Notes/Babbling: *waves hand* You did not see this post. Because I am not updating daily. You never saw me here, this is not the post you're looking for. (Wow, I almost got through this set of recs without doing any TeniPuri, but, pfffft, yeah, like that's gonna happen again any time soon. Assuming no more series like Initial D come along, of course. ^_~) (Also, Jesus Christ, I'm going to have to update the archive again soon, aren't I? Shit.)
Gravitation - 2 Fanfics
Fruits Basket - 1 Fanfic
Hunter x Hunter - 1 Fanfic
Get Backers - 1 Fanfic
Peace Maker - 2 Fanfics
Weiss Kreuz - 1 Fanfic
Prince of Tennis - 2 Fanfics
Gravitation - Christmas is a Time... by XTsukimiOdangoX - It is stories like this that are the reason I keep going back to the Gravi section at FFNET, because sometimes gems like this can be found. The writing is lovely, the characterization and plot so wonderful tight and true that it makes me incoherent with the love, and it's so damned clever. Yuki... Yuki fucking kills me here because you can see him moving forward in the relationship with Shuuichi, you can see them making progress and Eiri becoming freer with his emotions around Shuuichi, but it's never a smooth road, and they still have problems and bumps along the way. And you can feel how much Yuki is attracted to Shuuichi, how much the little brat means to him, but it's never hammered into your head, it's shown and not told. Plus, did I mention the clever? Oh, Shuuichi is a darling and the "attack" towards the beginning was so fantastic that... well, I'm verging on incoherent again. >_> Mad love for this fic and I really want the next chapter, too. (YukixShuuichi.)
Fruits Basket - Wiser by Gaki - "People don't become wiser when they grow older, just more aware of their mistakes. Only... it's too late to be aware of those things." Gaki has this style that's suited to certain series, very soft and... well, I don't want to say "philosophic", but it's something like that. Questions that don't really have answers and this sort of etherial or dreamy quality to the scenes she sets that remind me of that particular side of Fruits Basket. When the series became more serious, it was gorgeous and Gaki captures that and the more serious side of Ayame just beautifully. His interaction with Hatori is spot-on, characterization just beautiful in my eyes, and... just... it captures that soft, painful, beautiful side of Furuba that keeps me coming back to the series over and over again. (No real warnings/pairings.)
Gravitation - Snow Carols by Mina Lightstar - Sometimes a small fic is all I need to be sent further tumbling back into a series I suspect that I'll never be able to quite leave behind (especially since I stumbled over two wonderful Gravi fics today) and this one is certainly helping that right along. Yuki and Shuuichi will always have a special place with me and it's sparkling, subtle, fun stories like this one that are the reason why. There were a lot of wonderful little moments (Shuuichi falling into a heap at the end of the bunny hill when trying to ski was adorable) and the ending was juuuuust right kind of WAFF for me. Ie, the kind that I can believe. XD (YukixShuuichi.)
Hunter x Hunter - Simple and Clean by Mina Lightstar - HxH is not a series I revisit often, largely because the fandom is so quiet and there's not much fic for it. However, whenever I come across a new story by an author I like, I'm always happy to pounce on and read it and stories like this are the reason why. This is absolutely, positively perfect for characterization, something I could honestly see slipping right into the pages of the manga itself. Killua's characterization is especially perfect, the way he's attracted to the simpleness and warmth of Gon's life and it makes me so very happy that Killua has someone like Gon in his life. Wonderful, wonderful fic. (No warnings/pairings.)
Get Backers - Wearing Your Heart in Your Pants by Mina Lightstar - I admit, the lack of Cranky!Ban-chan does throw me a bit in this fic (especially in the scene with Hevn), but, damn, if Ban-chan's gift for Ginji didn't make me laugh quite readily in the last scene. Plus, I liked that Ban wanted to get Ginji a gift that no one else would get him, that touches the WAFFy fangirl in me and makes her happy. Toss in some lovely writing and a great title and you've got a nice fic here. *sparkles* (BanxGinji, a tiny bit of Hevn/Natsumi hintage.)
Peace Maker - Haru no Tsuki by Sabina - I actually read this one after I read the previous one, but I'm switching the order of the recs around because this one should be read first. (Or at least I think so, because I'm a dippy fangirl and need fluff to fix things. ;___; ) This fic was... painful in a very quiet, subtle way that never hammered me over the head with it, instead softly sidling up to me and looking so sadly at me. There's also a dreamy quality to the story that's nice and adds an interesting atmosphere to it, but it's that last scene... it hurts. (Spoiler warnings.)
Peace Maker - untitled by canis_m - Ohohohoho, I am so falling in love with these two already--I mean, I'd fallen for them from the first time I laid eyes on them in the manga about a year and a half ago, but actually catching up on the manga and watching more of the anime, I'm falling further in love. And then I go and read fic like this. Fic that's beautifully in character, fic that I can see, fic that sparkles... and I fall further in love. Souji is absolutely, positively wonderful here, just so very clever when he goes out to play (and I giggled when I realized exactly what and how they were building what they were building) and when Hijikata and Souji interacted... oh, it was wonderful. Much love. (HijikataxSouji.)
Weiss Kreuz - A Questionable Word by Idimmu - Ahahahahaha, YES! Side B fic! *SPARKLES* Now, I love Kapital as much as the next WK fangirl, they were what made me fall in love with the characters, but Gluhen and Side B are so fascinating (and Side B especially gives me my wonderful RanKen), so there needs to be more fic based on them. And this fic was adorable, very cute and amusing and a fun, silly little moment that made me sparkle and go hunt down all the info on Side B all over again. (RanKen, some light Free+Michel.)
Prince of Tennis - Traverse by Shi Lin - My only complaint about this fic is that I firmly believe Inui cannot run for crap (This comes after playing many, many games of GBA tennis and bitching about how goddamned difficult Inui was to make him freaking run--many, many shouts of, "Jesus Christ, he's (#@$)(#$ tall enough, WHY CAN'T HE RUN?" XD)(It's not just this, if you watch the anime, you'll note that he often has trouble going fast, even if he's got a lot of stamina and power.), beyond that it's Shi-chan's wonderful writing as always, very subtle and Kaidoh being... Kaidoh. Pushing himself so hard, even when he does better than could be expected of him and Inui's calm, steady presence around him. *hums~* (Some very light InuKai if you want to see it that way.)
Prince of Tennis - Simple Things by Gen X - I try not to rec anything under 500 words, because, hell, the rec is almost as long as the fic then. But... but... but Noel wrote me TezuOishi snow-themed fic and I melted into a puddle of GOO over it. Subtle, touching, moving, and snow-themed. Just absolutely, positively perfect in the sweetness of that one moment--and, damn, those three sentences (you'll know which ones they are) made me want to cry from the bittersweetness. (Some very light TezuOishi if you want to see it that way.)