[ Bleach, Glee, Gravitation, ReBoot, REBORN!, STXI, ST:TOS ]

Oct 24, 2009 19:01

    So, Glee. I started out being a Finn/Quinn shipper (and I still like them) which lead to thinking maybe Puck/Rachel wouldn't be so bad to go along with them and then fell in love with them and now it's pretty much all I want in the world. So! Links! Spoilers in several of these links!

♫ - "mash up" picspam - This one hits all the major scenes, from Puck's dream to their first make-out to not throwing a slushie to the song he sang to the scene on the bleachers. There's a lovely warm tint to the pictures that really brought out some of the expresions on their faces, I loved this.
♫ - "mash up" picspam again - This picspam had a brighter, more colorful look to it, which I liked because it really brought out the pink of Rachel's jacket and shirt. The OP arranged the pictures nicely and, oh, my heart in the scene during practice when Puck did come. I loved the ending note as well. (Post was open when linked.)
♫ - icons, gifs, and a collage - I'm just so weak to adorableness.
♫ - more icons - There's a variety of characters and pairings (and, okay, I'm weak to that one of Will/Emma from her song scene) but I like the soft, light colors of the Puck/Rachel ones, too.
♫ - more icons again - Not a whole lot of Puck/Rachel (though, there are a few) but there are some stunning ones from Keep Holding On and that is my favorite performance for just everything about it. Quinn is so stunning that I had to include it. The Mark/Lea icons are fantastic, too.
♫ - puckrachel - This is where I usually go (that or gleenewsletter) for most of my Glee stuff. All content on the comm is locked, but it's freely joinable and fairly active, given 1x08. It's not huge, but it's a decent size, considering how new the fandom is.

    Bleach - 1 Fanfic
    Glee - 11 Fanfics
    Gravitation - 2 Fanfics
    Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 3 Fanfics
    ReBoot - 1 Fanfic
    Star Trek XI - 1 Fanfic
    Star Trek: TOS - 1 Fanfic
    Gundam 00 - 4 Doujinshi
    Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 3 Doujinshi
2009 GOAL: 788 (+ 365)/1700

Bleach: Small Talk (1/3) by bitter-tea - I think what really charmed me about this fic, aside from that the story and the setting were pretty solid, was the use of Tatsuki. Remembering and showing Tatsuki's friendship with Ichigo--at the same time she's also dear friends with Orihime and protective of her--was a nice treat, since I feel like I get to read so little of it. But I also liked that the story was almost simple in setting, that it's Ichigo happening upon Orihime doing school chores after they return from Hueco Mundo, watching her and how cheerful and sweet she is. I could picture that so easily and I was just... charmed by all of it. <3 (Ichigo/Orihime.)

Glee: Sleep Out in the Quiet by Glow - Part of me still hesitates to start reading Puck fic because I don't want to be an apologist for his crappy behavior, but... the thing I liked about this fic (and this author) is that she doesn't gloss over that part. Even when she's writing from his perspective, you still get that Puck is a total dick sometimes, even if he's a human one, too. And what I really liked about this fic is that it's not really a pairing fic so much as it is a Puck exploration fic, where he thinks about Quinn and Finn and Rachel and the complications in his lives. I really liked the take on the characters here, especially the background Quinn/Rachel friendship that was developing. (Mild Puck/Quinn, Puck/Rachel, and other canon implications.)

Glee: Paradise by the Dashboard Light by cuethe-pulse - I pretty much had to stop and read this fic because it promised me Puck/Rachel potential dirtiness. And while it's not full-out porn (but didn't need to be, the sex that was here was really nice just the way it was), it was so much of what I was looking for. I love that it was all about the mutual attraction, how both of them wanted it, even while they both still agreed that the other annoyed the crap out of them. I love that it was great for both of them. The use of the song was actually really cool in this fic and just a really solid piece that dragged me back into this fandom. (Puck/Rachel, somewhere around an R rating.)

Glee: waging wars to shake the poet by andbless-mybaby - Cripes, at this rate, I might actually turn into a shipper for these two. I pretty much clicked on the first available link on the newsletter that was Puck/Rachel (because I was curious if it was a one-time thing or if I'm really falling for the day) and I think what this fic did was kind of cement it in by not making them a total OTP here. As much as I enjoy fics where they're slowly coming to realize genuine feelings for each other (not that there's not an element of that here, too), this one was interesting for it's harsher, probably more realistic (in relation to the show, that is) take on Puck and Rachel's characters. The animosity between them is just as sharp as the attraction, where it's something not nice at all, but instead this fic really doesn't shy away from that Puck is an asshole with occasional sparks of humanity. Very occasional. And that's what made me really kind of like this pairing even more--they're versatile enough to get fic like this, which is gorgeously written and just so damn solidly good, right down to the impact of the final lines. It's one of the best written pieces in the fandom I've seen yet. (Puck/Rachel, R.)

