ღ - Oh, also, yesterday's fandom secrets had a secret about One Piece and where was the goodfic, which
got a quick comments thread which was mostly notable for
these recommendation posts. Awesome! (Also, probably not dial-up friendly, ANY OF THOSE links!)(I'm flattered to listed among them, but I'm also genuinely excited about other people's recs, too! ♥)
Final Fantasy VII - 1 Fanfic
Final Fantasy VIII - 2 Fanfics
Final Fantasy XII - 1 Fanfic
Gokusen - 1 Fanfic
Junjou Romantica - 8 Fanfics
Kyou Kara Maou! - 1 Fanfic
Viewfinder - 7 Fanfics
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 2 Doujinshi
One Piece - 3 Doujinshi
Final Fantasy VII:
wing-kink - why preening is a private affair by mystiri_1 - I was wondering around this morning, not really sure what I wanted to settle on reading, and somehow wound up on one of the porn_battle memes and stopped on this fic. Like many of that type of fangirl, I love wingfic and I love wing-kink fic just as much. So, after Nebilheim and Sephiroth's got that wing and he's unconscious and bedgraggled, so Cloud settles in to smooth it down for him? ....yeah, do want. *__* (Sephiroth/Cloud, slight content warning.)
Final Fantasy VIII:
gloves by nanthimus - I probably shouldn't enjoy this one as much as I did, but... Seifer fucking Zell over a desk and they both still kind of can't stand each other even as the sex is good, until finally Seifer finally figures out a (kind of total bastard) way to shut Zell up. But size difference has always been one of my preferences and this reallyw as kinda hot. (Seifer/Zell, NSFW.)
Final Fantasy VIII:
forgiveness by nanthimus - Oh, I really adored this one as well. More Seifer/Zell almost angry sex, but more like... banter sex? Which was very nice, but it's also what Zell is trying to tell Seifer and the way that half-conversation goes that was really kind of great. XD (Seifer/Zell, NSFW.)
Final Fantasy XII:
between a rock and a hard place by alorian - I never know what I'm going to get when I try to read Basch/Ashe fic by authors I've yet to come across before, but I keep (occasionally) doing it because... then I get pieces like this. It's a short piece, Basch and Ashe trapped in the Sochen Cave Palace in a rather compromising position and things go from there rather quickly, but it's got a touch of humor, enough of the flavor of the game, and then some scorching chemistry between them that it was kind of perfect. (Basch/Ashe, R-rating.)
after school/in the classroom by innervoice_chan - So, I've been back to finishing off a lot of the porn_battle fics/ficlets that I've missed along the way and happened to stop on this Gokusen one and. asl;dkfja;lkslkjs Shin and Yankumi in the classroom (long after he's graduated) and Yankumi practically having apoplectic fits at the mere idea of it in the classroom...!! And it's so charming and delightful and I could totally see this. ♥ (Shin/Yankumi.)
Junjou Romantica:
Storytelling by Unified Miracle - This is a really short piece, but I couldn't help it. I love the image of Misaki being unable to sleep and so he seeks out Usagi who never makes fun of him for it, but finds a way to ruin it (except not really) in his own way. It's sweet and really says so much about them both right there. <3 (Usagi/Misaki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Closer by crsg - After having gotten caught up on the anime (and ready to jump into the manga as well), I've found myself with a strong affection for Nowaki/Hiroki all over again. So, this fic came along for me at the perfect time, because it just made me fall in love with Nowaki all over again. I adore how much he pretty much thinks the sun rises and sets on Hiroki, which you can feel in every little thing he does or every little smile he has, right down to the way he nearly fusses over Hiroki when he gets sick. Plus, grumpy Hiroki when he wants Nowaki to quit fussing is perfect. The whole thing is perfect, really. (Nowaki/Hiroki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Anger management by Mizu-Tenshi - One of the best things about Hiroki's character is that he's Demon Kamijou at school and having Nowaki see that and get worried about all the stress Hiroki is putting on himself only makes it better. I love that the summary for this fic is basically, "Nowaki tries to get Hiro-san to manage his anger better. Things go pear-shaped from where." because, lolling forever, it's so true. The ending is pitch perfect and every time I think about it, I pretty much burst into giggles all over again. This is one of those must reads in the fandom for me. (Nowaki/Hiroki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Heat by crsg - Ahhh, I love showerfics like this. It's one of those things you have on a half-formed mental list in the back of your head that eventually a fandom/pairing