[ Avatar, Bleach, Death Note, FMA, House, Reborn!, Tenipuri, ToA ]

Nov 12, 2007 15:15

Notes: Have I gibbered enough about this yet? I mean, I know it'll suck--I am cursed to suffer through horrible anime adaptations of manga I really want to see adapted into anime form--but! Still! I'm so excited!
    Avatar: The Last Airbender - 1 Fanfic
    Bleach - 1 Fanfic
    Death Note/House - 1 Fanfic
    Doctor Who - 1 Fanfic
    Princess of Tennis - 1 Fanfic
    Tales of the Abyss - 2 Fanfics
    Fullmetal Alchemist - 1 Fanart
    Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - 9 Fanart
    Tales of the Abyss - 2 Fanart

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - And Then They Lived by Sadieko - I feel this annoying urge to disclaim myself all over the place after reading/liking this fic, about my whole stance on the idea of the pairing, but... you don't want to hear that, you just want the hilarious fic. I might suggest reading this post first, as it put me in exactly the right mood for the following fic (also, there is art of older!Toph who is smoking) because... the one thing I really love about the idea of Iroh/Toph (besides the brain-breaking Zuko would suffer through, which was used brilliantly in this fic) is that the fic wasn't really taking itself seriously at all, it was all about the lolz, yet the characterizations were fantastic. I... I enjoyed this a lot. XD (Iroh/Toph... what?)

- Bleach - Icarus by libekory - For the longest time, I hadn't read much Bleach fic and now that I've started again, reading stories like this, ones that are really heartbreaking and lovely and so insightful on the Aizen/Hinamori relationship, I find that I have truly missed this fandom. There's something very wistful and heartbroken and naive, all of the things that made up the Aizen/Hinamori relationship, both before and after the Soul Society arc, how badly Hinamori wanted to believe, how little she really saw of Aizen and how she did see him as this perfect person, how she imagined this whole little life for him. It's a lovely piece on Hinamori's personality and her relationship with Aizen with a gorgeous ending line. (Aizen/Hinamori.)

- Death Note/House - Isn't it Ironic? by allira_dream - I was sort of "...." over the idea of a crossover between House and Death Note, I wasn't quite sure where the point of contact would be with two such different worlds. But then I read the fic, House and L on the same plane, both such smart and observant characters, both real bastards in their own way, with entirely different surface personalities and it was this great little moment between the two of them. The author really did a great job of showing how they would play off each other, even just in a very short chance meating. <3 (No warnings/pairings.)

- Doctor Who - Martha Jones, Angel of Death! by Calapine - This was a delightful fic that took advantage of Freema Agyeman playing both Martha Jones and Adeola Oshodi, spinning this delightful little semi-meta humor fic about an evil overlord entity sending her off to kill the Doctor, playing on all the little cliches in such stories and doing so in a beautifully hilarious way. There were at least two moments where I had to laugh out loud because of the references, but the whole thing is really just terrific. ♥ (Implicatons of Ten/Martha.)

- Prince of Tennis - untitled by Cate S. - You know, for a story that starts out with Fuji's death, I wasn't sure I was going to like this one, except... asd;flkjasdlkj I love it. I love it. Right from the very first scene I had to bite my lip to keep from exploding with shrieking laughter because it's this... it's this really somber build-up, Fuji has died a tragic death and everyone is mourning, and then the author proceeds to write the most hilarious, yet beautifully characterized fic that I've read in awhile. There are at least four moments in this fic when I seriously have to stop reading just to laugh because the author builds up these perfect moments where you can just see the looks on everyone's faces. Also, it has beautiful descriptions like: “Why Tezuka, if I didn’t know better I’d think you were unhappy to see me.”
“Fuji,” Tezuka said in a voice usually reserved for explaining astrophysics to small children, “You’re dead.” (Tezuka/Fuji.)

- Tales of the Abyss - Felony by Nakaki BH - I think what made this fic really work for me is the way that, thinking about it for a moment, of course Dist would be devestated and practically in tears after he was thrown into jail in Keterburg. He's always worked up about something, always letting his emotions run wild, and it would be easy to see him in an emotional low, the same way we see him on an emotional high in the game. Though, I'm not sure where it would take place in the timeline of the game, it was a nice little fic to read about Dist and his complicated feelings for Jade. The author did well with the whole "I hate you I hate you I hate you I love you I hate you" tangle of emotions Dist clearly has for Jade. <3 (Jade/Dist.)

