Okay, I was reading
this post about the STXI writers addressing some of the plot holes/ST Universe inconsistencies and I'm slightly more willing to just go with their version, if they've at least tried to put this much thought into it. And, honestly,
it's a tighter script that I'm used to with a lot of Trek. (Even if I'm still sort of "...." over the Kelvin's crew's lack of WTF WTF WTF ROMULANS ARE VULCANS?? being a huge deal. *grumpy*)
One Piece - 1 Fanfic
Princess Tutu/Shoujo Kakumei Utena - 1 Fanfic
Star Trek XI - 4 Fanfics
Supernatural - 1 Fanvid
Final Fantasy IV - 1 Fanart
Gundam 00 - 9 Fanart
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 1 Fanart
2009 GOAL: 304/1700
One Piece:
The Best Use of Roronoa Zoro's Pocket Money by Ranier - I never intended to stop on a One Piece fic again tonight, but the Zoro/Nami caught my eye and I decided what the hell. I'm glad I did because this is a cute, fun little story and I really like the way it plays on how Zoro doesn't care about money or worldly posessions and while, in some ways, that's easier for Nami (as the one who has her hands on their cash supplies), but also sort of drives her up the wall. And I really liked the other characters around them and the way the Zoro - Nami - money relationship ultimately worked out in this fic. <3 (Zoro/Nami, but it could really be gen, too.)
Princess Tutu/Shoujo Kakumei Utena:
Evolving Archetypes by Aishuu - I really like the concept of having Tutu/Utena crossovers and Aishuu plays on what makes them interesting--they're both stories that played with fairy tales and archetypes on something of a meta level. I really liked all that was said about these types of stories as Fakia and Ahiru continue on their journey and meet a character from the SKU story, about how these kinds of things work. It was a fun little story that I really enjoyed. <3 (Some Fakia/Ahiru and implied Utena/Anthy.)
Star Trek XI:
Earth Kids Are Assholes by vampychick - [Note: Just go ahead and assume there are spoilers in this fic and this rec.] Okay, I guess I'm going to be calling it Star Trek XI, despite that I'm not sure how that's going to work out when there are new movies in this new AU. But! Anyway. I was sort of wary of reading this fic because it's an AU of an AU, I already had an AU with the movie itself, so what was the point? But I gave it a shot anyway and as;ldkfjalskjalksj oh my god this is what I have been waiting for. It does a brilliant job of bridging the spirit of the original (and the Kirk/Spock friendship) with the new characterizations, just by setting it in their childhood and Kirk and Spock meeting early. It's a brilliant friendship between them and the Spock narration is fantastic and it has some truly great lines in it. as;ldkfjasl;kj goddammit now I'm going to be all over this fandom, aren't I? (No warnings/pairings.)
Star Trek XI:
A little differently by mozart - [Note: Just go ahead and assume there are spoilers in this fic and this rec.] I don't normally go for the Kirk/Spock fic, even in this new movie where I could see it more easily than I could before, but I read this fic as skirting just enough of a gen line (even though it's more clear cut pre-slash) and just vague enough that it was about the emotional connection between Spock and Kirk more than anything. And it's a lovely piece of writing, set from the point of view of Spock Prime as he watches this new universe unfolding and new chances for himself and Kirk. And, weirdly, I think I like it as standing on its own rather than as a prologue. <3 (Sort of Kirk/Spock implied.)
Star Trek XI:
We Learn Each Other Slowly by raphaela667 - [Note: Just go ahead and assume there are spoilers in this fic and this rec.] Oh, christ, you guys. I don't even ship Kirk/Spock, so why the hell am I reading fic for them? Except this fic kind of has an awesome Kirk voice and I can really see this movie's characterization in them and it has this sort of... it's almost that they're forced into this relationship because it's what they were destined for, except it's not really that, they genuinely care about each other and you can see the foundation of why the relationship works, woven together with their new characterizations and just. Ugh. I love this Kirk so much it's ridiculous. He's this brash young guy who isn't always sure what he's doing, but he's really trying for the first time, both as a captain and in a relationship and just. I love that their relationship isn't smooth, that there are going to be all these bumps and potholes along the road. This fic... I could actually see their (romantic) relationship this way, which was kind of a huge step for me. (Kirk/Spock, implied Spock/Uhura, somewhere between PG13 and R for one scene.)
