Notes: I... I... I have 90MB of Saiunkoku fanart already. Holy christ, you bastards!
Gravitation - 1 Fanfic
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - 1 Fanfic
Saiunkoku Monogatari - 2 Fanfics
xxxHOLiC - 1 Fanfic
Final Fantasy VII/Death Note/Saiunkoku Monogatari - 1 Fanart
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - 3 Fanart
Juuni Kokki - 1 Fanart
Saiunkoku Monogatari - 4 Fanart
Gravitation - Christmas, Snipers, Snapping by still_ciircee - You know, there are very, very few authors who can make me like a fic that feels manga-based as much as I like this one, but Ciircee just... she has these ideas that turn into great fics and then she has brilliant timing to actually make the jokes work and have me nearly spitting my drink back onto myself. Because OH MY GOD this was hilarious, from start to finish. Dragging Yuki to a Christmas party to K's involvement in the whole thing to HOLY CRAP RYUUICHI MADE ME LAUGH SO HARD to the middle parts to the K/Judy relationship that OH MY GOD I WOULD PAY CIIRCEE TO WRITE MORE OF to just everything in this fic. Even an hour later as I'm writing this rec, I have to fight the urge to giggle because it was so hilarious. ♥ (Some Yuki/Shuuichi, some K/Judy, and pretty much whatever else was canon is at least implied.)
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - To Yield by flight_of_ideas - [Note: There are a lot of spoilers for Izayoiki in this fic.] Admittedly, I probably shouldn't be reading Harutoki3 fic because I'm still cobbling together info about the storyline (seriously, why can't I just play it? T__T), but... Masaomi/Kurou fic! I didn't think that would exist in English! And I couldn't pass the chance up. I liked that it helped give me a strong idea of the world and was just... awwww, I love these two already so much. Picturing the expressions flashing across Kurou's face, the way Masaomi touched/shook him, the way the characters went through such obvious troubles/hardships... it was a really, really nice fic. <3 (Masaomi/Kurou.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - untitled by penguin_sensei - I think what I like about this fic is that it hits points very close to where I am with the Saiunkoku series. What I mean is that it's from Shuuei's point of view during episode fifteen, just after Kouyuu gets drunk, and it's about how he's trying to be Kouyuu's friend, but there's the quiet underthread about how it's not enough because Kouyuu has all these issues with Reishin. I adore both dynamics, but they often clash against each other, because there's this place in Kouyuu that only Reishin can reach, yet I don't want to forget about Shuuei... so this fic is great for putting that dilemma into an insightful light. It's a great little coda to that episode, a little scene that slips in between the frames of canon, shows motivation for Shuuei going to Shouka at the end. I loved it for that. <3 (No real warnings/pairings.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - Difficult by Cairnsy - There is precious little actually doing anything in relationships with Saiunkoku fic it seems. So to find the somewhat rare fic that actually has Kouyuu and Shuuei in a relationship and having sex? Very nice. (Not that I'd want it all the time, but it's nice to have one now. <3) And what I really like about this fic is that it's as much about showing who these characters are in their relationship as it is about the physical actions of pulling clothes off and touching each other. And Kouyuu is so adorable when he's cranky/slightly-less-cranky and Shuuei is just... I mean, I can totally see why he'd be gone on Kouyuu, who can blame him for that? XD A very nice fic. (Shuuei/Kouyuu, I'd rate it more of an R, but the author says NC-17.)
xxxHOLiC - Memories and Dancing by still_ciircee - This was lovely and perfect. It's about, as the title suggests, dancing and memories, for both Yuuko and Watanuki and it's... it's everything this fic should have been. I smiled at their banter (or, perhaps, Watanuki's bickering and Yuuko's smirking), I pictured their dancing in the lovely, beautiful lines of the manga, and then felt my fangirl heart turn over in bittersweetness at the ending. Nothing was emphasized too much, it was light and perfectly paced and had all the greater the impact for it. The characterization is fabulous, the details so perfect for a series like HOLiC, and did I mention I about flailed over the ending? (No warnings/pairings that I'm going to count.)