Glee: I wasn't going to break up with you by GennaJoy - [Note: There are spoilers for 1x08 in this fic and this rec.] Okay, you can all pretty much just shut up, because I totally needed a fic like this after the way 1x08 ended up. Not that it wasn't a great episode (because it was), but I have my OTP and I wanted just a little while longer. And makeouts. Which this fic provides me with! It's cute and a shameless "fix the ending of that episode" fic that's all I needed. (Puck/Rachel.)

Glee: sin tetas, no hay paraiso by dress without sleeves - [Note: There are mild spoilers for 1x08 in this fic and this rec.] Oh, my god, this was 9,000 words of the most perfect Puck/Rachel fic ever. It was beautifully written, there were so many lines that I actually laughed out loud at and I seriously had one of those face-hurting grins on the entire time I was reading this. But it's more than just snappy dialogue and a tone that's on par with the show itself, it's also that it was exactly what I wanted to read with these characters--it's not easy, but it's so charming, and the characters actually do some growing up. Puck tutors Rachel in Spanish and they develop a connection and somehow it works. It's perfect. And then the second chapter is based on the preview for 1x08 "Mashup" and it takes elements of that but spins things a little differently and, in my head, that is now how things went. I love it for addressing the Finn/Rachel and Puck/Quinn aspects, I love it for the brilliant look inside Puck's head, and I love it for being so damned awesome to both characters. New favorite Puck/Rachel fic, for serious. (Puck/Rachel.)

Glee: Jew Talking To Me? by aggybird - [Note: There are spoilers for 1x08 in this fic and this rec.] Puck/Kurt is not a pairing I thought I would be seeking out much, but... I have gained an appreciation for Puck's character, especially when an author is good at showing that, yeah, he's still kind of a douchebag, but there's a real person under there. Well, that and fabulous dialogue. I love the premise--Puck's not good at being a good Jew, so he's going to be the worst one ever. Which includes making out with Kurt. And then he has to pick Kurt up for a date and I didn't know that I needed Puck and Kurt's dad in the same room until this fulfilled that need for me. Hilarious. (Puck/Kurt.)

Glee: Not Quite Strangers by Liberty Roth - This was a very brief fic, just a short piece from Puck's point of view, where Rachel asks to borrow his jacket, set before 1x08 and is just a quiet "What if?" moment. But I like it because Puck's nicely in character and it's one of those where... I have a thing for Rachel being such a short little thing compared to Puck and the way she just about swims in his jacket. It was totally adorable. (Puck/Rachel... sort of.)

Glee: to tempt back luck by a dress without sleeves - Since I liked the author's previous fic so much, I figured I'd give this one a shot, even if it was labeled as being angsty. And, in a way, I kind of like that, it's yet another genre that works for this pairing, further cementing it as my favorite. And I do like what this fic says about Puck, about how he treats the people in his life and the kind of person he deliberately makes himself out to be. The writing is sharp as a tack and I love the little scenes they've had together all their lives and it works, considering what we know of them. (Puck/Rachel.)

Glee: Moment's in Time: Santana's Take on Things by ayleecambell - [Note: There are mild spoilers for 1x08 in this fic and this rec.] I think what really made this fic work for me, including the typos and deliberate structure, is that it's Santana. It sounded pretty much exactly like how I would expect Santana to speak or write something down, plus I really like that it doesn't shy away from what a dick she is (and she knows it, too) and yet shows her character growth. Shows all of their character growth, really, as she watches Puck and Rachel. Aw. (Puck/Rachel, though, it's only half the point.)

Glee: Bah bah bah by ethrosdemon - [Note: I don't think there are spoilers for 1x08 in this fic, but just to be on the safe side, assume there are.] So, after about nine Gleefic recs in a row, I kind of told myself, no, you need to take a break. Save some of that fic for tomorrow! But I was looking for meta posts, happened to stumble over what was a fic instead, and just... couldn't stop reading. A lot of the Puck/Rachel fic I've read has focused more on Puck's point of view and I've liked that, because it's easier to show the blend between douchebag and sort of sweet guy underneath. But this fic was about Rachel and it was seriously one of the best Rachel points of view that I've read yet, it's so sharp and perfect and amazing and brilliant and just right for her character. And, if that weren't enough, it's all about Rachel's relationships with the people around her, the glee club as a whole and all the scenes are showing facets of her. Actual facets and how much better off she is now. The scene with Mercedes and Tina might actually be my favorite, just for how much it revealed about Rachel right there, all her fears that came bubbling up to the surface of her mind and then the fic just... was completely Glee about it and I don't think I stopped smiling the rest of the time. I also love, love, love the Puck/Rachel here--not the focus, but it's this mix of something a little harsh and not quite meant to be, but also sweet and genuine. Just. I want to read this kind of Gleefic pretty much forever. (Some Puck/Rachel, but it's only half the point, it's a Rachel story.)

