ღ - Had to link this again, because it's too cool not to share:
"Pixels" is a sort of end-of-the-world attack mini-movie at about three minutes long and it's just neat as hell.
Bleach - 2 Fanfics
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 1 Fanfic
Kyou Kara Maou! - 3 Fanfics
Sailor Moon - 14 Fanfics
Durarara!! - 3 Doujinshi
Tales of the Abyss - 1 Fanvid
Only with me by sr625sw - A lot of the IchiHime fic I read is very sweet and gentle, which I really enjoy with them. I love the focus on emotions and the subtle touches a lot. But then there are times when I just want porn because of all the UST built up between them... and along comes this fic, which is purely about the porn and certainly not shy about it, but even then you can pick up on all the emotional connections between them. What I really like, what gets me with this, is how they both really want each other, how they're both very much into this, how it can be hard and fast while still being safe and good. Plus, it's just nicely written porn. :Db (Ichigo/Orihime, NC-17.)
Meet me Halfway by sr625sw - I read this fic pretty much at the same time as the previous one by the author, which aren't necessarily meant to go together, but I like how that one was an Orihime pov while this one is an Ichigo pov. Once again, it's the combination of not being shy about the porn along with how much these two really want each other that makes me a little over the moon for the writing. I love how wildly attracted they are to each other and how easy it is to pick up on the underlying feelings even in a pwp fic. It was a really fun read! (Ichigo/Orihime, NC-17.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN!:
Un sorriso per me by melissa_42 - I have a weakness for Bianchi and little Gokudera, because I love sibling stuff. And this was a short piece that was a little angst that turned sweet by the end, just a piece of Bianchi telling her little brother a story when they were kids. I enjoyed it a lot. <3 (No warnings/pairings.)
Kyou Kara Maou!:
but the sky is a deep summer blue by Inglorious DMK - As I get deeper into my rewatch of the MaruMa series, I find myself actually kind of falling for the Adelbert/Julia relationship, because they genuinely loved each other and it was ridiculously sweet. This fic captures everything about them, both sweet and bittersweet and looming tragedy, all in a simple piece as they share a quiet moment under a tree, thinking about various moments. I love the detail of their slightly awkward dancing, it's so adorable. ♥ (Adelbert/Julia.)
Kyou Kara Maou!:
Hide and Seek by Striped Neko - I liked this author for her ConYuu fic, so I was curious to see how she would write a fic with Yozak and Greta, because that sounded like it had the potential for total adorableness. And, boy, did it! It was darling and completely charming, in that way the series has, how Greta manages to just bond with everyone around her. I love the little touches of their spy games together and how brave little Greta is even when she's scared and how much everyone around her adores her. This was totally delightful. (No warings/pairings.)
Kyou Kara Maou!:
Loving the Maou: A Soldier's Handbook by Striped Neko - Oh, like I can stay away from the ConYuu fic for more than five minutes. But this fic is something I've grown to really love lately--a series of ficlets that aren't necessarily in the same timeline but all center around a pairing, showing different moments in their lives and relationships, sometimes before it starts or when it's still new or when they've been together forever. This author is turning into one of my favorites for the Conrad/Yuuri pairing because she does such a fantastic job with both characters, I love how right they both feel in characterization and in tone for a series like Kyou Kara Maou!'s. Each of the shorter fics is fantastic, the kind I can just whip through in one setting and then get a ): look on my face when there isn't more immediately. Out of the ten chapters available so far, I think
chapter 7 was my favorite just for sheer satisfaction of Yuuri and Conrad on a small island alone together and how everything finally comes together for them. All of the fics are like that--how things finally start to click into place, after all the UST built up--making this a really satisfying read. (Conrad/Yuuri.)
Sailor Moon:
A Daughter's Thought by ChibiUsa20 - As I go along in Sailor Moon fandom again, I definitely find myself more and more fond of Chibi-Usa and understanding her situation a lot better than I had previously, so finding cute fic with her struggling to keep afloat in the past without her parents or the people she grew up with, is a nice treat. She's watching other kids as she's riding her bike, unable to help comparing herself to them, and has a little accident, which has Usagi worried about her and it's a quiet little bonding piece. I really love how Usagi may not precisely be her mom, but you can feel the bond so strongly there anyway. (No warnings/pairings.)
Sailor Moon:
The Legend of the Rose by sheankelor - I have a thing about Crystal Tokyo stories, of course, especially if they're going to focus on Mamoru, who is one of my favorites. It's such fun to play with the beginnings of Crystal Tokyo, since we know so little, and I really like what this fic does with it. Mamoru leaves the palace for awhile, trying to find a little anonymity for a bit, and runs across a group of kids talking about the Queen, which gets wrapped up in symbolism of roses and the author nicely uses them to illustrate how the thorns protect the flower, but you can still gently approach the flower if you're respectful of it. It worked nicely for Mamoru's symbolism and protection of Usagi, wrapped up in a sweet fairy tale style. (Some Mamoru/Usagi, but it's only half the point.)