Final Fantasy VII/Death Note/Saiunkoku Monogatari - Twilight Chronicle [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I originally came here looking for Saiunkoku Monogatari fanart and happened to stumble into the games section first... where I found some awesome FFVII fanart. Some of them are really pretty, the artist's Elena is lovely and I even liked the Reno/Elena despite it not being my usual pairing. It's hard to complain when the art is this pretty. But what the site totally owns at is stuff like... well, Kadaj and Marlene arguing about who gets to sleep with Nii-san and Cloud's expression being the BEST THING EVER. ♥ And I had to recommend the Death Note section of this site because there is L fanart with kidlet!Near and kidlet!Mello crawling all over him and it's the CUTEST THING IN THE WORLD HOLY CRAP. There's also a fanart of L and Misa and I'm going to squint and pretend that it's maybe a pairing one, shut up. ANYWAY. Saiunkoku fanart. OMG. B&w sketches that totally own at cuteness and I was digging the artist drawing so many different characters and so much cuteness or amusement when I got to That One Image. You know the one that totally owns you on a site and you can only keyboard mash in love? Yeah. Seien and Shuuei carrying their sleeping little brothers and looking sheepish about it and I was all, ";flkjasdlf;jka, I LOVE YOU, SAIUNKOKU." at that. ♥ ....the irritated!Reishin covering sleeping kidlet!Kouyuu with a blanket as he was slumped over a pile of books may have owned me a little, too. Holy crap, I love this site so much. ♥_♥ (Some het for FFVII, mostly Reno/Elena and a smidge of Cloud/Tifa, but a lot of gen. Death Note gen. Some het implications for Saiunkoku, some cast/OFC, a lot of gen.)
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - As I've mentioned before, often times a site will have a sort of cumulative affect on me, where sorting through several dozen oekaki images will give me a sense of satisfaction that just a handful of them might not have. This artist actually can do some really gorgeous stuff, looking at the handful of illustrations she takes her time on, you can see that, but often the cute oekakis are almost as much fun. And I really do love that she draws almost every het pairing, so it feels like a true "dating sim" site, rather than just a pairing site. Which works better for me with Haruka 3 since I don't have a set pairing preference like I do with the others. (Most Nozomi het pairings.)
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - *sigh* I blame Saiunkoku for putting me in the mood for fantasy stuff and for frequently having Haruka links on their sites, which sends me into this spiral where I look for Harutoki links. And, of course, it took me all of five seconds to fall for Kurou/Nozomi, since I have a great weakness for the SekiTomo characters. Which means this site was totally right up my alley, with it's pretty almost-sketch art early on that quickly evolves into something just... well, beautiful. And, man, Kurou's hair is totally, totally hot and this artist gets that. ♥ There's one where they're walking along in modern day clothes (and Kurou's carrying Nozomi's purse, which is just ♥) and his hair is just... yum. :9 The site totally put me in a fangirly mood now and I'm going to go flail for awhile longer that these games have never been properly translated into English. Whyyyyyyy. (Kurou/Nozomi, some Masaomi/Kurou.)
Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - Soda Rain [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - While I came here for the Kurou/Nozomi, I stayed for everything the artist had to offer because, holy crap, that's some really pretty art. There's just... so much detail in her images and she's got that game-cg style down (yet with a hint of shoujo, which is totally appropriate <3), in both the colors/lines and in the poses of the characters. And, again, the characters' hair is just so pretty, the way it flows in the wind or shines in the moonlight with this artist's hand. ....and did I mention her Kurou is seriously hot? I mean, all of her characters are, but there are certain images of Kurou that completely knocked my socks off with how gorgeous he was. (Kurou/Nozomi mostly, but a lot of Everyone/Nozomi het.)
