Notes: Oh, man,
these Odin Sphere icons are lovely.
Oh, my god, people need to play Odin Sphere with me so that you can understand the reaction I had when I was skimming through a hentai Velvet/Gwendolyn doujinshi (it was Odin Sphere doujinshi and the art is utterly stunning, so I couldn't resist!) set just after Velvet accidentally woke Gwendolyn up and she mixed a potion together (a 4 material + Habaneristo!) and drank it, suddenly growing a dick for, uh, obvious purposes with Gwendolyn.
I didn't think I ever stop laughing. Oh, my god, Japan. NEVER EVER CHANGE. ♥ (4 Material + Habaneristo = M, btw. I was just about crying with laughter.)
Gokusen - 1 Fanfic
Gundam Wing - 3 Fanfics
Hana Yori Dango - 1 Fanfic
Howl's Moving Castle - 1 Fanfic
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - 3 Fanfics
Merupuri - 2 Fanfics
Naruto - 3 Fanfics
One Piece/Tiny Toon Adventures - 1 Fanfic
One Piece - 2 Fanfics
Ouran Koukou Host Club - 13 Fanfics
Ugly Betty - 1 Fanfic
xxxHOLiC/Ouran Koukou Host Club - 1 Fanfic
Yuu Yuu Hakusho - 3 Fanfics
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - 1 Fanart
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - 6 Fanart
Odin Sphere - 1 Fanart
- Gokusen -
Everyone Knows by Adali - I practically wiggled around in glee while reading this fic because something about it was so perfect for the characters and their voices and what they know (think they know or don't actually know at all) about Shin's love life. You can just see the look on Shin's face half of the time as the rest of 3D contemplates Shin's perfect woman and why he doesn't date much and a;sdlfkjaslkjalksj I love how much they clearly love Shin. That's one of the best things about the manga, they truly admire Shin, even if they don't always understand that bastard. It's just. It's hilarious and awesome and perfect. ♥ (Shin/Yankumi.)
- Gundam Wing -
Jigsaw by WandererWolf - Perhaps I was just in the right mood for something sweet and fluffy this morning, even if it's a bit sad. It's... fluffy sadness? Not really a sad piece, just Duo musing on how they got to be where they are, broken ex-soldiers, while staring out at the cold scenery on the colonies. I think what really won me over with the story is the descriptions of Duo's setting, the cold around him as it grew into the "winter" months, and the writing is very smooth and easy to read. Plus, I was in a 1x2 mood this morning. (Heero/Duo.)
- Gundam Wing -
Carrot cake and shrapnel by Jagged5 - This is a really cool, interesting piece that's one of the few takes on the dynamic between Wufei and Duo that I really, really like. Wufei feels right here, the way he silently supports Duo's rantings while he's getting a fit out of his system, he doesn't judge or snap, but he knows exactly how this is going to go. I initially read it for the Heero/Duo (which is fantastically spot on with how I like them as well ♥), but wound up falling for Wufei here a little more than I expected to. Not that I'm complaining, all three of them were fantastic here. (Heero/Duo.)
- Gundam Wing -
Perfection by WandererWolf - This is a really interesting look at Duo's relationship with Heero and the way he sees that and Heero himself. Duo's an intelligent person, he sees and knows things, no matter how much he might act flippant most times, so his characterization is fantastic as well. But it's him watching Heero, all of these intense emotions tangled up in Heero in the middle of the night when he thinks no one is watching, that really caught me with this fic. That's the thing about Heero for me, he's this deadly soldier who has buried so much of his humanity, but it comes back to him in bits and pieces and Heero is very, very human, he always has been. He's still the Terrific Soldier, but there's something underneath that as well, something very intense and powerful and I-- You know. Sometimes I think maybe I love Heero even more than Duo, fics like this remind me of that. (Heero/Duo.)
