Post of Dino/Hibari art sites (locked, but the comm's freely joinable) is helpful, even though I'm sort of crying at the thought of trying to go through and see how many I've already seen or not.
ARASHI - 1 Fanfic
Avatar: The Last Airbender - 2 Fanfics
Gravitation - 1 Fanfic
Howl's Moving Castle - 3 Fanfics
JE - 1 Fanfic
Kamen Rider Kabuto - 3 Fanfics
Katekyou Hitman REBORN! - 3 Fanfics
Koko wa Greenwood - 1 Fanfic
xxxHOLiC/Doctor Who - 2 Fanfics
2008 GOAL: 857/1602
untitled by waxrose - You know what's another thing I love? When an author writes another ficlet to explain a previously throwaway reference to handcuffs and it's a delightful piece about how fantastic Aiba is and how he can totally fry Matsumoto's brain just by being himself. I'm honestly not sure what's the best part of this one, the near porn or the way Nino is an evil little weasel whom I love with all my heart. Both, probably. ♥ (Aiba/Jun.)
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
Marital Bliss by anime_angel_ash - So, I was browsing springkink last night and decided to give this fic a shot. And asd;lfkjas;lkj oh my god it was so great and so much fun. It's a neat little concept that takes the prompt--Zuko/Mai - striptease - Mai's sharpest weapon isn't her knives/Zuko needs to be more careful with his firebending--and does something a little unexpected with it. Set from the point of view of a young child in the Fire Nation palace, seeing the Zuko/Mai relationship through the kid's eyes, it's really clever and sharply done. Kids' POV can be difficult, but this narrative really pulls it off and I was laughing/smiling the entire way through and the ending has a great punch and the relationship dynamic is fantastic and I love that you can see how the kids' thought process goes even while the reader knows what's actually happening and just. It was fantastic. ♥ (Zuko/Mai.)
Avatar: The Last Airbender:
historical accuracy by incandescens - Another fic from the same prompt as the previous one, this time taking yet another different tact and going for a historical/scholarly feel to it. I really liked this, it was neat to see the author creating a legendary legacy for the characters and yet still keeping what made them such lovable characters, the historical tone of the piece is really neat as well. It was just a really clever, fun take on the prompt with a great ending and a joy to read. ♥ (Zuko/Mai.)
Every Song I Sing by pekori - Omg, it has been forever since I read any Gravi fic! I was reading the author's Howl's Moving Castle fic, decided to poke around the rest of her journal, and immediately had to zip over to this one. It's a delightful little piece, Shuuichi and the rest of Bad Luck returning home after a tour, all of his pent-up energy just scrabbling to get out and then seeing Yuki again and it's a lost cause. I really liked the author's Shuuichi, she got the feeling of him down without taking it too far--same for her Yuki, what we saw of him through Shuuichi's pov. It's a short piece but it reminded me of why I loved the series. ♥ (Yuki/Shuuichi.)
Howl's Moving Castle:
In which Sophie Perfects Misplacing Anger by pekori - Oh, this was a charming little piece, set somewhere in the middle of the first book, just a short conversation between Sophie and Calcifer, where Sophie, as the title suggests, misplaces her anger. I adore it because it really fits with the characters and the book, it did feel like it could have taken place so very easily in the original storyline and I really liked how much it said about Sophie without having to directly say it. ♥ (Implied Howl/Sophie.)
Howl's Moving Castle:
close your eyes and trust it by reversedhymnal - There is far too little het porn in the world, much less for a pairing like Howl/Sophie, which I understand why they wouldn't get much (and I'm usually all right with that, because I love them for the snark and the charm more than anything, too), but once in awhile is very nice. Especially since the author is fantastic at keeping the snarking and charming going the entire time they're together, it never stops, even in the middle of sex. Howl is still Howl and Sophie is still Sophie and you can just feel how much they love each other, even admist Howl's crazy rituals for trying to get Sophie pregnant. a;sldkfjalskj they are so delightful together. (Howl/Sophie, NC-17.)
Howl's Moving Castle:
Divertimento by yawmin - One more HMC fic for today, because this was a charming little piece with Howl, Sophie, and Morgan, where one of the best things about Howl is how much he loves his family yet is still very much himself and still very taken with himself and his own cleverness. There really is so much love in that family and this fic just. It's warm and sweet without being cloying, because it still has that snark that always comes with these two. <3 (Howl/Sophie.)
Lights/Camera/Action, or Jin and Maki Make a Porno by agirlcalledkil - Siobhan linked me to this Pinfic the other night, so I read it curiously and just. *rolls around with glee* PIN FIC. IT HAS BEEN TOO LONG. I've not read much outside of my flist in awhile, so I don't really know the authors to go to, but I enjoyed the hell out of this so much. I love, love, love the friendship between Yamapi and Jin, yet there's a little something more there (no actual smoochings or anything, just implied feelings, so more like pre-slash) and it was just. The Pin dynamic is clever, sharp, and fun here, I cannot count how many times I laughed out loud during this or how many times I had the stupidest grin on my face because the author hit all the right notes with this. I even loved Yamapi's total denial that he wanted Jin because nobody else was buying it and asl;dkfjalksj this is the kind of fic that reminds me that I will ship Pin forever. ♥ (Jin/Yamapi.)