has to have before it'll truly be complete and this one was very nicely done. It strode that balance between Misaki denying his feelings and not entirely denying them that works really well for me, right down to how Usagi wants more, but can wait for now and can see the truth well enough. Plus, showerfic! And Misaki being too hot, so he takes a cold shower! It was a lot of fun. <3 (Usagi/Misaki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Kimi=Hana by crsg - So seeing Misaki come to him for a change, already blushing before Usami had had the chance to even think about jumping him… well. An interesting development indeed. This one is even shorter, just a simple piece about Misaki wanting to say something to Usami, but it's one of those sweet, darling moments that I love with this ship. So much. <3 (Usagi/Misaki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Never Alone by crsg - I might not have bought this fic from a lot of characters. Just being by himself causes Misaki to get into a tailspin, bad enough that it bubbles up to the surface? But it's Misaki. And the author captured that feeling of him denying what he was feeling until he was good and worked up, so that I could see this of the character, especially given his past and how much he really does sort of get comfort from being around people, especially Usagi. Plus, hell, I'm hardly going to turn down the way you know the fic had to end. I... yeah, I pretty much wound up loving the characters even more after this fic, which is what all fic should do for a person. (Usagi/Misaki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Common Ground by Fletset - One of the best things (for me) about Junjou Romantica (aside from how hard I ship all the OTPs) is the way the various characters all interact with each other, the way friendships connect all of the stories together. So, a fic that's about Misaki and Nowaki both feeling a little jealous of their loved ones having other friends in their lives is a delight to read, all the more so because they never really know their connection to each other. I really liked the parallels drawn between the two characters' stories here, the way they both pull themselves out of their funk and trust in their partner and their own feelings. Plus, the writing is solid and made the whole thing so easy to picture, which made for a really satisfying read today. (Usagi/Misaki, Nowaki/Hiroki.)
Junjou Romantica:
Indiscretions, or: Hiroki, the Town Bicycle by Eike - Ahhh, another fic that uses all three of the Junjou couples and has their lives all intersect with each other's. It starts as a story about Hiroki getting drunk and maybe saying a few things that don't sound so great when they're not in your head and Nowaki kind of goes off the deep end and then it snowballs from there. I love that it was hilarious (and, boy, was it ever) but that it was also really sweet and made me coo over Nowaki being kind of totally stupid for Hiroki (one of my favorite tropes pretty much ever, when one character is so in love with someone they're a moron about it) and that it was... it was Junjou style "angst". You knew it would be resolved, that's what made the characters running around so much fun! I love Nowaki ridiculously. And al;sdkjfal;sjk Hiroki, god, I love him, too. And the interactions with Usagi and Misaki! Gold. (Nowaki/Hiroki, some Usagi/Misaki and Miyagi/Shinobu.)
Kyou Kara Maou!
FTW by Vanessa S. Quest - I... am honestly not sure why I clicked onto an mpreg fic to read, other than that it was ConYuu and I was curious how that was going to go. I... pretty much got sucked into it immediately and could not put it down (and then immediately clicked onto the sequel) because it was... it had this really charming, delightful sort of tone that the series itself has. That special quality that made me so fond of the original characters and original series, the author managed to solidly capture it here, especially with the explanation for Yuuri's pregnancy and the almost sort of routine (if anything Yuuri finds himself swept up in can be "routine") way everyone approaches it. But it's also more than just the lolz that it brings in a similar vein, it's also... I am a big ol' sappy fangirl for the Conrad/Yuuri pairing, which this fic picks up on and plays with in a way that just gets me, with how sweet these two are. I mean. I went into this knowing it was babyfic, so I might have been put in the right frame of mind, because there's no way babyfic for Kyou Kara Maou! isn't going to be fluffy and silly and happy. But that's exactly what I wanted and what made this so damn satisfying. Every time Conrad would figure out just what Yuuri wanted to eat or would somehow find the right thing to say even while struggling with it, my heart grew a little bigger. *coos* (Conrad/Yuuri.)