- Hana Yori Dango -
The Psychology of Getting Laid by dawbygirl - Lately, I've been feeling very nostalgic for Hanadan fic, so this fic came along at just the right time, even if it's currently unfinished and not likely to be picked up again soon. But I enjoyed the three chapters that had been written, an amusing story about Doumyouji deciding they're going to Hawaii and Tsukushi dragging everyone else along for moral support. And it's cute and they're such emotional retards, the both of them, and I should want to beat their heads in, the both of them XD, but somehow the fic still makes me like them, just as Hanadan fic should. ♥ (Tsukasa/Tsukushi.)
- Howl's Moving Castle -
Polar Opposites by Bells of Requiem - While normally I read most fics set in the bookverse, I really quite like the anime movieverse as well, which this fic fits rather nicely with. It's an interesting look at Sophie and Howl's perspectives on each other, two companion chapters where they think about how they've come to love each other, even despite the flaws they obviously see in each other. It's more movieverse characterization than anything, but I can believe it and like it in that universe, the writing is lovely enough to really quite charm me while reading. (Howl/Sophie.)
- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! -
Untitled Sunshine by midnightdiddle - This was a great little short ficlet between Dino and Hibari, where they're just so delightfully themselves. I love the use of sunshine with this pairing, specifically how Dino does kind of have such a sunny personality (though, that's not the point of this fic), but more that Hibari is so very not a sunshiney type of person. He's a cold person, but Dino doesn't mind, even if that means that his efforts are going to be rewarded in exactly the way that this fic ended. Which, by the way, was hilariously perfect. (Dino/Hibari.)
- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! -
Mother's Kisses by midnightdiddle - Right after reading a happy, hilarious Dino/Hibari fic, I scrolled back up to read this fic and... a;sdflkajslkjlkas ouch. It's not that I want this to happen to Gokudera, I most emphatically do not want him dead, but the image of Bianchi bringing her wrath to everyone and everything around her like this is greatly intriguing. Gokudera is the type of character who so badly wants affection, so to see the evidence how deeply she cared about her little brother was fascinating. And painful. The author does a fantastic job of showing Bianchi in a cold rage here, as much as the fic hurt, it was also fantastic. (No real pairings, death of a major character warning.)
- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! -
Prestissimo by midnightdiddle - And, then, immediately after I read a Gokudera deathfic, then I read an interesting little AU where he never joined the Vongola family, instead focused on his piano playing and I still would have thought it'd be too early for me to read AUs, but this one was interesting. It was a look at what Gokudera might have become without Tsuna and his family, the author doing a lovely job of showing his emotions beneath the surface, the sense of running and running and running from his father and that side of his own family. The ending is particularly interesting as well, a very cool little read. (No warnings/pairings.)
- Merupuri -
Keep Away by Pyjamas - I was browsing around FFNET earlier and was reading one of the author's Host Club fics and happened to skim the summary for this one. Oh, hey, Jeile in a fic, I'll have to at least check that out. It looks--.....wait, what? There's a Merupuri catagory at FFNET?? And I promptly dove towards the fics. And this was a cute little piece set from Jeile's perspective about his feelings for Rei and how turned around they make him, especially considering his upcoming marriage to Nei. I liked the way the author wrote Rei as well, he was very... unreadable and yet there's still some sense that he may be laughing at you but you can't quite tell or call him on it. Plus! Rei/Jeile! My favorite! (Rei/Jeile.)
- Merupuri -
Denial by Pyjamas - After the previous fic from Jeile's perspective, it was interesting to read one from Rei's point of view, concerning his feelings for both the queen and for Jeile. The author does well with Rei's personality, especially how he secrets away feelings because of his precarious situation, because he knows what is and is not possible with the people around him. I like that it's a sort of subdued tone while still keeping the way Rei obviously considers a lot in his thoughts. An interesting piece on him. (Some Rei/Jeile.)
