which is simple in a way but also just lovely.
Pretty image of Estelle and Yuri as they stand side by side again.
Yuri being pushed backwards in a light, soft, airy image that's nicely done.