Kamen Rider Kabuto:
dirty dancing by Meg - I am generally not one for dancing in fic or the whole club scene, but this was Kabuto and it was my OTP and it was Meg, so I wanted to give it a shot anyway. And as;ldfkja;lskjalskj oh my god I love Meg a whole lot because that was seriously one of the hottest things ever. There's just enough detail (without making it the focus of the fic, which is instead centered on the whole atmosphere of it) and Tendou is just pushy enough and Kagami may not agree, but Tendou is a really good person for dragging him out onto the floor like that. This was... really, really a gorgeous piece, omg. *___* I-- I may have reread it a few times. *__* But... the clothes and the touching and Tendou's dialogue, it's all... I mean, I wouldn't even rate it R and yet it's hotter than a lot of porno I've read. (Kagami/Tendou, maybe not entirely SFW.)
Kamen Rider Kabuto:
Tendou in a dress by Meg - al;sdkfjal;skj speaking of things that I don't usually go for but that I'll read if it's the right author. Tendou in a dress. Kind of shouldn't be as hot as this is and yet. It's Tendou. So of course he's this hot in a dress. And I love the little touches in this fic, the ones you almost don't register because it's a kinkmeme ficlet--but Tendou fixing Kagami's tie because his dad wasn't a great teacher or Kagami wondering why this always happens to them (because Meg is a good person, that's why), the little things that make this so fantastic. *__* (Kagami/Tendou.)
Kamen Rider Kabuto:
Bike by Meg - Okay. Making out against bikes. Always something the Kabuto fandom needs more of. And blowjobs. There should always be more of those. And, again, this didn't even get up to an R rating and it's still hotter than a lot of porn I've read. But. My favorite thing about this fic. And this is true of pretty much all the fic Meg writes about the Kabuto characters. It's more than just the physical aspect of it. My favorite thing about this fic is that it's a perfect example of how Kagami knocks Tendou off to the side a little just by being himself and calling Tendou on his stupidity without being antagonistic about it, how Kagami might be a bit of a spaz at times, but when it's important, he steps up to the plate. That happened so many times in the series and it's reflected here, while not being just about that, while just being about making out against bikes (yet it's Tendou and Kagami, so of course there's often something more going on) and just. asldkfjal;kjas I love them such ridiculous amounts. T___T♥ (Kagami/Tendou.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN!:
Eyes like Fire by penombrelilas - This was an interesting look at Mukuro and the Mukuro/Hibari rivalry, the way Mukuro sees someone like Hibari, who is iron will even when he's practically broken into pieces. I really liked the laid-back sense of something almost like whimsy in his tone, even when there's so much violence in the scene. And I really liked that Hibari is so dangerous here, even as Mukuro is stronger than him for now. And, of course, there's not nearly enough Mukuro/Hibari out there. XD (Mukuro/Hibari.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN!:
voluntary chains by readerofasaph - This is another short piece, but a really interesting look at a second person pov, where Dino and Hibari aren't really chained together very strongly, they each have such strong ties elsewhere, yet somehow they remain connected. I like the use of imagery and language in the piece as well! (Dino/Hibari.)
Katekyou Hitman REBORN!:
A Day in the Life of Hibari Kyouya by readerofasaph - So, Hibari is easily my favorite REBORN! character, which I imagine is fairly hard to miss. And I wasn't sure what I was going to get when I picked up this fic, I was expecting more of a Mukuro/Hibari story than a Hibari-focused story, but I think the author balanced the two really well. It is more of a Hibari story and it was so great for that, she just really nailed that casual violence and straightforward, direct lethal attitude that is Hibari. Pretty much the entire time I was reading this, I kind of wanted to keyboard mash over how much I loved Hibari and how easily I could see him in this fic and a;lksjef;lakjs the fight scenes and Hibari's thought process (which is not always an easy thing, but I loved it here) and his interactions with the rest of the characters. The conflicts with Mukuro, the brief thoughts of Dino, his reactions to the rest of Tsuna's gang. a;sldkfja;lkjsl SO GREAT A READ. The insights into Hibari's character are kind of super, super fabulous here. (This is entirely gen, but if you like Mukuro/Hibari you may enjoy this, too.)
Koko wa Greenwood:
In the Courtyard by readerofasaph - And! More fandoms I haven't visited in ages! Greenwood! I have missed these characters a lot. And this was a short piece again, but it had such a lovely thoughtful mood to it, it wasn't really about actions, but more about the sense of quiet and peace that they were in. I loved the quiet friendship between Mitsuru and Shinobu, I imagine it does work a lot like that when there's nothing they have plotted and it's just the two of them, Mitsuru raking leaves and Shinobu sharing the same general space as him. <3 (This is entirely gen, but if you like Shinobu/Mitsuru, you might like this, too.)
xxxHOLiC/Doctor Who:
Unpleasant Business by laurus_nobilis - Oh, now this was delightful, just a quick and light-hearted (for all that there are heavier things in the background, but there always are with Doctor Who and xxxHOLiC both) thing that wove these two series together nicely. It's always difficult with a drawn series and a live action series, but I really liked the little details, the way the Doctor sat so he wouldn't have to take his shoes off or the way Yuuko talked to him. Really charming little fic. <3 (No warnings/pairings.)
xxxHOLiC/Doctor Who:
if I could put Time in a bottle by incandescens - Another fic based on the same prompt (to put Yuuko and the Doctor into the same fic) and it's another lovely piece. This time it's got a wider focus and the author does a completely terrific job of getting the Doctor's personality down in just a few lines each time, yet still giving him that same core that always comes along. His interactions with Yuuko, all the little details and moments mentioned in passing (I would do a lot for that one with Sakura that was mentioned), all of it are clever and delightful. (No warnings/pairings.)