- Naruto -
Celestial Bodies by Klayter McCabe - This is one of those fics that I've been meaning to read forever, but whenever I was in the mood for Naruto fic, I never had the link in front of me. I was just idly skimming through FFNET and stumbled over the link again and finally decided to read it. It's a really solid, interesting look at Sakura and the people she loves, the people that she's let her life revolve around at various points in her life and how she's changed over the course of time. How things change and she's not just going to let history repeat itself over and over, not hers or anyone else's. I like the use of celestial metaphors, I like the way Sakura sees so much about the people around her now, I love her take on each of them. I love that it's somewhat about romance, except not really, it's about love more than it is about being in love. (Implications of pairings, but I'm going to call it gen.)
- Naruto -
Cemetery Garden by Urei Sachi - NejiHina is a pairing that is sort of complicated for me, since I prefer something less fluffy and sweet, but that also means the fics usually end up being a bit more heartbreaking than I would prefer. It's hard to give them a happy ending, the way I like them. And yet I'll still continue to read the more tragic fics because they're often written like this one, with beautiful writing and this subtle sense of inevitability and fate. I especially like that this fic wasn't too over the top about it, Hinata's acceptance of her role in the Hyuuga family and Neji never quite putting words to what it is he feels for her, the way it's all in small gestures or small glances is really lovely. (Neji/Hinata.)
- Naruto -
Flame by Dan'yu - This is a very short piece, not even 300 words, it's a small moment in time, simple Neji watching Hinata and she can feel his gaze on her, the intensity of it burns her. While there's not much direct character musing here, the fic instead captures the dynamic of these two with each other, the way they are both gentle and harsh with each other at the same time. It's a really pretty little piece. (Neji/Hinata.)
- One Piece/Tiny Toon Adventures -
Pets by Icka! M. Chif - There are just some crossovers that you are so completely not expecting that you have to click on the link, especially when done by an author you like. And this. This. This is beautiful. I was laughing the entire way through because the One Piece characters with Elmyra would go exactly like this and the ending was absolutely, utterly pitch perfect. Both for Luffy and from everyone else. Just. Brilliant. \o/ (No warnings/pairings.)
- One Piece -
If Only by Adali - This is a very short piece, but it's a fantastic look at Nami's life and what she wishes she could be at various points in her life. Each paragraph has her understanding a little more about the world and her own abilities and what she wants to achieve, what she has to achieve, and the final one is just... it's wonderful and so very in the spirit of One Piece. A great little Nami piece. (No warnings/pairings.)
- One Piece -
Hit and Run by Adali - I'm generally not one for threesome fics, but I like Zoro, Sanji, and Nami all a lot and I was in the mood for some more One Piece fic and I liked the author, so I gave this one a shot. And I wound up liking both aspects of this fic--what Zoro's going through and thinking as he just about dies in the middle of a fight, how stupid it is and yet how stubborn he is, the regrets of unfinished things still lingering. But also I liked how nicely subtle the fic was on his feelings for both Sanji and Nami, how annoyed as hell he could be by both of them and the images he thought of when he was was fading out. The ending was perfectly Zoro as well and I really like this author's take on the situation. (Some Zoro/Sanji/Nami, but you could also read this as gen.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Cold Season by Streets of Fire - disordered_mess recommended a bunch of Host Club fics and this is the first one I clicked on and I am utterly charmed by it. It's just a small moment, it's not really even anything beyond what you would see it canon, Tamaki being Tamaki and the twins being bratty (especially about the thick sweater Haruhi is wearing) and Mori is just as calm and gentle as ever. It's such a cute moment, half-shippy and half-not and it suits Mori/Haruhi perfectly. <3 (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Dream a Little Dream by stagemystic - Another rec from disordered_mess, it's a lovely little Mori/Haruhi fic set in the greater antics of the Host Club. The author's Haruhi is very solid and in character, she's not apathetic or cold, she's just straight-forward and has to deal with the Host Club rich bastards. There's something almost gentle about this fic, even when she's interacting with Tamaki and the twins and Hunny and Kyouya. And when Haruhi's tired from too much late-night studying and she's put with Mori during the next day of the