[ ARASHI, Boukenger, Dekaranger, FE:PoR, Geass, Gekiranger, Marimite, ToA ]

Aug 14, 2008 07:06

    Do you know what is the most god-awful addicting thing I've ever fucking played? Puzzle Quest for the DS. It's like. An RPG mixed with PopCap style games and I spent, like, all of last night being, "J-just one more round with the giant bat before I sleep--! I've almost got that fucker dead--! I've got a shiny new longsword that will help me--!!" AND THEN AN HOUR LATER. .... orz (Also, I may have Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, asd;flkjaslkj. I blame Meg.)
    ARASHI - 14 Fanfics
    Code Geass - 1 Fanfic
    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance - 5 Fanfics
    GoGo Sentai Boukenger - 1 Fanfic
    Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger - 1 Fanfic
    Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger - 1 Fanfic
    Tales of the Abyss - 1 Fanart
    Tales of the Abyss/Maria-sama ga Miteru - 1 Fanart
2008 GOAL: 618/1602

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - Possibly, I should probably not be recommending each of these ficlets on their own, but they're just long enough for me to be able to rationalize it and they're also completely separate stories and pairings, so I'm doing it anyway. This one is Nino/Jun and sore feet and I love it because it so perfectly captures the relationship between these two. Bitchy on the surface (and actually really funny while not being too over the top, instead it's actually sharp and biting) but you stop and think about it for two seconds and you see how much care is actually there. On both sides. It's one of those quiet little moments that could have happened just about anywhere along the line, it's so easy to see it during any of their filmings, not a big deal, just... them. *__* (Nino/Jun, but gen really.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - You know what I love about this? Aside from it being really good Ohmiya fic. Is that it's about all of them and how Ohno can get to them in his sexy outfits that come from out of nowhere, because sometimes you forget how hot Ohno is, making Sho practically choke and making Jun look like he's going to explode and you know Ohno's kind of doing it half-on purpose, half-not. Mm, very nice. (Ohmiya mostly, but some Ohno/Arashi.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - Okay. This one is, like, three paragraphs long and I probably shouldn't rec it on its own either, but. But. An Ohno/Chinen temporary unit? With that name? With Nino's reaction to it? A+++++, WOULD TOTALLY FANGIRL THAT DUO. Also, there is a bonus bit in the comments (link immediately under the ficlet) and OMG YES PLZ. (....no real warnings/pairings? Maybe Ohmiya? Ohno/Chinen? Idk.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - You know what there needs to be more of in this world? Ohmiya and video games. I love that Nino's clearly suffering from gamer fatigue here (you try and try and try to beat a stupid fucking boss, but nothing is fucking working, so you put it down for the night, the next day you go back and somehow it's completely easy) so Ohno just steps in, because Nino's been playing for way too long, and this was adorable. It's squishy and sharp in all the right places. <3 (Ohmiya.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - .....you know what there ALSO needs to be more of in this world? Ohmiya/Jun. I WANT IT, OKAY? Especially when it's like this, when Jun's trying to be mature and not interfering, but they just sort of make his brain implode with their casualness. <3 Even if it's just a tiny little snippet, I adored this. (Ohno/Nino/Jun.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - ....as;dflkajs the best part about this one is that it's kind of totally gen, but it could still be more, and it's SO EASY TO IMAGINE. Like, you think of the craziest scenario you can for Jun's birthday and it's, like, ENTIRELY PLAUSIBLE. I can just-- I can totally see this. XD (No real warnings/pairings.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - There are two things I like about this ficlet--the first being the obvious, that it has some really nice imagery to it, it's practically PG13 while still being really, really hot. But even more than that, I like what it says about Jun, what it reveals about the kind of person he is, how much he almost overthinks things, especially when it comes to Aiba and how much he cares. How slightly awkward Jun still is, even though it's not nearly as much as it was before, and it's just... it's a really good look at Jun's person. *__* (Aiba/Jun, some Nino/Jun.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - You know what else there needs to be more of in the universe? Aiba/Nino/Jun. They are my favorite possible threesome (well, I love Ohno/Nino/Sho almost as much, I suppose, but not quite XD) and Nino and Jun being bitchy and protective and practically hissing because too many random people have been chatting Aiba up lately is kind of totally great. XD (....I'll count this as Aiba/Nino/Jun, yes.)

ARASHI: untitled by waxrose - asdl;fkjas;lkjaslj there are times when I think the reason there's not much Sho/Nino makeouts in existance is because a) fandom hates me and b) because there are better things Nino could be doing to Sho. Like traumatizing him. But then waxrose goes and writes Nino traumatizing Sho through practically writing a slashfic thesis for Mimura and Tarou, which combines so many of my favorite things that I can only just keyboard mash in love. Also, her Nino deserves to be revered as the genius that he is. *___* (Sho/Nino.)