Star Trek XI:
Necessity by iulia_linnea - [Note: Just go ahead and assume there are spoilers in this fic and this rec.] What caught my attention this fic was something I'd half-thought of as well, that Vulcans are going to need to start repopulating and, even if he's only half-Vulcan, Spock is an important part of what they have left. I liked the voices in this fic, XI!Spock is especially easy to hear/picture in this piece and I like the way he struggles with the emotions welling up and yet still keeps a lid on them, the way he is stubborn in his own way, and how his relationship with Uhura is played out here. It was a nice fic to read this morning. (Spock/Uhura implied.)
Supernatural Fanvid - Like a Boss - Oh, god, crying. You know, I don't think I could ever really watch a lot of serious Supernatural fanvids, but give me a funny one and I will be all over it, especially if it's as inspired as this one is. The editing + clip choices were brilliant, it was practically lip synched with the characters' lines from "It's a Wonderful Life". The expressions on Dean and Zachariah's faces were perfect and just. I cannot tell you how hard I laughed. Brilliant.
Final Fantasy IV - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I originally came to this site to look for Dissidia art, but got distracted by the FFIV art instead. It's... probably not going to be for everyone, but I'm weak to chibi art and stylized art, which this site blends in a really cute style. The colors are bright and slick, there's a decent amount here and occasionally something really great. Three of the elemental bosses in chibi form? a;sdlkjfalsjk so cute and kind of hilarious! Or super cute Palom and Porom! Adorable Ridia art! Pretty Cecil art! There's a certain smoothness to the lines that really makes it work for me and had me enjoying the entire site. ♥ (No real warnings/pairings.)
Gundam 00 - SUPERSLUG Online [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I... I am really kind of fond of this art style. It helps that I really like the artist's colors, when she does the CG style colors that are bright and vivid and then sometimes puts a softener filter on them, I am totally easy for that kind of thing. But it's also that I have a fondness for Allelujah/Tieria fanart--why, I'm not sure, but I do somehow like it when it's fanart. This site scratches that vague itch I have for them and provides a lot of CG pretty. A lot of CG pretty with Tieria in a dress. That always makes my night. :D :D :D Though, man, some of the Allelujah standalone illustrations are kind of gorgeous, too. (Allelujah/Tieria, some gen.)
Gundam 00 - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This is going to be another site that isn't for everyone. I admit, I skipped over the b&w comics (which are cute, but not quite my thing, with this style, I prefer color) and headed straight for the color art. I don't know how well chibis will go over with everyone, but I am kind of ridiculously weak to them and the artist draws them very cute after awhile! The artist also does a lot of Allelujah/Setsuna, which isn't a pairing I've seen much of, and it was novel enough to keep my interest on the site. I was also delighted to see a fair amount of art focusing on the female characters and then some Lockon/Tieria art and then a few Allelujah/Marie illustrations and, about halfway through the site, the art strengthens up a lot and just. Overall, it was a really fun site. (Some gen, some Allelujah/Setsuna. A smidge of Lockon/Tieria, Allelujah/Marie, and other.)
Gundam 00 - Lotta Love [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - What I did with this site--and what I think my have tilted me in favor of it--was that I started down at the bottom of the gallery, where the earliest art was, and then made my way towards the more current art. That way I got to see the progression of the artist's style over time and saw how she improved very nicely over time. It also helps that (despite that Setsuna is clearly the artist's favorite to draw) it's a site with a solid amount of variety, most of the major characters are somewhere on the site--there's even an entire page dedicated to just Saji and Setsuna illustrations! And I hardly ever see Saji art! XD Some of the sketches aren't as tight as I'd like them to be, but when the artist does a fully finished piece, it can get to be really pretty and very worth going to the site for. There's a Setsuna/Marina one that could have almost been a poster for the series, there's a gorgeous Setsuna/Feldt one, and some nice standalone stuff. A really solid site overall. ♥ (Some Setsuna/Saji, some Setsuna/other, some gen.)
Gundam 00 - ciel [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - ;laksdjf;laksj oh man. This site could have had some of the worst proportions ever and I think I still would have caved on it because the colors are those bright, vivid, nearly glowing CG colors that I am so weak to. It's just even better that the artist is actually pretty good and a couple of the illustrations end up looking almost sort of official, certainly very smooth and professional the very least. Not everything is perfect, some of it is very fanart-esque (well, obviously XD), but everything is pretty and the colors are always gorgeous. The artist's Setsuna is especially amazing, but I think I was fondest of the Allelujah/Marie art or that one really gorgeous image of Tieria desperately clutching at Lockon. *__* I really didn't want this site to end. (Mostly gen, a little Allelujah/Marie.)