host club, it's really sweet and the author does a very nice job with how they're quiet around each other, but not dull. It's understated (especially in comparison to the rest of the crazy around them) but utterly adorable and the author makes that work. (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Babylon by TeaForRevenge - Sometimes she finds herself thinking that perhaps, just perhaps, Mori might be able to act as an interpreter to her. Another rec from disordered_mess and I think this might be one of my favorites from the fandom in quite some time. The author uses the theme of Haruhi not quite speaking the same language as the others, she doesn't understand their world just as they don't really understand hers, and it comes across beautifully, you can feel that mild frustration and out-of-place sensation she must go through a lot. And then Mori sort of understands her a lot more than she expected and when I recount it here, it sounds kind of lame, but the author makes it work, it's subtle and fantastic in the way they just sort of calmly gravitate towards each other and work well together. This was lovely. (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Talkative by TeaForRevenge - Another rec from disordered_mess and this one plays on the way that Mori and Haruhi communicate without words, without most people even realizing they're "talking" to each other. A look here, a tilt of the head there, a quirk of the lips, a drop of the shoulders, all these things are little moments of communication between Mori and Haruhi. I liked the way the author wrote them, her take on the characters is interesting here and it's a very sweet read. (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Nimble Fingers by TeaForRevenge - Another rec from disordered_mess and this time it's a Hunny fic, which is a really interesting look at the character and his love of sweet things and how growing up in the family that he did affected him and how he "steals" things and how everything is almost coated in this sugary, happy sort of tone yet has these genuine serious undercurrents to everything. That is the Hunny I read in the manga, especially when he's very aware of what's going on around him and what he's doing with Haruhi, even when most people don't notice or dismiss him because he looks so cute. The use of cookies and stealing them throughout the fic is very well done, I really quite liked this author's take on the character. (Some Hunny/Haruhi, but it's mostly a gen fic.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Reverence by TeaForRevenge - Another rec from disordered_mess and I read it after Nimble Fingers (read a bunch of them in a row, actually) and what I really love about this fic is that it captures Hunny so well. Hunny is a rather complicated character to get right I often feel, his shota personality isn't exactly false, but it's not exactly true, either. He does so much of it on purpose, he's very aware of the effect it has, and there's an actual person under there and this fic... this fic does a lot of justice to that. Her Hunny has this want of something, always wanting the next present to be opened and the author parallels and constrasts that beautifully with his relationship with Haruhi. It's a surprisingly subtle look at Hunny's character and I really liked it for that, it's about things underneath the bright and shining surface, which is entirely appropriate for Hunny. (Some Hunny/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Trinity by TeaForRevenge - I figured, well, as long as I was going through the rest of the author's fic, I might as well read her Kyouya/Haruhi interaction one as well. Her take on Kyouya's character, the two sides of him, the Ohtori and the Kyouya parts of him, is really interesting, they almost sort of balance each other out into the character the rest of the world sees. There's something very calculated about Kyouya, but also something very real, this is a neat look at how those two things might come to be. His interaction with Haruhi here is why I like the pairing, because Haruhi doesn't really react the way Kyouya expects her to, she's very pragmatic and caring without being overly involved. Simple gestures are something Haruhi simply does and yet they manage to affect Kyouya as well. I love that it's not really even that shippy, just that there's something there with her. <3 (Some Kyouya/Haruhi, but it could be gen, too.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Dumb by Soozen - This is a little sadder than I usually like to go for, at least with Haruhi, but what makes me like it anyway is that the tone is very straightforward and yet still gentle without being squishy, it fits well with Haruhi's character. It's a short piece about Haruhi's life with the Host Club and how she doesn't quite fit in with them, even when she pretends she can, and it's an interesting little insightful piece. (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