Sailor Moon:
A Late Night Reaction by fei - Another thing I have a real weakness for in this fandom is fic where Mamoru and Usagi are sleeping in the same bed together while one of them watches the other sleep for a bit (usually Mamoru watching Usagi) and is just ridiculously in love with the other. Add in the extra bit of trying to wait until they're both ready, but there's a definite yearning (which is my favorite place for them towards the end of the series/just after the series--not quite there, but they will be pretty soon) and I love it when Usagi is the one who has to push a little bit more. :D (Mamoru/Usagi.)
Sailor Moon:
What Goes Around by Natsudori Lina - I'm not precisely sure what genre this takes place in, you're dropped into it a little bit in the middle, but... the basic premise is that "karma is a bitch" is kind of hilarious with Mamoru and Usagi here. After all the times he teased her about her clumsiness, of course he eventually trips up in front of her, too. It has a lovely early series feel to it, where they were still bickering at each other, and just made me smile to read it. ♥ (Pre-Mamoru/Usagi.)
Sailor Moon:
The Problem by Natsudori Lina - More early series cuteness with Usagi and Mamoru bickering and taunting each other in that way that they have! I love how they get under each other's skin like nobody else, like they just can't resist doing it. And I love how the idea of Mamoru being interested in a relationship with a girlfriend causes a brief panic in the general population and then the tables get turned and it's just this really cute, fun fic this morning. (Pre-Mamoru/Usagi.)
Sailor Moon:
Nothing Personal by Natsudori Lina - Another very short fic, but an interesting one on Mamoru's character, what he does and doesn't believe, how he's affected by all the circumstances he finds himself caught up in. I like the little touches of how he grew up and his wanting to be a doctor helped form his beliefs/clash against what he sees, even if they're just lightly touched on here. I definitely would have liked to have seen this developed to be more in-depth, but it also works as an interesting little piece here. (No real warnings/pairings.)
Sailor Moon:
Sick Day by HermioneCrookshanks919 - Okay, Usagi and Mamoru arguing about who gets to take a sick day during Crystal Tokyo? While the Inner Senshi eavesdrop outside the door, making comments and placing bets on how things will turn out? And being disgusted at the predictably and clicheness of the king and queen? Totally full of lols and adorableness. I love that, even in the future, Usagi and Mamoru still get under each other's skin and kind of disgust everyone around them because they're so stupid when it comes to each other, but it's not in a bad way, because everyone still clearly loves them both. Plus, I love the Inner Senshi's conversations a whole lot. (Some Mamoru/Usagi, but it's only half the point.)
Sailor Moon:
Vacataion by Chasing Sin - I'll grant that the idea of Usagi not knowing what a library is pushes things a bit far, but once you get beyond that and just roll with it, this is a great little fic. Mamoru's life with Usagi is so hard sometimes, you guys, but he deals with it in a hilariously long-suffering way. Plus, I love the way, even when they're more established, they still have moments of bickering because that's Mamoru and Usagi for you. <3 (Mamoru/Usagi.)
Sailor Moon:
Tempting Fate by wickedtrue - I definitely have a thing about how... when a fic takes two characters who don't necessarily interact a lot in canon and putting them together to see how that dynamic might turn out. I wouldn't have come up with Mamoru and Michiru on the first thought, but this author... she tells an absolutely beautiful story here. I love how clear it is that they both love their respective partners deeply and the thing that develops between them doesn't threaten that at all, but it's still a connection that pulls on them both. The writing is lovely and elegant here and I have to admit... it has sparked something of an interest in a friendship between these two for me. (Mamoru/Usagi, Haruka/Michiru, sort of but not really Mamoru/Michiru.)
Sailor Moon:
My Idol Mamoru Chiba by twilight_eos - I love that this fic is half humor and half serious, that it made me laugh to think of someone's observations on Mamoru and how unearthly he must seem at times (which is ironic, all things considered) but there's also something serious and really interesting here. Mamoru is distant from so many people around him, so composed and seemingly perfect, to have someone watch him and see the relationships he goes through (first the thing with Rei and then his relationship with Usagi) is really neat. (Some Mamoru/Usagi, but it's not really about any ships specifically.)
Sailor Moon:
In The Depths by Scifiroots - This was an interesting look at the Dark Kingdom and Zoisite's point of view in it. It has an almost a sort of dream-like quality, the descriptions are just a little metaphoric but not so convoluted that it's impossible to read. Instead, it's about a yearning for something brighter and warmer than what they experience in the Dark Kingdom, the way Nephrite finds something better as he dies, the way Zoisite realizes it with his own death as well. I picked this up for the Kunzite/Zoisite implications, but I like it as a fic that... well, I subscribe to the manga's background for the Shitennou in the anime as well (if slightly different), so them reaching for something more works well for me. (Some Kunzite/Zoisite, it's only half the point.)