Glee: A Complete History of Noah Puckerman, Abridged -- As told by Rachel Berry by them0rgue - I told myself that I was going to stop reading so much Gleefic tonight, but... this was another one that I read just a few lines of it and then was completely unable to put it down. I am really charmed by the backstory fics that have been popping up lately, especially ones that deal with Rachel and Puck both being Jewish and how they must have known each other in such a small town because of it. And I really love how sharp and harsh this fic is, both of them are flawed people, and Puck is such a dick in this fic, but they're both also human with their good points. Even if you have to really look hard to see it out sometimes. I even love that the point isn't about bringing them together (even as friends, though, they sort of are friends, in a way, here), that it doesn't necessarily end on a happy note (but not a sad one, either), instead it's just... what it is. A history between them. (This is gen, but if you like Puck/Rachel, you might like this.)

Gravitation: The Night He Decides He’s Lost by cuethe_pulse - 135 words, I know. But it's such a great little concept, with Yuki telling Shuuichi that it won't work out, that he's not wanted there, and Shuuichi just cheerfully goes along with it. It was really just kind of perfect. (Yuki/Shuuichi.)

Gravitation: Dog by cuethe_pulse - Wow, you don't find much Hiro/Ayaka fic, much less dirty Hiro/Ayaka fic! But I love that it's all about how adorable and sweet they are together, how much Hiro is genuinely attracted to her and wants to be with her, thinks of her that way, even when she's this cute, pristine girl. It's just really fun and... well, adorable. I heart these two something fierce. (Hiro/Ayaka.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN!: Tempting me into the garden. by izkariote - Oh. This was lovely. The use of language, the descriptions of Hibari from Yamamoto's point of view, the way it says so much about both characters, the different kinds of deadly grace that each of them have, the utter lethal quality to this, even as Hibari is quietly speaking and performing a tea ceremony, all of that is wrapped up in this piece. It's so... languid and yet deadly. That's not an easy thing to put into a fic, but this one does it beautifully, wow. (Yamamoto/Hibari.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN!: but for a fairytale to hold by argentique - I feel I should probably step away from the more tragic D18 fics, but... when they're so pretty like this one, it's really kind of difficult to resist. The writing is lovely, the imagery is even lovelier, the way it weaves the narrative into a fairy tale-style story that Dino tells his children. Everything that doesn't have to be said, yet you still catch onto, all the feelings and what must have happened, all of it is beautifully done. (Dino/Hibari.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN!: What It's Worth by pollinia - Speaking of pairings that aren't done as often as I'd like them to be, Squalo/Yamamoto! And it's intense and beautiful and painful and biting, all things that these two should be when they get a little older. Of course I liked the implications of sex between them, but more than that it was... what they meant to each other, yet what they didn't mean to each other, too, and just... it really hit all the right notes for me. It's a nice Yamamoto pov on Squalo and their relationship, it was beautifully written. (Yamamoto/Squalo.)

ReBoot: Small wonders by memlu - Okay, you know what. This is the fic I've been waiting all those years for, Matrix and AndrAIa with a baby. It's hard to convey just how much I loved this fic and the way Memlu writes it, the way it weaves in cute little details and theories about how the ReBoot world works, how babies are made in this universe. But, even beyond that, it's about Matrix holding this tiny little baby in his hands while AndrAIa watches them and encourages him in her way, it's about how much love there is here with these two. (Matrix/AndrAIa.)

Star Trek XI: Mother Tongue by tree_and_leaf - This could actually be either TOS or XI, but I'm going to label it XI so that more people will (hopefully) read it. I've long, long loved Sarek and Amanda, but I've been wary of delving into fandom for them too much. But I stumbled over this one and it was just so delightful that I couldn't help it. I love that it recognizes how awesome Amanda is, how sharp she is, how cool under pressure she is, even when it's just during a visit from Sarek's family. It's also a study in human versus Vulcan, the clash between the two worlds, wrapped up in the two different languages they (and Spock will) speak. Just a lovely fic all the way around. (Sarek/Amanda.)

Star Trek: TOS: A Case of You by snarkypants - It's been too long since I read Spock/Chapel fic, but I stumbled over this one today and practically pounced on it, which I'm glad I did. It's a lovely look at Christine while she's sick in the hospital, the confusion of her fever dreams mixing together with reality, until she can't tell one from the other, the way time seems to stand still there, yet the real world is still churning along outside it. The way it was written to be both a sort of "missing set of scenes" and also about time in a hospital was really nicely done. (Spock/Chapel.)