The Greatest Gift by zetsubouteki - This is a short little fic set on Haruhi's birthday, where she gets a surprise party and several gifts. Not much really happens, you don't even know what the other gifts are or spend much time on the party. Instead, it's just a quiet focus in on the Mori/Haruhi relationship and the simple gift that he gives her and how something so practical means more to her than any other extravagant gift. It was very cute. (Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Time by Pyjamas - Aside from that I think Kyouya became fond of Haruhi sooner than this fic would imply, this was one of those rare delightful pieces of Kyouya/Tamaki fics that I loved the hell out of. Even though it was very short, it was a lovely look at Kyouya's character with the use of time as a theme, which suited him perfectly. The writing is smooth and very nice to read and I totally giggled at the ending, it was perfect. I just. I ♥. And want more, now that I've had a bit of faith renewed in fandom. (Kyouya/Tamaki.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Pounce by Micayasha - I think when I officially liked this fic is when Kyouya realized that Tamaki was taunting him on purpose, even though he merely seemed as flighty as usual, there was an actual intelligent person underneath, and that was much like the Tamaki I know. And I liked the author's take on Kyouya's attraction to Tamaki, trying to hold back this intense urge to touch him, to kiss him, nearly succeeding at it, until he realizes Tamaki's aware of him and that undoes his willpower. The imagery of the kiss and the way they touch each other is lovely as well, a very nice little piece. (Kyouya/Tamaki.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Come Inside by Urei Sachi - As I was reading this, in a way, it struck me as a fic that illustrated why Kyouya/Haruhi is such a difficult pairing to make work, especially when you remove the host club setting from around them and put them into an alternate storyline, and yet still shows why there's a certain connection and fascination there. Perhaps I've also been reading too many AUs lately, so I hardly blinked at this one being set in a universe where Haruhi grew up with the Morinozuka family (as her mother was their lawyer) and then she goes off to college, but the author writes so beautifully and tells it almost like a fairytale, along with accompanying storybook snippets to frame the scenes, while still keeping everyone with such spot-on characterizations that it's hardly that much different from reading regular Host Club fic. I absolutely adore the author's Haruhi, she's straightforward without being too oblivious or uncaring, there's a certain something that I can believe would attract all of these people to her. The set-up of the storyline here is actually interesting, it doesn't spend too much time unnecessarily world building (in part because circumstances are largely similar to the canon storyline) and yet the author seems to have a good grip on what she wants from it. It's just a really well-written and highly interesting AU, both for Haruhi insights and the Kyouya/Haruhi relationship. (Kyouya/Haruhi, Mori/Haruhi.)
- Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Skin Deep by Urei Sachi - This is another short piece that shows the complicated nature of the Kyouya/Haruhi potential pairing, how difficult it is to reach past Kyouya's emotional walls and how he's drawn to her somehow and, before she really realizes it, she's slid through them somehow and she actually means something to Kyouya. It's a short, quiet fic, more introspection than anything, but it's much of what I see when I look at these two as a possible pairing and it's beautifully written. (Kyouya/Haruhi.)
- Ugly Betty -
Appearances by shetiger - This was a very well-written future fic that I loved for being so much like an episode of the show. Daniel gets caught up in a mess (he's arrested for murder) and there's a Fashion TV piece to frame the scenes, which were spot on, by the way, and Betty being so very... Betty. The pacing, the humor, the style all fit with Ugly Betty as a series so fantastically, it's one of those things, one of those hilarious total soap opera moments that I could easily see this happening in Daniel and Betty's future, should they go in that direction. Fabulous, fabulous fic. (Daniel/Betty.)
- xxxHOLiC/Ouran Koukou Host Club -
Just by Urei Sachi - This is an odd little crossover between HOLiC and Host Club, which I tended to look at as more of a HOLiC fic than a Host Club fic, despite that it's set from Kyouya's point of view. It's strange and a bit creepy and the writing is lovely which only reinforces the pretty, almost dream-like quality of the story. It's strange, but so very interesting for what it says about Kyouya when he must deal with a tragedy in his life, the use of HOLiC and Yuuko's price for him fit so well with a creepy HOLiC fic. Very, very nice. (Kyouya/Haruhi.)
