[ Avatar, Batman, CCS/Foster's, House, SGA, X-Men ]

Dec 10, 2006 12:10

Notes: Looking over the recs I've made in the last several months, I've been rec'ing more het and gen than slash, haven't I? It makes me wonder if I really am just that contrary. Het rules, so I want slash. Slash rules these days, so now I want het. Wtf. XD

(Also, someone please please please tell me there is Hellboy fic worth reading out there.)
    Avatar: The Last Airbender - 9 Fanfics
    Batman - 1 Fanfic
    Cardcaptor Sakura/Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - 1 Fanfic
    House - 1 Fanfic
    Stargate: Atlantis - 1 Fanfic
    X-Men Movieverse - 2 Fanfics
    X-Men - 1 Fanfic

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - Dumb Little Beads by effie's head - I was just randomly surfing around FFNET and happened to stop on this fic and it's a bit like fate that I pretty much tripped over one of the few Aang/Katara fics that really caught me. (I love the pairing, but I'm usually content with canon because fandom is rarely sparkling enough.) It's the little details, the way Katara watches the dress, the way she doesn't quite touch it, the way Aang watches her looking at the dress, the way he thinks to himself about what he would do for her if he could. It's got this great little moment in time feeling to it and the characterization is so spot-on that it's lovely. Wonderful fic. (Aang/Katara.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - untitled by whirleeq - Well, after the last fic, clearly I had to go find more Aang/Katara fic. Randomly poking around the comm, I stumbled over another that I rather liked and this was a lovely piece about the way Aang and Katara's kisses change over time. Going from sweet and something like innocent to the heartbreak they suffer throughout the series to something more intense and deeper. The tone of it is perfect for these two, so much emotion but without overdoing the content so that I'd feel uncomfortable. They're still kids in my mind, but this fic smoothed the way towards progression for them in my mind, just enough. (Aang/Katara.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - untitled by whirleeq - [Note: There will be spoilers for the season two finale in this fic.] This is one of those neat little ideas, Aang unconscious/somewhere else spiritually and facing the spectres of the previous Avatars, having to stand up against their disapproval after what happened in the finale, and the fabulous way he holds his ground and such a great, warm-hearted ending. <3 (Aang/Katara.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - I wanna be free by squarewhore - I'm normally not geared towards fics set in the past as much as I am towards futurefic, but there was something about this one that caught me. Mai wandering the halls of the palace and stumbling across Zuko, who's having a rough night and it's just this... short, lovely scene where you can start to see how she developed her crush on him, even when he's at a low point. I love how nervous and unsure she is here while still being so very Mai, it's a great little character piece for both of them. Also, SO CUTE OMG. (Zuko/Mai.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - time after time by squarewhore - Why do I like babyfic with Zuko/Mai so much? Is it some sort of disease? Something I can blame on someone else? Or is this some sort of defect in me? Whatever the reason, I was practically lighting up when I saw there was more for this pairing and by an author who creates these little touches in a fic that leave me completely wibbling. In this fic, sure, Mai's reactions are fun and delightful, but it's Zuko's reaction to the news that just... oh, oh, yes, that's wonderful right there, how he's been someone who has nothing and now someone who has everything and the way they fit together and it's just... oh, screw it. My reaction --> asdl;fkjasld;fjalkjfalsks :D :D :D :D :D (Zuko/Mai.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - Left Behind by Katharos - For all that I fangirl the main characters most in Avatar, the fandom playing around with these background characters (this time, Kuzon, one of Aang's old friends) and making something really interesting and full of depth, is great. This is such a fantastic piece, it shows how hard war is for some people, even in the Fire Nation, the way it's such a harsh country at times, it shows how this character could go from someone good-natured to someone who does something he doesn't really want to do because there's little other choice, it's very... it's something that I absolutely could see fitting together with the series. Fascinating. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - In the hand by Katharos - I was just mentioning that I'm not as fond of pre-series fic as I am post-series fic, but fandom keeps making a liar out of me, because this piece with a surprisingly simple concept--Zuko and Iroh playing cards--shows so many little insights and gorgeous foreshadowing that I love it. The characterization is much the same, quiet brilliance as well; I greatly enjoyed the whole thing. (No warnings/pairing.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - Timebending by Katharos - Oh, oh, Aang. Gorgeous piece that's so in character for him that it hurts, such a quiet sort of angst that hits all the harder for it. The beautiful way the author ties together his memories and what happened to him, it could have felt like such a forced set-up, instead it has that same magic the show does, pulling off something you can kinda see coming, but is still incredibly well-done. Just. This was beautiful and heartbreaking and the ending was perfect and I loved it. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Avatar: The Last Airbender - Invitation to the Voyage by reimars - [Note: This is the second story in the author's Art of War series, as well as it has spoilers for the second season finale.] Continuing from where the previous fic left off, this continues to be a very, very intriguing post-finale series about the royal siblings and whatever it is that Azula's planning. The author has a very sharp way of writing her, very intelligent and you can see why she gets as far as she does, why she's so interesting. Even when the story is about little more than set-up for later happenings, when it's just about the end of the day and Azula checking in on several of the plates she has in the air, it's about showing insight into her character and it works very, very well on that level. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Batman - Season of Such Infinite Labor by Mara - Like several of the commentors, I'm finding it incredibly difficult to summon up the words to describe this delightful holiday fic. It's just so... Batman being so very put-upon and being growly about it and Babs being amused at the entire situation and Tim trying not to laugh and Bruce growling some more and Cass being all, "...?" and it's just great. The timing of the piece is terrific, the moments of humor come at the right times, they're genuinely hysterical (I had trouble not laughing out loud for about the entire second half of the fic), and it's a brilliant fic for inspiring good holiday cheer. I cannot express my love for the fic enough. (No warnings/pairings.)