- Tales of the Abyss - Obsolete by MiningforDreams - Another story set from Dist's (well, Saphir's) perspective and showing that complicated tangle of emotions he has for Jade, trying so hard to hide them, even in his own head sometimes, even as they were children, yet Jade can still see right through him, see how much he excites Saphir, how much he's caught Saphir's attention. And I also like the way Jade confuses Saphir here, how he can be so focused on Jade and knowing he sees hardly anything past Jade's perfect exterior, but knowing something is going on in that head of his, ever since they found out their teacher was a Seventh Fonist. A nice little fic. (Some Jade/Dist implied.)

- Fullmetal Alchemist - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I hardly ever have my attention caught by FMA fanart sites anymore, I feel like I've seen most of the sites that I would really get all worked up over, but... well, I was seeking out Reborn! fanart this morning and happened to see the current top illustration of Roy and Ed, which caught my eye and... well. I started poking at the galleries. And this artist does that flat coloring with smooth, clean lines style that I like so much and maybe not everything is perfect, but when the artist gets it right, I love her work. There's some really, really awesome art on the site (Havoc shooting a gun, blood spraying back on him so awesome, even if it's creepy or the group illustration of them in an orchestra) and quite a lot of it, too. The artist draws a lovely Ed and asdlfjkasldkja I really sort of love her Roy/Ed art. (Roy/Ed, Havoc/Ed, a little other het and yaoi.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - 1691999 [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I was kind of in the mood for some Dino/Hibari this morning and happened onto this site, which took me all of about three illustrations to know that I really liked it. While the artist's Hibari is a little more passive/uncaring than I'd usually go for (one of the things that I liked so much about him was that he was kind of scary intense--and she does sometimes draw him looking the way I prefer, which is nice), her style is really hot and fitting for the series. There's a lot of oekaki-esque art, even in the main gallery, but that just adds to the awesomeness of her style. There's an almost rough, jagged quality to the art, which makes her Dino look totally hot and she does the occasional damn fine Mukuro as well. I liked this site a lot. (Dino/Hibari, a little other potential yaoi, some gen.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - raibura [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - The more I think about this pairing, the more fanart I see for them, the more I think I could really, truly, actively ship these two. And it doesn't hurt when I get to see smoking hot fanart like the art on this site, where the artist has this style that really suits the tone of the series/characters, the sharp, intense sort of art that I love. You can especially see it in the b&w illustrations, her Hibari has those fantastically intense eyes that look deceptively lazy and all that messy hair on both Hibari and Dino and... as;flkaslkj yes. This is what I was looking for. <3 (Dino/Hibari.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This artist has a very chibi-esque style to her art, which isn't something I usually see coupled with the harsher lines like she has, so... while some images weren't to my taste and the style might not work perfectly for everyone, I was enamored with several pieces the artist had done. When the artist takes a little more time with her art, you can really see the details and colors flourish, but I do have to admit some of the scribbles were pretty damn cute, too. For the most part, they look like younger versions of themselves on this site, but I found I didn't mind that so much and I... I am not opposed to the idea of Mukuro/Hibari. (Mukuro/Hibari, just enough gen that, if you step carefully, you could still enjoy the site.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - Peeco? [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - The artist might start off a little shakey on this site, but she doesn't take long to get really good, combinging a lot of detail in her images and some really vivid colors. She has these smooth, clean colors that mix together really well and then draws the characters all super hot. Looking at her b&w images, you can see how clean her lines are, how sharp and attractive they are, that same style that I like so much with Reborn! art. While I came here for the Dino/Hibari art, looking at any character the artist draws is a treat because her art is so hot, there's one of Chrome that's just gorgeous, one of Tsuna and Basil that's amazing, and a lovely one of Tsuna with Mukuro and Hibari in the background. This is why I was so eager to seek out Reborn! fanart. <3 (Some Dino/Hibari, some gen.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - There's something about the messy, almost scribbly style of this artist that I quietly liked. I'm sure the focus on Hibari (and being friendly towards Dino/Hibari) helped a lot and maybe it's not going to be for everyone, but I liked it as a site that helped give me my fix for the day. It's a fun little site with a surprising amount of detail and the sketch-like quality of the images works for this particular artist. There's not a ton of art, but enough that I was charmed. (Dino/Hibari.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This is definitely a site that's not going to be for everyone, the loosely scrawled art isn't going to appeal to everyone, probably especially the early stuff, but somewhere along the line, I became a little enamored with it. There's a certain intensity to the art that appeals to me (a description I fear I'm going to be using way too much when it comes to Reborn! art, I suppose) and I wound up really liking the way her Hibari looks. Maybe it was the way she drew Dino and Hibari together, there was a certain heat between them, even if Hibari was sometimes a little more passive than I'd have liked. The artist totally made up for that with Dino's tattoos being super-hot, though. :D (Dino/Hibari.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This site is not going to be for everyone and, I admit, I tended to skim past some of the earlier art on this site, but... the artist showed potential with her regular illustrations, her Dino and Hibari looked like they could get to be really smoking hot. And, sure enough, the further I got into the gallery, the more I really liked the way she drew them. I mean, I'm a little unsure at how much bigger Dino looks than Hibari, but... well, her Dino was often hot, so I was willing to look past it. XD The messy, shaggy hair and loose, light lines for their clothes, it combines into something interesting to look at. <3 (Dino/Hibari.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I was all prepared to wander away from this site, when the artist did a couple of things that caught my attention. First, she drew a really kinda hot Dino fanart with these gorgeous eyes, which I am really quite easy for. XD Second, she drew a series of chibi-esque illustrations of much of the main cast, which were so adorable and I'm also weak to art of multiple characters like that. As the site went on, I could definitely see improvement from the artist, the latest three illustrations (give or take a couple) have been getting really good, they're smoothing out and being polished up a little more, so I would really love to see more from this artist. What's here is, in the meantime, enough for a nice little fix. (Some Dino/Hibari, some gen.)

