--Of course! Go figure if
I can manage to follow a schedule every now and then XD
Anyway, yesterday I started to sort out things, I came up with a "storyboard" for Tra i Fiori and its conclusion.
Feel free to take a peek at how my mind works x'DD
I saw that it'll take me 13+1 pages (the "1" is just a tiny extra "Thanks" page) to finish the story.
And I decided that I want to end it within this month.
So expect multiple pages updates in the next days. I'm going to start tomorrow with 4 pages 'til I'll be done. *determination*
Once I'll be done with Fiori, March is going to be The Groom of the Shark's month: in fact the second part of the sharky sequel will come to an end within this month.
The spring season will see the start of Hana no Ka wa tsugu (that will be shortened as HanaKa... I can tell you this already XD), which is going to be a very short comic, that hopefully I can take care of during the whole month without further stress.
The protagonists of this tiny sequel of Sakura Mishouzo are going to be Mitsubachi (that now goes by the name Hachida Mitsuhiko) and Oda Nobutada, the son of the famous general Oda Nobunaga.
Outsuke-dono, another short story about the youth of Nobunaga through the eyes of his young retainer Maeda Toshiie, will see light on May, as I anticipated, if not earlier, once I'll be done with HanaKa.
...And let's see if I can follow this shit. One step at time, let's start to get rid of these fucking bunnies.
Originally posted at
http://daeva-neesan.dreamwidth.org/552224.html If you want, please comment there :3