Gundam 00 - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - As I've mentioned a bunch of times, I have this thing where I don't ship certain pairings, but my fussiness level goes way the hell down when it comes to fanart, because I'm totally easy when it comes to pretty things. So. Lockon and Setsuna is another one that I don't particularly mind, but it wasn't my pairing, and yet... I come across a gorgeous site that I can't help myself. I still almost turned away but... as;dlfkjalskj holy crap, the artist's Setsuna is kind of amazing. There's at least one or two stand alone illustrations of him that are just gorgeous to look at and even I have to admit that pairing stuff is beautiful. I wish there'd been a little more art of other characters, but the log pages were very nice and more balanced. Definitely a recommended site if you like the characters. (Lockon/Setsuna, very occasional genderswap or NSFW content.)
Gundam 00 - RosaryHill [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I don't know why this site doesn't have more art on it. Possibly because it wants to hurt me by giving me just enough super awesome stuff to make me pine for more. But, well. What's here is awesome enough that I had to recommend it anyway. I mean, the current top illustration is one of Setsuna as a groom all tied up with bride!Tieria in a lovely dress and I just. asld;kjfaslkj crying. Then there's some really great Lockon/Tieria kisses or sparring/fighting illustrations and then there's RPG style Tieria and Allelujah and then there's more Setsuna/Tieria wedding stuff and you can see that the artist's lineart is actually really good on the log pages and-- .....well, spazzing aside, I really enjoyed what was here and would love to see more from the artist. (Lockon/Tieria, Setsuna/Tieria.)
Gundam 00 - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - The art on this site is a little rough, but it's the artist's style and it really didn't take long at all to grow on me. There's a healthy amount of art here and I really like the artist's fondness for Lockon, but also that there was a solid variety of most of the main characters somewhere on the site. The Lockon/Tieria art helped a lot (despite that it wasn't what I originally came here for, even!) but also Graham/Setsuna. Which isn't my ship, but I see where it comes from and I'm surprised I haven't stumbled over more art for it yet. The artist did a solid job of keeping the spirit of the G00 characters (especially her Graham and Setsuna, they were very nice), the log pages were especially nice, and the entire site entertained me while I was there. (Some gen, some Lockon/Tieria, some Graham/Setsuna, some Allelujah/Marie.)
Gundam 00 - ask [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Oh, man, I was so totally easy for this site, it was kind of ridiculous. I only had to click onto one page in the gallery and I was totally sunk by the super cute lineart and soft, pastel colors. I don't know if everyone will love it the same way I did, it's very cute and fluffy and light-hearted and airy, but. The artist is actually really good and there's a decent amount of art here, all of it soft and lovely in a sketch-like way. The few group illustrations that the artist does are deceptively simple looking, but really well put together, and well. The page of Lockon/Tieria adorableness really didn't hurt my feelings, either. :D The kiss ones or the one of them in bed together or even the one where they're carrying groceries home, it's all just so... ugh, ridiculously adorable that I could explode from how much I love it. The memo board is worth going through as well, there's even more adorable stuff there and just. a;sldkfjasl;kj holy crap I love this kind of style. ♥ (Some Lockon/Tieria, some gen.)
Gundam 00 - Shonen Sugar [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - You know what. Sometimes I recommend things just for meeeeeee. Just for me because a certain style grew on me or because there's a multi-page comic with porn on the site if you keep poking around for it long enough. And that is what this site does for me! \o/ I can't say it'll appeal to everyone, but I liked some of the illustrations in the main gallery, especially the pairing art or any time Tieria was against a white background and there was a very light, airy feeling to the art. And, admittedly, the comic is of the characterization type where Tieria's doing a lot of panting and making Iyaaaa faces, but shut up. It's pretty, that's all I want from it! That and a lot of really hot up against the wall in yukata porn. And this site delivers and I love it for that. XD (Lockon/Tieria, completely NSFW.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I originally came here in search of Dissidia art, but there really wasn't enough to justify a rec and then I got distracted by the KHR section anyway. I didn't intend to stay here long, I was just clicking on random entries in the gallery and seeing if anything would catch my eye when... I don't know how to describe it, but somehow the site caught me. I think it's a combination of really cute oekaki art (and a really good amount of it!) and super pretty coloring on the regular illustrations. It's that type of super-skinny characters that I can take or leave, depending on the artist, but it works here. The later you get into the gallery, the better the art gets, and I always love that, I like seeing how an artist improves, but it's also... man, the more I went through this artist's work, the more completely cracked out pairings I came across. I love that. It's mainly a Mukuro/Tsuna site, but seriously. I think I saw Mukuro and Lambo art. XDb (Some gen, some Mukuro/Tsuna, some other. Occasional Mukuro/Hibari, Hibari/Tsuna.)