Notes: ....n-not dead yet?
Bleach/xxxHOLiC - 1 Fanfic
Doctor Who - 4 Fanfics
Doctor Who/Life on Mars - 1 Fanfic
Final Fantasy VIII - 1 Fanfic
Final Fantasy XII - 8 Fanfics
- Bleach/xxxHOLiC -
April Showers May Bring Flowers by Sophia P - Seeing a Bleach/HOLiC crossover by this author immediately caught my attention and it was just as satisfying and fantastic as I had expected it to be. The way it fills in background for the characters, the way all these little details are woven into the story, the way the two worlds fit together, the way it foreshadows so much of what we know is going to happen, it's all fantastic. I love how the descriptions of things set the mood, I love the imagery the author used, first in the rain, then the magical-but-not object in the character's hands, the build-up of dialogue to get to the final scenes, all of it was just beautifully done. (No warnings/pairings.)
- Doctor Who -
Inevitable by chicklet73 - One of the things I loved early on about Ten and Martha's relationship is the way he winds up telling her things that he never expected to, even telling her about Gallifrey in one episode. This fic builds very nicely on that, but then tosses in some fantastic characterization and voices for the characters, the Doctor a little full of himself but still charming as all get out, Martha sharp as a tack but still new to this whole time travelling business. The writing is also fantastic, one of the best stories I could have started out with in the Who-fandom, the kind that just makes me want more and more. (Maybe some Doctor/Martha, but it could be gen, too.)
- Doctor Who -
The Long Road To Nowhere by Calapine - A lovely blend of previously established Who-canon (which I am very lacking in, but this story is written in such a way that I think it's enjoyable from both perspectives--those who know and those who don't know all the history of the Whoverse) and brilliant characterization for both the Doctor and for Martha. So many little details that feel right at home in the story, so many little bits and pieces of the Doctor's history, so many little glimpses of his mercurial mood as he tells parts of his stories. The connection he and Martha have even early on, all of it is fantastic. (Maybe some Doctor/Martha, but it could be gen, too.)
- Doctor Who -
Twelve Cliches That Never Happened To Martha Jones by Nos - The concept for this fic alone is fantastic enough, but the author is absolutely brilliant at pulling it off. There are some cliche situations that they land in that I would have considered paying serious money to see them happen in canon the way they do here. The author's writing style is perfect, her voices for the characters are fantastic, and her humor had me shrieking with laughter throughout the entire piece. I mean. *flails* The TARDIS playing matchmaker! Body switching! And the author maximizes the hilarity of each one even in such short ficlets! I suspect this fic will always be on my list of favorites. (Some Doctor/Martha.)
- Doctor Who -
Wanted: Human Woman by Nos - [Note: This story will have spoilers for the ending of season 3.] What a brilliant little concept (the Doctor decides that instead of just randomly picking up a new Companion, he's going to go about it the right way this time) pulled off with fantastic execution. It's just the right amount of meta with the right amount of humor and some fantastic little character tidbits along the way, even under the guise of humor. Very, very funny (I frequently LOL'd) and absolutely worth the read. (....basically, if you could see it in the series, it's probably referenced here.)
- Doctor Who/Life on Mars -
Life on Earth by Aria - Tammaiya pointed this fic out to me as a lovely gen Doctor Who/Life on Mars crossover and, of course, ever since season three I've been curious about how someone would work such a thing. This story is brilliant, the writing is amazing and set so beautifully in tune with the tone of both shows. The little details, the pacing of the story, the way everything builds to that final scene, the tension that slowly ratchets up through the piece, all of it is masterfully done. I love that I can believe this fic, I can see the two series weaving together like this, that it does justice to both characters, both the Master and Sam Tyler. It's perfect all the way around, right from the beginning to the very end, I don't know that any other Doctor Who/Life on Mars crossover could ever compare to this one (for me) now. (No warnings/pairings.)