ARASHI: to be young by applepluspie - I know I've read a few fics by this author before (possibly Yamatarou fic, I want to say?) but my eye was caught by her Aiba/Jun fic recently and so I've been meaning to sit down and read it, which I finally did and I'm glad I gave her a shot, because asldkfjalsk so adorable. It's all about young Jun, who was so awkward back when he was a wee little thing and he loves his bandmates so ridiculously already and the author is really good at the feeling of jumbled up emotions that make every little effort seem huge and impossible, especially with Nino on the sidelines, who clearly sees right through him. I adore the last few lines of this as well and it was an extremely satisfying piece to have read this morning, I really, really love the take on younger, more awkward Jun who felt so right for me back then. Plus! ALL of them are in the fic! That always makes me happy. ♥ (Aiba/Jun, but I'd say it's worth reading for the Jun perspective, too.)

ARASHI: sizzler: setting the standards in cleanliness since 1958 by applepluspie - So, you know what I love? When Arashi fandom does silliness right. Like, the fic is obviously not meant to be taken seriously, but it's funny and genuinely clever and AHAHAHAHA Arashi as bacteria who are multiplying and it's-- it's everything I could have asked for from the fic. I love it because no two members multiply in the same way or have the same effect, each of them are a little different from each other (asd;flkjaslkj oh my god Sho, I was cracking up kind of a lot, but my favorite is bitchier than average Jun, but nobody knows why! dying) and it's just. It hit the perfect notes all the way around. ♥ (No warnings/pairings.)

ARASHI: The Answer by resolute_reader - This was a cute fic and... okay, I'm easy for Jun's stupid bandmates making his life hell, okay? Especially when they take turns systematically destroying his dignity and giving him a headache (and then offering to fix that for him) and I think--as much as I clicked onto this fic because I was missing Ohno/Jun interaction--that Nino might have been my favorite part of this. XD (Ohno/Jun, Arashi/Jun.)

ARASHI: Handling It by resolute_reader - I find myself rather fond of the author's style with this fic, the things Jun feels he can handle, the way you can feel him talking himself into thinking everything is fine, that it's not a big deal and he can handle this. The way Aiba just sort of undoes him despite how hard he tries to push aside what he's obviously feeling, the way this fic is about how he obviously is completely gone on Aiba. It's a very sweet little piece and the ending made me happy, shut up. XD (Aiba/Jun.)

ARASHI: You Break It. You Fix It. by atrabilious_bob - I admit, I almost turned back from this fic at the end of the first scene (Aiba crying that easily? ....r-really?) but I wanted to give the fic a fair shot, so I kept reading and I'm actually really glad I did. There's a lot of potential with this author and her characterization is pretty solid and I liked that Sho was involved in this as well, without being too mother-hen, he was really easy to see, actually. And you know what I really liked about this fic? Jun actually was kind of a bitch and overly mean, while the others just sort of avoided him or gave him reproachful looks and Jun is obviously my favorite, but I know he gets like that sometimes and this fic did well with that. ....also, have I mentioned recently that I like porn? Because I really like Aiba/Jun porn. A lot. *_____* (Aiba/Jun, NC-17.)

Code Geass: The King by haphazard_mind - [Note: There are spoilers for mid-season 2 in this fic and this rec.] You know, when I was first watching the series, I was pretty instantly in love with Shirley and her feelings for Lelouch and the possibility there, but it hasn't been until recently that I've gone back to the fandom (because I like the series, but that was the one thing I wanted fanworks for, despite kind of thinking that it'd never get much attention, with all the bigger pairings out there) and, well, of course they do that to my favorite character, but. I liked this fic for how Lelouch finally saw Shirley and what she was to him--someone who saw him as Lelouch and loved him for that, despite everything. The King/Queen themes with the fic were also lovely and heartbreaking. <3 (Lelouch/Shirley.)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: untitled by Mina Lightstar - You know what I've been really pining for from the FE:PoR fandom? Oscar/Kieran antics, because Kieran is kind of REALLY OBVIOUS at times and Oscar is one of my favorite characters from the game and I want it so much, but I fear fandom murdering it, so I haven't looked much. But M comes through again! This is actually almost more gen than anything, plus it draws on the cute almost!friendship Kieran and Rhys have, which I really liked. Kieran is just so... off in his own world, even when it's about something as simple as a possible training match against Oscar. I adored this. ♥ (This is gen, but you could potentially read Oscar/Kieran into it.)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: Tome Raider by Mina Lightstar - At the point I'm at in the game (mid-20s or so), I don't need much Ike/Soren fic yet (I imagine I will once I finish the game, though), but I was browsing through Mina's fics and was caught with curiosity over this one. It's a great little piece, full of humor often at Soren's expense, but without making me feel like he was being too harshly treated, it's the kind that comes out of total love for the character. I already loved Soren a lot, but this made me love him even more, made me actually really love the idea of platonic Oscar - Soren interaction, because Mina nails it so well here. Plus, the ending with Ike is really sweet. <3 (....this could be a little Ike/Soren, but it reads as mostly gen.)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: untitled by Mina Lightstar - What I said about not quite needing Ike/Soren fic just yet is still true, but... at the same time, I hardly mind too terribly much when cute little pieces like this fall into my lap. And this was a short piece about Ike and Soren and just... stopping to smell the roses, which was really nice. I especially like M's take on Soren's POV, he's blunt and irritable, but you can tell how much he genuinely likes Ike at the same time. <3 (Sort of Ike/Soren, but it could be gen, too.)

