[ Tenipuri, Saiunkoku Monogatari, HaruToki, Gintama ]

Jan 03, 2007 21:05

Notes: You know, sometimes my tunnel vision with fandom isn't my fault. I try to branch out again, try to find some pairings beyond TezuFuji to read/rec and then what happens? their_white_day, which has the potential to be a really cool Tezuka/Fuji fic exchange. Lord, I still ♥ this corner of the fandom something mighty.
    Prince of Tennis - 3 Fanfics
    Saiunkoku Monogatari - 4 Fanfics
    Gintama - 1 Fanart
    Saiunkoku Monogatari/Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - 1 Fanart
    Saiunkoku Monogatari - 4 Fanart

- Prince of Tennis - Desks by Missa - I don't even remember how I landed on this author's journal, just that I was journalhopping and somehow stopped here, seeing the author had written a Tezuka/Fuji piece. I was curious and it was short enough not to take up too much time, so I read. And it was lovely, the kind of understated but not too deliberately vague, the intelligent without being smarty-pants about it that I really like with these two. It's... it captures that whole thing where they don't say much, they don't do much, but there's a certain connection there that's very strong, the author got that nicely, even when they're just sitting in desks that are placed next to each other. <3 (Tezuka/Fuji.)

- Prince of Tennis - Airmail by Missa - I haven't read much RyoSaku fic, mostly because I suspect a lot of it probably isn't very good. And I'm never sure if I'm quite all the way onboard with the pairing, since it didn't exactly get off on the best foot early on in the series. However, I've seen enough fanart by now that I think I've become at least a passive fan of the pairing and, hey, fic falling into my lap. And it was perfect, the characterization was lovely and made me adore both characters. It's wonderfully told through a series of letters between the two characters, moving time forward and showing Ryoma's progress through the American tennis courts, showing both their characters so very well through the letters they write and the words they choose. Ryoma is still Ryoma and Sakuno is still Sakuno and the writing is clever, sharp, and the kind that makes me really actively like the pairing. Fabulous, even if you're not really a fan of the couple. (Ryoma/Sakuno.)