- Yuu Yuu Hakusho -
Jail Break by nightwalker3 - I'd been skimming around the YYH section, trying to find something that caught my eye, and I'm not even sure how I got to this one anymore. But I am so glad I read it because it's just utterly delightful and perfect, it has Yuusuke and Kuwabara being dumb, dumb deliquent friends, it has Yuusuke being a cocky, laughing smartass, it has actually, genuinely funny humor, and even if the girls aren't actually in it, they're kick-ass, too. I can't count how many lines genuinely made me laugh in this fic, much less how many times I beamed at how much it felt like the crazy, crazy antics Togashi's characters must get up to in between fights. A+++++ omg. (No warnings/pairings.)
- Yuu Yuu Hakusho -
The Bounty Hunter by nightwalker3 - Okay, I officially caved on this fic as well when I got to this part, after Yuusuke's phone rang while he was watching a movie with Keiko: "Yeah, what?" he asked. He made a point of sounding put-out even if it was some stupid Sandra Bullock movie. Subtitled. God. And the whole plot about seeing the future was, in Yuusuke's opinion, boring as dirt. He had friends who did that shit all the time and he didn't see them getting all worked up about it. And after that it spirals off into a much darker fic, something I'm not sure I would have clicked on if I'd know ahead of time what was going to happen in the fic (I apparently skipped right over the warnings orz), but as soon as I was reading the fic, I couldn't put it down. It's really well-written and, as ;__;-inducing as it was, I'm glad I read it. It's really beautifully in character, down to all the little details. (No warnings/pairings.)
- Yuu Yuu Hakusho -
Downtime by nightwalker3 - Part of me wants to tear through every fic the author's written, part of me wants to ration them out because I know I'll never find more YYH fic like this, and part of me is all ;__;-face because the author is spoiling me. It's just. The take on Yuusuke and Kuwabara's friendship is so damn perfect that I find myself falling in love with the series all over again, they are just incredibly spot on teenage boys with ridiculous amounts of power in their bodies... who play dumb Playstation games and call each other names. And act like such retarded teenage boys and, oh, god, by the end, I was crying with laughter and love for these characters. Beautiful. (....some pairings implied, but I'm not going to say or count them.)
Higurashi no Naku Koro ni - Roadside [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I debated on this site for awhile, because the art does start out a little shakey in the beginning, but I was still finding all the illustrations cute enough that I wanted to save them. Somewhere along the line, the artist got a lot better and I was starting to be won over by the decent amount of art here, as I really do like the artist's use of soft, lighter pastel colors. Plus, her chibis are adorable and I really like her Shion/Mion images a lot. Not everything is perfect, but there's a lot of really cute art to be found here. (Shion/Mion, a little Keiichi/Mion, some other, some gen.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - ETTE*CHIMERA [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I've been through this site a couple of times now and I think it's slipped off my mental surface a few times, mostly just that it never really caught me. Maybe it took me a couple of times to look at it or maybe I'm changing in my preferences in the Reborn! fandom, but I... well. This site isn't going to be for everyone, but what I wound up liking about it is the way Hibari's hair looks, it looks so pretty and dark and soft and yet still intense. E-even when he's in kitty-ears! And I'm lax enough on chibis that I don't care what Hibari's expression looks like, the one where he's hugging Hibird and looking adorable are cute from an artistic angle, shut up! However, the artist does a pretty damn fine Mukuro, with each ensuing illustration, he just got more and more gorgeous. Her Dino is also quite hot and her Dino/Hibari is really pretty and her Mukuro/Hibari is really pretty damn gorgeous, too. It's not going to be for everyone, Hibari is a little less bitey than I'd usually like, but... I'm not complaining he at least looks bored through most of people glomping onto him and the colors and lines are fantastic. ♥ (Mukuro/Hibari, Dino/Hibari, some gen.