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance: untitled by Mina Lightstar - Another short piece, but I continue to like Mina's take on the characters, especially Ike's obliviousness towards anything with boobs (without being too over the top about it) and Soren's reaction to that, which isn't too over done, either. It's funny because it's true, here. XD (Implied Ike/Soren.)

Fire Emblem: Path of Raidance: untitled by Mina Lightstar - I always love little short fics that are set between the stills of canon, it helps fill out the story and define the characters more clearly, especially if the author is any good. Most of M's fic that I've read has been from Soren's POV, which I've really liked, but this one is from Ike's side and what I really like is that she doesn't try too hard with him, but he still notices things and you can see the person he's going to eventually become, but especially around Soren and the way he subtly probes for more info about Soren's reactions and then lets it go, rather than hot-headedly pushing it. I liked that a lot. <3 (Possibly Ike/Soren, but it could be gen, too.)

GoGo Sentai Boukenger: Unlucky at Amusement Parks, Lucky at Love by Mariko Azrael - Okay, Souta/Natsuki is another pairing that I really kind of wanted but wasn't sure I actually wanted to dive into the fandom to find it, because I was scared. But this was just... just kind of perfect! A short little scene at an amusement park where he's trying to win her a stuffed animal she caught sight of and they're kind of typical romantic cliches and yet not, they're delightful and charming together. This was just right. ♥ (Souta/Natsuki.)

Jyuken Sentai Gekiranger: Jan and the Big Blue Blob by Mariko Azrael - Another short little piece but one I still wound up being charmed by, because it was really cute and adorable. I'm a sucker for things like Jan being interested in what Retsu's doing, so he has Jan try out painting on his own and of course it turns out like this, but the fic doesn't try to stretch it too far, so it's just this cute, quietly charming little piece. I like that kind of thing a lot. ♥ (Some Jan/Retsu implied.)

Tokusou Sentai Dekaranger: Breakfast by Mariko Azrael - So you know what else I love a whole lot? Domestic relationships that are about sleepy mornings and how much the characters really care about each other, but without making it sappy. I love a fuzzy, sleepy Ban watching Hoji being Hoji in the morning and his reaction to it. I may have cooed a little. >__> (Ban/Hoji.)

- Tales of the Abyss - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This site is set up a little bit differently from a lot of sites I've visited, so it only looks like there's not a ton of art here, but it's a site that's made up of several littler illustrations grouped together on a single page. So you have about four pages, but the first one has about 40 small images on it, which is a lot of art, even if I wish the illustrations had been bigger. But the artist has this wonderful style, it's warm and soft and sweet and you'd think that wouldn't work with characters like Jade and Dist and Peony, but it's often set when they're younger or just cute enough to pull the style off. Some of them are really kind of gorgeous even and this wound up being the kind of site that makes me want to dive back into ToA fanart again. *___* (Some Jade/Dist, some Peony/Dist, some gen.)

- Tales of the Abyss/Maria-sama ga Miteru - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Possibly this is a re-rec that I just didn't see on my list, but. Well, that happens sometimes. XD Anyway. I kind of wavered on this site for a bit, it was cute and had some interesting stuff on it, and there was at least a little Asch/Natalia, so I was intrigued and wanted to go through the whole site just for that. But what ultimately won me over was a combination of the amount of art on the site and that the basic lineart is really kinda pretty. It's sort of doujinshi-like (several illustrations on the junk log page are indeed straight out of a comic or doujinshi, I'm assuming) and I'm weak to that when done right. Plus. You know. There's an illustration of Peony trying to kiss Nephry and you almost NEVER find fanart of those two! But there's a solid selection of art of several characters, mostly the Keterburg-related characters, but occasionally some Luke or Asch/Natalia pops up. As for the Maria-sama art, it's much in the same style, with the same soft lines and soft colors that works even better for this series. ♥ (Some Asch/Natalia, maybe a little Jade/Luke, maybe some other, maybe some gen. Nothing I'm going to warn for with Maria-sama ga Miteru)

fic: fire emblem: path of radiance, fic: boukenger, fanart: maria-sama ga miteru, fanart: tales of the abyss, fic: dekaranger, fic: arashi, fic: code geass, fic: gekiranger

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