Gundam 00 Doujinshi (scanslated) - Unconsciousness - [Note: There are multiple links on this page, but I'm going to rec each one separately.] Ahh, I believe I should have read this one before "Stout", since that one is sort of a follow-up to this one. I kind of figured the other one was a sequel, but I didn't find this link until afterwards. Eh, it doesn't really make much difference, they both stand on their own well enough that it doesn't matter. Anyway, it's another one by Gosunkugi and I really adore her art and I love that Lockon's life is so difficult with Tieria not really getting what having a hard-on means or how to deal with it, because it's both lolarious and pretty when Lockon is like, okay, I'm drunk so I'll just jerk you off and pretend none of this ever happen. Just... seriously, lol. (Lockon/Tieria, a hard R to light NC-17.)

Gundam 00 Doujinshi (scanslated) - Fanciful Boy - [Note: There are multiple links on this page, but I'm going to rec each one separately.] ....seriously, no doujinshika makes me laugh quite like Gosunkugi does. The way she writes Tieria is just... completely lolarious and I may have choked on laughter a little at the final page of this one. But it's also that her art is really beautiful, I love how pretty everything and everyone is, I love both of the characters she draws so well. And, honestly, any doujinshi that can be about Tieria having looked up porn with the help of Veda and tricking Lockon into a virtual "mission" with him to do it and make it genuinely amusing gets a thumbs up in my book. (Lockon/Tieria, somewhere between R and NC-17.)

Gundam 00 Doujinshi (scanslated) - Swimming in Your Dreams - [Note: There are multiple links on this page, but I'm going to rec each one separately.] Another gorgeous Gosunkugi doujinshi! The first one is set in s2, where Tieria misses Lockon and has dreams about him, doesn't want him to go from those dreams. It's a bittersweet little story, the art is lovely and it's a little painful, but not overly angsty. Very sweet in its own way. And, man, do I love the way the artist draws Tieria in that uniform. The second story, however, was my favorite, because it never gets old making fun of Tieria's inexperience. Tieria spends the night in Lockon's room, which might give people the wrong idea (and Tieria is so pretty when he does it, too, and Lockon is really, really nice to look at) and Tieria has no idea what he means. And just. The dynamic. The poking fun at oneself and Tieria out of love. It never fails to make me lol. (Lockon/Tieria.)

Gundam 00 Doujinshi (scanslated) - Meet in a Dream - [Note: There are multiple links on this page, but I'm going to rec each one separately.] ....no, seriously, I love this doujinshika so much and would read her works forever. There are two stories again, the first one is about Tieria trying to find his meaning for going on after Veda has been turned against them, and manages to find a new purpose to life after talking with Lockon. I still enjoy the way the author writes them as being sort of implied (as having feelings) but it could be on a gen level, too. It fits nicely with the tone I got off the series itself. Then the second one is all about Tieria wanting to take care of Lockon after he was injured and then hugging him yet again while hilarity happens around them. I love the whole OMG SETSUNA IS WATCHING COVER THE CHILDREN'S EYES!!11 thing, too. Hilarity and beautiful art again, A+, fandom! (Lockon/Tieria.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN! Doujinshi (raw) - Uso? Honto? - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be freely joinable.] Okay, I had to recommend this short anthology story just because a) I loved the insert art of the two of them (especially Dino in sunglasses!) and b) Dino having Hibari sit on his lap makes for hilarity. The whole thing is really cute and the art has some nice details and it's just. A fun little thing that made me smile this afternoon, especially after all the angsty fic I'd read lately. (Dino/Hibari.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN! Doujinshi (raw) - Namimori Kindergarden - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be freely joinable.] Oh, lord. The KHR cast as chibis in kindergarden, the cute is pretty damn lethal here. The little chibis are so adorable even just sitting there, but when Gokudera is all aflutter over Tsuna or Tsuna has a big-eyed look on his face or little baby Hibari shows up? I wanted to explode from the cute, holy shit. (Half gen, half Gokudera/Tsuna, I'd say.)

Katekyou Hitman REBORN! Doujinshi (raw) - Namimori Animal Gakuen - [Note: This post is locked, but the comm should be freely joinable.] More adorable little baby chibis with the KHR cast! This time with animal ears, because Japan really loves me a lot. And little baby chibi Hibari is the cutest thing just about ever and I seriously want one to take home with me and keep in my pocket to love forever. Also, there's a page where Hibari has demon wings and a tail and horns and, wow, Japan really does love me. Also also also, HEDGEHOG HIBARI, YES. (No real warnings/pairings.)

fic: bleach, fic: gravitation, fic: star trek xi, fic: reboot, fic: katekyou hitman reborn!, doujinshi: katekyou hitman reborn!, fic: star trek: tos, doujinshi: gundam 00, sharing: glee, fic: glee

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