- Prince of Tennis - A Beautiful Christmas Eve by Missa - The thing I loved about this story is that it felt like fanart, like the image it was based on. I love the imagery the author used, so many things that I have a weakness for--snow and gloves and hand-holding and dorky hats for Christmas gifts. I was totally giggling by the ending and wanting to twirl around a little out of love for this pairing, they're just so cute here, gah! <3 (Yuuta/Mizuki.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - In case of doubt, it is best to err on the side of mercy by Truth - So, naturally, now that I've watched up through episode 19 of Saiunkoku, I've been craving fic. Fic of the Reishin/Kouyuu variety because, arrrrghhh, Tammaiya is an evil, evil soul-destroying demon, making me take notice of Reishin and Kouyuu's issues with him. Honestly, I didn't think there'd be fic for this pairing in fandom, so I was pleasantly surprised to stumble over this one. And it's just. It hits all the kinks I have with these characters so hard, Kouyuu's family and his loyalty to Reishin and Reishin's inability to tell Kouyuu how much he really does care about him and how badly Kouyuu wants something more from Reishin even as he's resigned himself and then a smoking-hot ending that really needs to be developed more, yes. The fic made my fangirl heart just ache for Kouyuu and want to give him lots and lots of hugs. ....I may have a thing for Kouyuu, hm. (Reishin/Kouyuu.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - Poor unfortunate soul by Lyan - More Reishin and Kouyuu fic, eeee! And this was really just cute and delightful because Reishin is evil and makes Kouyuu go camping and then spins the poor kid around so badly that he'll never regain his dignity. Which is how it should always be with these two. Also, the ending is great, both in terms of the potential-maybe-kinda-sorta Reishin/Kouyuu and for the Shuuei mention. Because no humiliation of Kouyuu's is complete without Shuuei there to enjoy it. *giggles* (No real pairings, but if I squint I can see Reishin/Kouyuu implications.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - Wills and Wishes by Katharos - You know, this isn't something I would have thought of for Kouyuu's past, I just assumed that he didn't have any idea who his family was, so this was an interesting take on his character and potential past. Plus, there was more interaction with Reishin (with hints of Shuuei bugging Kouyuu just for fun as well, which no Kouyuu fic is entirely complete without ^_~) and I love that he's so... well, Reishin here. You're not really sure what's going through his mind as he watches Kouyuu or at least Kouyuu's not sure and it's this huge moment for Kouyuu and you wanna give him a hug so badly and then Reishin is Reishin and he's kind of a cold jerk except not really and *FLAIL* I can't write a proper rec because I'm way too fangirly over the fic. *loves* (No warnings/pairings, but if I ever have a Reishin/Kouyuu section, this'll go there. Despite that it's ENTIRELY GEN.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - Introductions by Cairnsy - While I realize that the Kou family plays a large part in the Saiunkoku series, I suspect I've become fixated on them to a bit of an unhealthy degree. Fic like this really isn't helping, either, because it's such a great piece for showing the time just after Reishin adopted Kouyuu, where Kurou first meets the kid, and there's this great sense of... they're all still batshit and sneaky, but they're a family and I love that. I love the characterization of all of them, but it's really great to see the POV from Kurou's perspective, there's a straightforward quality that you wouldn't get with Reishin or Shouka, yet it does such a fabulous job of keeping the sense of humor from the series and in giving little insights into their characters. Plus. Omg omg omg kidlet!Kouyuu and Reishin being almost nice to him for two seconds and the sarcastic lines from Reishin to Kurou and Shouka being the gentle older brother and just everything was fabulous and squee-worthy. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Gintama - under tone [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - This totally isn't my fault, I swear! I was just minding my own business, poking around for Saiunkoku Monogatari fanart and happened to see a bunch of Gintama links, I didn't mean to wander through them to see if I could find any new GinZura links. Naturally, I happened to stumble over one. And of course it had totally cute/funny/adorable/pretty art for me to coo over. Of course it had a series of comics with a totally hot Gin or Katsura with cat earts and none too happy about it. Of course it had a insanely hot bloody!Gin and then gorgeous, gorgeous handporn/hand kissing. *sigh* Now I want GinZura fic. *kicks fandom* But the site was fabulous. And there's hot!Gin doctor sucking on a lollipop that should be illegal on the oekaki board. :9 (Gin/Katsura.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari/Harukanaru Toki no Nakade - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - First things first, thank you to Tammaiya for helping me out with the Saiunkoku search engine so I could better search through the sites. Second, OMG YAY JAPAN LOVES ME AGAIN. See, I really love Shuuei/Kouyuu but I also really love Reishin/Kouyuu and kind of wanted it desperately. So when this site came along, with its gorgeous standalone character art and then a handful of really pretty Reishin/Kouyuu art, I was sent into fits of fangirl happiness. FITS OF FANGIRL HAPPINESS. Seriously, the art is so pretty and the art hits all the right tones with Kouyuu being such a hissing wet cat or surpisingly vulnerable in that way he has. There's also a surprising amount on the site, you can find a lot tucked away in the junk section. The site has one of the prettiest Ryuuren images I've seen, some fabulous Ran brothers art, and some very nice group art. Overall, the site probably would have been one of my favorites just for the skill of the artist, but the Reishin/Kouyuu put it over the top, definitely. ♥ As for the HaruToki3 fanart, it was very solid and often very pretty; the artist has a way with these bright, almost airy colors that I really like. I admit, I was more bowled over by the Saiunkoku art, but the HaruToki3 art is really nice and definitely worth a whirl through the site for. (Some Reishin/Kouyuu, some other het, some other yaoi, a lot of gen. HaruToki is a mix of various yaoi/het pairings and gen.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - There's not a whole lot of art here, but I was immediately impressed with how beautiful all of it was. Each illustration was just lovely, the pretty, almost glowing colors and the solid skill of the artist, all of it fabulous. But it was also that the artist drew Ryuuki/Shuurei in modern day clothing or made me absolutely fawn over a Kouyuu/Shuurei illustration or nearly trip over myself for her kidlet!Kouyuu or the beautiful, beautiful one of Shuurei and Ryuuren. It's one of those sites that I think will end up being one of the best in fandom. ♥ (A lot of het, but no single theme.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Whoa, I think Shuuei was paired with nearly every single character in the series on this site. XDDD Some of the pairings were a bit random, but I couldn't help recommending the site anyway, because Shuuei/Seiran might be strange, but the artist draws it beautifully once she gets going. The early art on the site isn't nearly as strong as the later stuff, but by the time you're finishing up the gallery proper, the artist has totally gotten good. But the site was also worth it for the really hot Shuuei/Kouyuu oekaki and the one of Reishin getting out his fan of bitchiness to nearly whack Shuuei in the face with it. (Which I choose to believe is about Kouyuu, yes. ^_~) The site was enjoyable, there was a lot of crack here, but a lot of pretty stuff, too. Especially recommended for Shuuei fans. XD (Shuuei/everyone, but particularly Shuuei/Kouyuu and Shuuei/Seiran.)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - It really didn't take long at all for me to be won over by this site despite that I wasn't sure I was going to like the chibi-esque style at first. But the artist drew such cute little characters (with a surprising amount of detail to make them still pretty, not just cute), had such a fun sense of humor (Kouyuu and Reishin dressed up for Christmas was adorable!) and drew a nice variety of the cast while still giving Reishin and the rest of the Kou family plenty of focus. I'm clearly developing a thing for him and this site totally helped feed that. There's also a lot of art tucked away in various galleries, enough to leave me a puddle of cooing fangirl mess afterwards. AND THE FLASH COMICS ARE SO CUTE OMFG. So, so much love for this site. (It's pretty gen, but there's a nice balance between Kou family and the entire cast. ♥)

- Saiunkoku Monogatari - Estrellita [ Japanese Fanart Site ] - Pretty much from the first b&w illustration I saw of Reishin watching over Kouyuu, I was a little bit in love with this site. The artist does gorgeous black and white art, such sharp lines and great shading that really makes everything look so vivid. Not that her color art is bad, either--she's got this one Ryuuki/Shuurei image that's soooo pretty. And then a beautiful one of Kouyuu in color wwith a great look of trauma/horror on his face that I loved instantly. She does a gorgeous everyone, really, all of her drawings are beautiful, but... oh, man, hitting the one of younger Seien and little!Ryuuki who is all scuffed and still smiling... new favorite Saiunkoku fanart ever, seriously. A gorgeous, gorgeous site, one of the best of fandom, I'm positive. *fangirly happy sigh* (Some het, a lot of gen.)

NEW GOAL: 255/1500

fanart: gintama, fic: saiunkoku monogatari, fic: prince of tennis, fanart: saiunkoku monogatari, fanart: harukanaru toki no nakade

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