- Katekyou Hitman Reborn! - UTeN [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Oh, man, yes, this is the kind of art I totally dig. Slick, clean, sharp lines with these pretty and vibrant colors and everything looks so pretty. Or. You know. Disturbingly hot. Like the very first image of Mukuro on this site, with the dark blue background and the lines on his face and how incredibly sharp his trident looks. Just. Yes. And every image on the site is just as gorgeous as that one (though, the one of Mukuro in chains in the water is just stunningly pretty) and I loved everything about this site. *__*<3 (No real warnings/pairings.)

- Tales of the Abyss - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - When I started looking at ToA fanart, I wasn't quite sure what to make of all the Ion (and company) fanart, not that it really surprised me. He's exactly the type of character that would appeal to the j-fen, in my experience. I didn't really feel the need to seek it out much, but after viewing enough sites like this one... I'm slowly coming around on wanting more of it. You can tell how much the artist really liked the character, you can tell how much work she puts into making Ion and Sync look really pretty, with the soft whites and greens she uses. Plus, there's at least one Sync/Arietta image and that always makes me happy. <3 (No real warnings/pairings.)

- Tales of the Abyss - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I actually came here for the Destiny fanart (I was doing a quick trawl for Leon fanart, not really expecting to find much more than the occasional ToA illustration), but I started wobbling on this site around the time I saw the artist draw a younger Van and Guy looking adorable together. Then the artist had Guy in a gray and white uniform looking really kind of hot. And then there was a very nice one of the Malkuth officers (and Peony) from the game. And even Peony making Guy's life kind of miserable! I ♥'d this site after those illustrations, it's just a really fun, delightful, pretty site. XD (Some Guy/everyone yaoi, some gen.)

NEW GOAL: 814/1500

fic: house, fic: tales of the abyss, fic: avatar, fic: bleach, fic: prince of tennis, fanart: tales of the abyss, fanart: katekyou hitman reborn!, fic: death note, fanart: fullmetal alchemist, fic: doctor who

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