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - cokissca [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This style isn't going to be for everyone, it's the kind where the artist uses a lot of sketchy lines and elongated bodies and only splashes of color most of the time. But for me it somehow intrigues me, especially as I got into the more recent art, and there's something about it that I really like. As she draws the characters more and more, they start to become an interesting blend between the canon style and the artist's own style and it's not something I'd want to see a lot, but.... Well, I'm weak for Hibari fanart, so a site with Yamamoto/Hibari and Dino/Hibari was going to hit me harder than it might someone else. I feel like I'm softballing this whole rec (and maybe I am), but I really do like some of the images here. Her recent Dino/Hibari is really kind of pretty and I love the way she draws Dino's hair. I honestly enjoyed the site. (Yamamoto/Hibari, Dino/Hibari, some gen.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Aria*Bird [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This site has a very... shoujo-esque style. Or perhaps a BL manga-esque style. It's very soft and pastel and Gokudera is very thin and often curls upon the floor to sleep and that's not going to be for everyone. But I came here for the Tsuna/Gokudera art because I'd been craving it and... there's not a lot of that here, maybe two or three images, but I actually was kind of impressed by the amount of detail that went into the artist's work. Even if it's different from canon, the work itself is still very pretty, she uses a lot of soft greens and grays that I really adore and always puts a ton of jewelry on him and detail into the clothing. I wound up liking the site a lot. (A lot of different pairings, a lot of Everyone/Gokudera, some gen.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I debated on this site for awhile, it took awhile for me to warm up to the artist's style and it's not my usual pairing. But the artist can sometimes draw a damn fine Hibari and her Gokudera actually got really impressive and there's a certain something to the way she colors that looks fantastic. And some of the illustrations were kinda hot and then! Then there were chibis and I was kind of sunk. I ♥ the chibis, they were so adorably drawn and the one where chibi Hibari is on top of pantless chibi Gokudera and they both have little kitty ears? It's like all of my kinks rolled into one. There are times when the art can appear almost simple, but the artist has tons of potential and occasionally does some really awesome work. I want more~~ (Hibari/Gokudera, maybe occasionally a little NSFW content.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Spacy Morita [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This art site isn't going to be for everyone, especially the artist's take on an older Tsuna, but I wasn't here for him anyway. I was here for the Tsuna/Gokudera (I... I've been browsing search engines, okay?) and the artist's Gokudera is really, really gorgeous. You can tell how much she likes by the way he looks fantastic and the details and colors on him are tremendous. The style isn't always strictly canon, but other times she just nails canon, so it's sort of hit-or-miss with that. But most of the time I wasn't looking for an exact replica of canon, I was looking at the artist's take on the characters, the way they looked in her style. And, god, her comics are beautiful to look at, the detail and strength of the art is amazing. Plus! Tsuna/Gokudera! Excellent. (Tsuna/Gokudera, some other.)
Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Okay, yes, I am finally starting to find the kind of sites I knew had to be out there--the ones with smoking on Gokudera art and the occasional nod to Tsuna/Gokudera. The artist obviously favors Gokudera and it shows in how well she draws him, even the earliest sketches/log art are really strong and well-done. Her kiddy!Gokudera is darling, her Tsuna is a bit hit-or-miss, but when she draws him right, he looks fantastic, too. Her Tsuna with baby!Gokudera is sweet enough to practically give me cavities as well. My only real complaint about the site is that I wish she'd drawn a bit more non-oekaki art, because there's a ton of that here and it's all really, really hot, but... when she does proper illustrations, they look even more fantastic. (Tsuna/Gokudera, Yamamoto/Gokudera, some Hibari/Gokudera.)
Odin Sphere - NyanNyanWorksWeb [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - There are sprite on this site. Little Oswald and Gwendolyn in their non-battle clothes and they are so cute. I was immediately that much weaker to the art on this site, because I love sprites so much, but the art here is actually really cute and often pretty and always full of potential. The artist draws them very cute, but that style works for me because the characters in the game also had a similar sort of cute-ish feel to them, even while being utterly beautiful to look at. The artist also draws them in modern day school uniforms and, holy crap, they are so cute that I had to squee a little. Very, very pretty site. ♥ (Oswald/Gwendolyn.)
NEW GOAL: 1200/1500