Viewfinder: Pillow Talk by shad0wg8 - [
part 01 -
part 02 ] [Note: These posts are locked, but the comm should be reasonably easy to join.] The first chapter of this fic was the first one I'd read by the author and I was picking it up because it was recent and it was porn and I was curious. I was a little hesitant at first, because it starts with Akihito being dragged in to see Asami, who says he's punishing Akihito, which Akihito... just sort of goes along with? Despite that he doesn't know what for? And I wasn't sure why that was. But, once I got further into the fic (and then the second chapter as well), it's one of those things where... Asami is Asami and you can't really stop him once he gets started. Also, explanation is not the point. Asami's terrifying stamina and Akihito being thoroughly fucked is the point and, man, the author is good at it. *__* The entire point is that it's an endless session of fucking, that it's that line between satisfaction and too much, that it's about being swept away by it all, much like the original series itself is at times. The author is also good at making Asami a hot as hell, but also a total bastard, just as he should be, which I always appreciate. *__* I am very intrigued to see where all this is going and would like the next part now, plz. (Asami/Akihito, NC-17.)
Viewfinder: The Bonds of Providence by shad0wg8 - [
prologue +
part 01 -
part 02 ] [Note: These posts are locked, but the comm should be reasonably easy to join.] I almost always skip AU fics, since I'm more about what happened in the actual series and AU fics just aren't as satisfying to me. But I liked this author's previous work and so I though, well, if she's going to give me more porn, the least I can do is give it a shot. I'm not sure why this one worked for me, if I'm just that easy for a fantasy-meets-fairy-tale style AU (Akihito is a prince who's put under a spell by an evil uncle in order to take over the kingdom, then married off to a far away king, who takes him to bed on their wedding night) or what, but... yeah, I really enjoyed this one. It might not be for everyone, it really skirts the line between non-con and dub-con, but... well, if you're reading Viewfinder, you're no stronger to that, most likely. I found the characterizations to work really well here and, wow, was the author ever not shy with the sex scene and I love that. But also that I would love more from this AU and where it's going and how it's all going to play out. It doesn't look like it'll ever be finished, but what's here stands well enough on its own, I think. (Asami/Akihito, NC-17.)
untitled by sunflower1343 - Another short piece, from Asami's point of view as he watches Akihito sleep, as he thinks of all the different ways he knows this young man. Of how beautiful Akihito is, both for his looks and his personality, but that it's more than just that. I really like the idea that Asami knows he could possibly temper Akihito if he reached out gently to him, but that that's not the point or what either of them needs, that it wouldn't end well for either of them. It's a really interesting look into Asami's view on their relationship this time. (Asami/Akihito.)
Missing Pieces by sunflower1343 - This is another fic where Akihito stops to really look at Asami and slowly fit another piece of the puzzle into the greater mystery that is Asami. For all that Akihito is usually stubborn and a little willfully blind, he's also a smart young man who can occasionally stop and get things, especially after they've been together for awhile. It's a calmer, quieter look at the characters, but an interesting and satisfying one. (Asami/Akihito.)
A Fine Pair of Eyes by sunflower1343 - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be reasonably easy to join.] I'm at a bit of a loss for how to describe this fic and what I really enjoyed about it. Sure, a lot of the reason I picked it up was for the sex and the banter between Asami and Akihito, but by the end of it... I thought it was an interesting look into Akihito's approach to their relationship. It was also an interesting look at Asami when Akihito's inhibitions come down, how he's not as calm or as perfectly in control as he appears to be. Is their relationship perfect? No, never. But it's fics like these that show what could be under the surface, the thing that attracts them so wildly to each other, and how they find a balance that works for them. ....which I feel I say a lot, but it's one of those things that's endlessly fascinating to me in this fandom, so I seek it out a lot, because there's always a new facet to them. (Asami/Akihito, NC-17.)
Preludes by sunflower1343 - As I've mentioned before, sometimes what I really like about Viewfinder isn't just the relationship between Asami and Akihito, it's the characters on their own as well. This is a short piece on Asami, one that gets into how he views the city sprawling out before him and captures his charisma and control over it, the attractive danger that he exudes. I like how it captures the darker sides of him, which is a large part of what I find fascinating about Asami. (No warnings/pairings.)