Juuni Kokki - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Oh, I fell for this site almost immediately, it has the most beautiful black & white sketches of the characters that so completely capture the level of detail and awesomeness of the series itself. It's just so... Juuni Kokki when I'm looking at the art, the style of clothes, all that pretty hair, the kick ass poses, everything. The artist's color work isn't bad at all, either, I really liked her stuff, but it was the b&w that just... there's something about it. Something about it that lets the tiniest details show up even better--there's this one image of three of the girls where I almost sort of can't imagine it being colored because it couldn't possibly be as awesome as the lineart and shading is. Though, on the other hand, I totally love the almost colored-pencil look of the Youko and Rakushun one, so who knows. Either way, this site is fabulous. (No real warnings/pairings.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I hesitated over this site for about thirty seconds and then promptly kind of went *squee* over the adorably cute Eigetsu/Kourin fanart (which seems to be semi-popular...?) and it was downhill from there. The artist also does an adorably cute Shuurei and a lot of really fun oekaki--which is more about the cumulative effect of the site rather than each indivudual illustration, but... it's still a very satisfying, very cute site. The art is often chibi-esque or outright chibi, but that just makes it cuter, really. There's even an oekaki board with more cute art tucked away in it and I'm totally all over this artist's cute Eigetsu and her cute Kouyuu (but when am I not? XD) and her cute Shuurei and she's kind of making me like the idea of Eigetsu/Kourin. All in all, a good site. (Some Eigetsu/Kourin, a lot of gen.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I'm not sure when exactly I was won over by this site or even why, except that... there's something really cute and sweet about the art style. It helps that it's light and airy, the kind of art I'm totally easy for, but it's also that there's a certain... obvious affection for the series coming through. Maybe it's the adorable expressions she puts on her characters, maybe I just think her Kouyuu is adorable, maybe the multi-page comic with Ryuuki softened me up because her smiling!Ryuuki will break your heart and make you happy at the same time. Or, hell, it could even be that there's a Kouyuu/Shuurei illustration on the site, which is quickly becoming my "it'd never happen in this lifetime, but if Kurou got his way...." pairing that's intriguing the hell out of me. And OMG. Ryuuki's reaction in the 4koma thing to finding that Kouyuu/Shuurei "doujin"!!! Beautiful. (Some het implications, but mostly gen.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - I sort of waffled on this site for awhile, it wasn't quite to my taste, except I did sort of like the soft, almost pastel colors the artist was using. But then. Man, then I got to the image of crossdressing!Kouyuu (I think?)(and with Heisuke, I assume?) who looked just so thrilled about it that I kind of fell in love. So, naturally, I had to keep going through the gallery, which is how I got to the black & white lineart/sketches and... you know, either they're more recent or the style lets the author's skill show a lot more easily because the b&w stuff is pretty as all get out. And I just... totally enjoyed this site a ton, there was so much fun art to be found! Little!Kouyuu still totally owns me--there are a couple of hit arts with Reishin and little Kouyuu and holy christ how is one kid so damn cute!? I just want to hug him for an hour, that's all, I swear. ♥ (Some het implications like Kouyuu/Shuurei and Heisuke/Shuurei, but a lot of gen, too.)
Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Oh, man, this site does a beautiful Kouyuu. I'm guessing that he's her favorite because even when she draws the others well, often times they're just a smidge off, but Kouyuu... Kouyuu looks totally awesome in her cel-style images. She does start out a little shakey, but by the time you get to the end of the gallery, she's got these gorgeous ones of Kouyuu in profile or sleeping over a pile of books (I kind of melted into a puddle of goo at that one) or a cute Kouyuu & Shuurei one or prettypretty Ryuuki with his hair blowing in the wind or some fabulous oekaki or the multi-page comic with the cutest expressions and... well, yes. I really liked this site a lot. I'm totally hoping she draws more soon. ♥ (No real warnings/pairings.)
NEW GOAL: 291/1500