- Final Fantasy VIII -
handcuffs by Baconfat - Do you know how much I love a pissed off Zell who actually hits things and gets mad and then hits things even harder? I love that Zell. This author is so good at showing that side of the character, of showing how much of a smug bastard Seifer is even when he should be at a disadvantage, of showing how there's so much chemistry underneath their bitching at each other. I loved that the fic was a little uncomfortable to read because Zell's emotions were wound so tight, that I could feel that tension in him that felt like it was about to snap in him, I could just see the superior look on Seifer's face, even while he wasn't being that much of a bastard., I love this pairing and this is the kind of fic why. (Seifer/Zell.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Lantern by icor - I loved the Salikawood, it was such a pretty place to look at and I spent a lot of time there, so reading a fic set there, one with lovely descriptions that gets the image across, was a treat. But what really made me love this fic was the way Balthier and Fran were so beautifully described as well, everything blended together in this really lovely piece--the setting, the imagery, the pretty sex, the perspective of Basch accidentally watching them. It was a gorgeous piece and reminds me of why I love this fandom and these characters. (Balthier/Fran, a light NC-17.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Decompose by Cadence - This was a very nice read, a piece that could be stuck between the frames of canon just about anywhere, a simple scene focused on half of the party being taken out by Imperials and Balthier and Fran dealing with it accordingly when they woke again. There's something almost matter-of-fact about this piece, yet still with the flirtatious way they have, the language of the piece adding just that extra touch of FFXII-style tone to it. It's a light read, but the kind that reminds me how much I really like this pairing and how I like it to work. (Balthier/Fran.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Dynamics by Cadence - [Note: There are spoilers for the end of the game here.] I love stories about Balthier and Fran trying to make their way out of the wreckage of Bahamut at the end of the game and this one hit me especially right, the tone of Balthier taking in his surroundings as he comes to, the way Fran appears through his eyes, the way the author writes the dialogue, all of it was solid and right for me. Her voice for Balthier is fantastic (at least one line was just perfect for him) and her description made me definitely feel the dirt and grime they were covered in. Add to all that, the sex was very nice and fit with the characters, Fran quiet but not without presence, Balthier enthralled with her, but not losing himself at the same time, just... yes, it was lovely all the way around. (Balthier/Fran, somewhere between R and a light NC-17, I would say.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Sweat and Steel and Engine Grease by sister_coyote - I guess today is my day for seeking out Balthier/Fran fic, even though that wasn't precisely my intention. This was very, very nice, though. Balthier and Fran on a hover, Fran driving while Balthier is a distraction. The writing is lovely, especially when it proves that sometimes R-rated fic can be just as hot as a higher-rated fic, the way he touches her, the descriptions, both Fran's body and the feel of the hover underneath them, are fantastically done. I enjoyed this a lot. (Balthier/Fran, R-rated.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
King's Daughter by sister_coyote - What I really liked about this fic (aside from Basch/Ashe fic that's really good) is the way it's not just a simple step from what they were to what we saw in the game to where their feelings would take them, even if we don't see it directly, the implications of how long that quiet struggle took the both of them is beautifully done. Basch's loyalty and Ashe's strength of character are both wonderfully present and this is how I see the two of them, their duties always present in their lives and they would not even think of having it otherwise, but yet they are still themselves. Watching Basch and Ashe go from a tiny princess and her guard to rebels fighting for Dalmasca to the way they grew post-game... yes, this is what I wanted to read about these two. (Basch/Ashe.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Advantage by sister_coyote - Do you know how rare it is to find good Basch/Ashe fic, much less good Basch/Ashe smut? I would have been delighted at that alone (good hetporn is distressingly rare to find, as many have noted), but the way Basch was hesitant and Ashe knew what she wanted, the way he is so much grace and power and she is thin and almost delicate, yet there is no real question of her being taken advantage of. It's so easy to take that dynamic over the top, especially in porn, but this fic keeps it subtle and instead focuses on Ashe's thoughts and feelings, making for a lovely pwp to read for these two. (Basch/Ashe, NC-17.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
The City with its Towers by Mithrigil Galtirglin - What I liked about this fic, aside from the usual way the author has of capturing the detail of the FFXII world and the time period it's in, is Ashe's bitterness and rage from early on in the game. It burns in her, her words fierce and scathing, and it's really interesting to watch her as the fic progresses, not that she becomes any less angry (at this point in time) so much as it's tempered into other forms, that she begins to trust and believe Basch again, just a little. This was almost a difficult piece to read, especially as she examines his scars and Basch doesn't complain, never complains, about his unfair time in prison, he doesn't even harp on it, but you can still feel that he feels it's deserved. For all the detail put into the fic, I really liked that it didn't have to spell out the important things with these two. (This is more gen than anything, but Basch/Ashe fans may enjoy it as well.)
- Final Fantasy XII -
Nothing of Her Kind by Laylah - It pleases me to be able to find more Balthier/Fran fic, especially porn that still contains characterization and little insights into the characters. Balthier's Archadian upbringing--yet still showing why he doesn't fit in with them either--is showcased very nicely here while not being too heavy-handed about it. The way Fran is cool without being cold, the way she isn't aggressive but still has this presence of character, the way the sex works well and is lovely to read, it's all very nice to stumble over pieces like this. (Balthier/Fran, NC-17.)
NEW GOAL: 608/1500