Viewfinder: Descend with Me by respicefinem08 - [
part 01 -
part 02 -
part 03 -
part 04 -
part 05 ] - I actually picked this one up
on FFNET and then found the author on LJ (and I know some people like to read it there more) and this fic was... it is not a fic for the faint of heart, between the rather wrenching descriptions of violence and rape, as well as the tension of the characters' situations and everything they go through. Given that it's a series like Viewfinder, I read a fic like this that I might not have otherwise, because... well, as much as I lean towards something more balanced after all the crap the characters went through in the NT arc, sometimes reading more in the same vein is really good. Especially when an author takes their time with it and really sells it to me. Akihito being kidnapped in machinations against Asami and the way things rather quickly spiral out of control and yet Akihito... I really love his character a lot, because the author gets how stubborn and willful he is, how he can find a way to scrape through whatever gets thrown at him. His relationship with Asami is far from perfect, sometimes you wonder what keeps them together, but then they're in the same scene together and you get it. As much as I love the shorter scenes in this fandom, it's also nice to find one with plot sometimes, too. *__* (Asami/Akihito, somewhere between R and NC-17 for violence and triggering content.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! Doujinshi (scanslated):
The World Continues Even So Though Summer Ends - I was a little hesitant about this doujinshi, since it was... *waves hands vaguely* it was very fluffy and emotional in a lot of ways, from both Dino and Hibari. On the other hand, I've spent so much time in the Viewfinder fandom, my view of things might be a little off. I still think this was a lovely doujinshi, the artist did some really gorgeous panels of both Hibari and Dino at times and, really, who am I to resist the two of them at a school festival, with fireworks and yukata and masks and that gorgeous as hell cover? And, hell, I can't resist it when they're clearly stupid for each other and most of their problems come from an extreme lack of communication and sometimes I like softer, sweeter things, too. :|b (Dino/Hibari.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! Doujinshi (scanslated):
The Egoism of Red and Blue - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be freely joinable.] Well. I definitely picked this one up for the promise of Tsuna/Gokuder and the doujinshi definitely didn't disappoint. Maybe not as graphic as I was expecting, but it was sweet and adorable and nicely in character for me, plus the art reminded me a lot of Amano's early stuff, if more doujinshi-esque, of course. It's a simple story--Gokudera stays after school to help out, things sort of spiral from there--but it's a sweet one with Tsuna being... well, Tsuna, but with the glimpses of the mafia boss he's going to become. I enjoyed this a lot. (Tsuna/Gokudera, somewhere around an R, maybe a light NC-17 rating.)
One Piece Doujinshi (scanslated):
Mahou no Te - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm is freely joinable.] Oh, hey, Yamato did a Luffy/Sanji doujinshi, too? She's one of my favorite OP doujinshika, so to see her tackling this pairing as well was a delight! It's only a short little thing, Luffy says that Robin told him that Sanji has a kind of magic when he creates food, so Luffy wants to see it, and Sanji gets what she meant by that, and... it sounds like it could be really over the top fluffy sweet, but Yamato is one of those doujinshika that... she can pull it off and make me adore it genuinely. It's super sweet, but in a really good way. ♥ (Luffy/Sanji.)
One Piece Doujinshi (scanslated):
Kierkegaard no Jitsuzon - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm is freely joinable.] This is a really interesting doujinshi, becasue... on the surface, it's about Zoro and Sanji coming back from a supply run and their usual bickering, but underneath that... as the notes on the post say, it's about Kierkegaard's philosophy and how truth is subjective in a lot of ways. That it's not just about hard facts, but "truth" is also how you relate to those facts yourself, which is the undercurrent/theme of the story. It's an interesting look at Zoro and the way he looks at the laid-back situation he finds himself in and the people he meets along the way. On the surface, it's a simple story, but Yamato really makes it a lot more than that. I liked this one a lot. (Zoro/Sanji.)
One Piece Doujinshi (scanslated):
Rose and Melancholy - I picked this doujinshi up because, hey, ZoSan and the cover had vampires on it! And the doujinshi is definitely inspired by the Thriller Bark storyline, which I love, because it's a bunch of gothic-style extra doodles and such, but the main storyline is... well, it's Zoro and Sanji has half-animal forms, with Sanji as a Kappa and Zoro as a Bull, and... the art is really gorgeous, at times it's prettier than Oda's style itself, it really nails their character designs. But there's this one moment in the doujinshi. I saw it coming from a mile away and, still, when it happened, I was just... a;sdlkfja;lksjl I pretty much having stopped crying with laughter since. I LOVE THIS FANDOM AND ITS TOTAL CRACK. Especially when it's such pretty crack. (Zoro/Sanji, somewhere between PG-13 and R.)