- Cardcaptor Sakura/Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends - A Bit of Advice by Laurus Nobilis - You know, it might have been weird to see a series like CCS crossed over with something like Foster's... but the way this is written, it seems so natural a thing for them to cross dimensions. I love so many little details here, I love Frankie's reactions to having tea with her grandmother, Clow, and the Guardians. But mostly I love that Madame Foster and Clow would be fantastic tea partners, I love the way Madame Foster slips seamlessly into the world here. (No warnings/pairings.)

- House - The Waters of March by Imry - I had read the author's Avatar fic and really liked it, so I wanted to poke at her journal for more. I didn't expect to find House fic and certainly not Foreman/Cameron (which has been in far too short supply lately), but I was delighted nonetheless. And this is a gorgeous piece for both Cameron's character and the potential beginnings of a relationship with Foreman--time after time in this scene, the short scenes that packed these intense punches, there were moments when I was nearly breathless for how perfect Cameron was here. It springboards off "Euphoria" really well, but it's just... the author gets what makes the character tick, makes them interesting, and doesn't shy away from the painful parts of their characters, doesn't shy away from the messy, complicated sides of them, but still comes up with something that left me feeling hopeful. Gorgeous writing. (Foreman/Cameron.)

- Stargate: Atlantis - M7G-512 (or: Why Gate Team 5 is No Longer Allowed To Write Their Own Mission Reports) by Khriskin - I picked this fic up from this rec and was curious to see if it was as amusing as the reccer described. It was. It so was. I giggled the entire way through this piece, it's just brilliantly timed and executed. Totally why I love the SGA show and its fandom. (No warnings/pairings.)

- X-Men movieverse - Two Households by likeadeuce - I've liked the author's X-Men fic before, so I was very curious as to how she would deal with Alex and Lorna, without realizing at first that this was a movieverse fic. Still curious, I clicked to read and, obviously, am very glad I did so. Part of it is the introduction of Alex's relationship with Scott and the introduction of Lorna into the movierse, which I have such the soft spot for when done like this. But it's also the author's talent and sparkle coming through in her writing that leaves me a pile of fangirl mush. Not to mention the fabulous, fabulous characterization, the whole Two Houses theme, and the idea of Magneto's kids in the movierse. I may have sprained a little something with the fangirl squee. Ahem. (Implications of Alex/Lorna.)

- X-Men movieverse - Twenty Things that Might Have Happened at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters by Musamea - I was browsing through the Scott/Jean comm and noticed this one, having a weakness for the whole "twenty things" format when it's done well. These were lovely pieces of potential background details/story for the movieverse, frequently taking aspects from the comics and winding them into this alternate canon in an interesting way. I love that it wasn't just about Scott and Jean, it was about all of the characters and their time at Xavier's school, about showing them to be the family they are. Lovely read, this was. (Scott/Jean and implications of other popular pairings.)

- X-Men - 20 Things You Might Not Know about Scott Summers by likeadeuce - Oh, god, Scott. The author is incredible making me love the character even more than when I started, using the "twenty things" format to gorgeous effect here. Some of them are funny, some of them are interesting/insightful, some of them brilliantly show off what a family the X-Men are, and the final few hit me straight in the fangirl heart and leave me aching. I adore the author's geeking out of Scott's character, but done in a way that fits with him just so incredibly perfectly, the way he's so much more than you'd think just to look at him, the way it fits with all of what we know of the character, but gives him even more depth. #18 is just all kinds of brilliant and any fic that contains these lines has to be fabulous: He just thinks having a nemesis named "Magneto" is embarrassing because it makes his already ludicrous job sound that much more absurd. (Scott/Jean, but it's not really the point.)

NEW GOAL: 125/1500

fic: house, fic: avatar, fic: x-men, fic: stargate: atlantis, fic: batman, fic: cardcaptor sakura, fic: foster's home for imaginary friends

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