Sailor Moon:
The Stuff That Doesn't Make Sense by Jon Carp - I'm not even sure how I stumbled over this fic anymore, but the summary caught my attention: A simple misunderstanding leads to nutty goings-on, as Shingo leads a brigade of background characters on a mission to invade the privacy of the inner senshi. I loved the fic right from the beginning, set from Shingo's POV about the weirdness that surrounds his sister and how he doesn't understand how such beautiful people can be friends with his sister. From there, it's an epic series of hijinks to figure out certain things about the Senshi, slowly pulling everyone in around them and making me laugh so hard I just about pounded the desktop from it a few times. The author does beautifully at writing comedy but still making it so easy to picture everything happening in the series, right down to Rei's perverted grandfather and Yuuichirou and Umino and Naru and Motoki and the Outers and the cats all getting wrapped up in it. It's well-written comedy and it was a satisfying read this morning, just for focus on characters who don't necessarily always get a lot of focus. Delightful. ♥ (Some background canon pairings, especially Haruka/Michiru, and a lot of speculation, but none of it is entirely the point.)
Sailor Moon:
Crystal Clear by Natsudori Lina - A series of 13 short ficlets centered on Mamoru/Usagi and the various points in their relationship and in tone--from early series to when their relationship is new to when they've been established for years. My favorite is
Day 8, the one where Mamoru is really bad at buying gifts, because I love the (seemingly) perfect ones who have that one really god-awful flaw that they can't do well at all, which sent me into fits of laughter pretty much. I am totally going to think that Mamoru is terrible at buying gifts FOREVER now. Also! Usagi's birthday one! That one was totally darling. They're all very cute and/or sweet, all nicely written and I love the satisfaction I get from a collection of scenes between these two characters. ♥ (Mamoru/Usagi.)
Sailor Moon:
No Other by faelyn leaf - Another series of short fics with Usagi and Mamoru, set within the first season, so that balance between bickering and clearly being attracted to each other is nicely done. I enjoyed each of them (I think Pen Pals might have been my favorite, just because I had to laugh at how silly everything was) but I think maybe "Rain at Midnight" might have been the best one. I like that most of them are silly and fluffy, but at least one of them takes a more serious tone, especially after Nephrite's death and how hard that had to have hit Sailor Moon. (Mamoru/Usagi.)
Durarara!! Doujinshi (raw):
placebo - I think I probably would have snagged this doujinshi pretty much no matter what, since it's Durarara!! doujinshi and Shizuo/Izaya and I have been waiting. I had to laugh that it's more of the two of them being constantly at each other's throats, even when they're having sex, which is as violent and rough as you'd expect it to be. The art is solid, there are a handful of panels that are really lovely along the way, and YAY PORN! That's pretty much all I needed today. :D (Shizuo/Izaya, NC-17.)
Durarara!! Doujinshi (raw):
Kuso Neko no Kaikata - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be freely joinable.] You know what a fandom isn't complete until? Until there's porno doujinshi with cat ears and a cat tail. And, now Durarara!! fandom is just that much closer to completion! o/ I am all over this ridiculously cliche, heaven knows why, but apparently I really am that fan, but at least I'm happy. And I actually really did like the art of this one--it's got an almost rough edge (except that's not precisely what I mean) to it that works for violent characters like Shizuo and Izaya, making Shizuo especially look really hot in a lot of the panels. Plus, porn! \o/ (Shizuo/Izaya, NC-17.)
Durarara!! Doujinshi (scanslated):
R-18 - I probably shouldn't find this as funny as I do, but there's something about this doujinshi. It's a short one, only about 10 pages long, and the art is a bit more delicate looking (as compared to the previous one), but not in a bad way, it still fits the characters well enough. It's in the beauty of the story itself--Izaya poking and prodding at Shizuo's lack of getting laid and then just sort of jumps him and, well. Shizuo's life is really hard, you guys. Especially with someone like Izaya around. (Shizuo/Izaya, somewhere between R and NC-17.)
Tales of the Abyss Fanvid - Dist the Rose: Gay or European? - Tammaiya linked me to this video earlier and I watched curiously, finding a really well-edited anime-based video about Dist's sexuality. I love how well the clips are chosen, especially the ones of Dist, which just emphasize the hilarity. I was laughing through the whole thing, but. At about the 2:30 mark, that's when it starts getting really hilarious. As soon as Jade came in, I started LOLLING and I am STILL in the middle of the occasional giggle fit over it. Awesome.